
微波技術 - 高頻電路板生產校對


微波技術 - 高頻電路板生產校對



定義 電路板生產高頻板
高頻電路板 指電磁頻率較高的特殊電路板. It is used for high-frequency (frequency greater than 300MHZ or wavelength less than 1 meter) and microwave (frequency greater than 3GHZ or wavelength less than 0.1 meter). 它是一種微波基板,覆銅板是一種採用普通工藝製作的電路板 剛性電路板製造 方法或使用特殊處理方法. 一般來說, 高頻電路板可以定義為頻率高於1GHz的電路板!
隨著科學技術的飛速發展, more and more equipment is designed for applications in the microwave frequency band (>1GHZ) or even in the millimeter wave field (30GHZ). 這也意味著頻率越來越高, 而電路板對資料的要求也越來越高. 例如, 印刷電路板基板資料需要具有優异的電力效能, 化學穩定性好, 並且隨著功率訊號頻率的新增,襯底上的損耗很小, 因此 高頻板 突出顯示. 2 PCB 高頻板 應用領域:移動通信產品; 功率放大器, 低雜訊放大器, 等.; 功分器等無源元件, 耦合器, 雙工器, 篩檢程式, 等.; 汽車防撞系統, 衛星系統, 無線電系統, 和其他欄位, 電子設備的高頻化是發展趨勢.
PCB高頻電路板 應用:移動通信產品; 功率放大器, 低雜訊放大器, 等.; 功分器等無源元件, 耦合器, 雙工器, 篩檢程式, 等.; 汽車防撞系統, 衛星系統, 無線電系統, 和其他欄位, 電子設備的高頻化是發展趨勢.
Classification of high frequency board powder ceramic filled thermosetting 材料
A. 電路板 manufacturer:
4350B/4003C from Rogers
Arlon's 25N/25FR
Taconic's TLG series
B. 電路板 processing method:
The processing process is similar to epoxy resin/glass woven cloth (FR4), 但板材相對易碎,容易斷裂. 鑽孔和敲鑼時, 鑽頭和鑼刀的壽命降低20%. PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) 材料
A. 製造商:RO3000系列, RT系列, TMM series from Rogers
Arlon's AD/AR系列, IsoClad系列, CuClad series
Taconic's RF series, TLX系列, TLY series
Taixing Microwave's F4B, F4BM, F4BK, TP-2
B. 處理管道:1. Cutting: The protective film must be kept for cutting to prevent scratches and creasing


2. 電路板 drilling
1. Use a brand new drill (standard 130), 一個接一個是最好的, the pressure of the presser foot is 40psi
2. 鋁板是蓋板, and then the PTFE plate is tightened with a 1mm melamine backing plate
3. 鑽孔後, use an air gun to blow out the dust in the hole
4. Use the most stable drilling rig and drilling parameters (basically the smaller the hole, 鑽孔速度越快, 晶片負載越小, the smaller the return speed)
3. Hole processing of the circuit board
Plasma treatment or sodium naphthalene activation treatment is conducive to hole metallization
4. 電路板 PTH sinking copper
1 After the micro-蝕刻 (the micro-etching rate has been controlled by 20 microinches), the PTH pulls from the de-oiler cylinder to enter the board
2 If necessary, 通過第二個PTH, just start the board from the expected cylinder
5. 電路板 solder mask
1 Pre-treatment: Use acidic plate washing instead of mechanical grinding plate
2 Baking plate after pretreatment (90 degree Celsius, 30min), brush with green oil to cure
3 Baking plates in three stages: one section of 80 degree Celsius, 100攝氏度, 150攝氏度, each for 30 minutes (if you find that the substrate surface is oily, you can rework: wash off the green oil and reactivate it)
6. 電路板 gong board
Lay the white paper on the circuit surface of the PTFE board, 並用FR-4基板或厚度為1的酚醛基板上下夾住.0毫米蝕刻以去除銅, 如圖所示: 高頻板 lamination method
The burrs on the back of the gong board need to be carefully trimmed by hand to prevent damage to the substrate and copper surface, 然後用相當大尺寸的無硫紙分離, 並進行目視檢查. 减少毛刺, 關鍵是鑼板工藝必須有良好的效果.
Process flow NPTH's PTFE sheet processing flow
Cutting-Drilling-Dry Film-Inspection-Etching-Erosion Inspection-Solder Mask-Characters-Spray Tin-Forming-Testing-Final Inspection-Packaging-Shipment
PTH's PTFE plate processing flow
Cutting-drilling-hole treatment (plasma treatment or sodium naphthalene activation treatment)-copper immersion-board electricity-dry film-inspection-diagram electricity-etching-corrosion inspection-solder mask-character-spray tin-molding-test-final Inspection-Packaging-Shipping
Summarize the difficulties of high-frequency circuit board processing
1. Immersion copper: the hole wall is not easy to be copper
2. 地圖傳輸線隙和沙眼的控制, etching, line width
3. 綠油工藝:綠油附著力, green oil foaming control
4. 各工序嚴格控制板面劃痕.

iPCB是 PCB製造 工廠,iPCB professional production Printed Circuit Board(PCB) and PCB Assembly(PCBA). iPCB最擅長微波電路,HDI PCB,羅傑斯PCB,IC基板,IC測試板和多層PCB,iPCB為客戶提供PCB原型, 及時提供PCB製造和定制PCB防板生產服務.