Introduction of chemical gold process
Chemical gold is also chemical gold. 通過化學氧化還原反應方法形成鍍層, 通常較厚. 這是一種可以獲得更厚金層的化學鎳金層沉積方法.
Introduction of chemical gold process
There is a very common process used in the surface treatment of PCB板 浸金工藝. 浸金法是化學沉積法, 在表面上產生一層金屬鍍層 PCB板 通過化學氧化還原反應, 有效阻隔銅和空氣. 氧化也稱為化學金.
Benefits of gold chemical process:
1. 浸入式鍍金板顏色鮮豔, 顏色好,外觀漂亮.
7. 浸入式鍍金板的應力更容易控制.
PCB板tg introduction
Tg is the temperature resistance value. Tg點越高, 板材在壓制過程中的溫度要求越高, 壓板會變硬變脆, which will affect the quality of the mechanical drilling (if any) in the subsequent process and the electrical properties during use to a certain extent. 特徵.
PCB板tg introduction
The general Tg of the plate is more than 130 degrees, 高Tg通常大於170度, 介質Tg大約在150度以上. 通常 PCB印製板 使用Tg時,170攝氏度被稱為 高Tg印製板s.
The advantages of 高tg PCB板
1. 當溫度 高Tg印製板 上升到某個區域, 基板將從“玻璃狀態”變為“橡膠狀態”. The temperature at this time is called the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the board. 換句話說, Tg is the highest temperature (°C) at which the substrate maintains rigidity.
2. 也就是說, 普通PCB基板資料 不僅產生軟化, 變形, 高溫下的熔化和其他現象, 但也顯示出機械和電力效能的急劇下降.
3、基板的熱重新增,印製板的耐熱性、防潮性、耐化學性、穩定性等特性得到改善和提高。 TG值越高,電路板的耐溫性越好,尤其是在無鉛工藝中,高TG應用更為常見。