
PCB科技 - PCB層介紹


PCB科技 - PCB層介紹



The line drawn by TopLayer (top layer) is red, 哪一層是將軍的上層 雙面板, 該層不用於單面板.
The line drawn by BottomLayer (bottom layer) is blue, 哪個是單面板上方的線路層.

MidLayer1. (MidLayer1) This is the first middle layer. 看起來有3.0層. 通常地, 設計師不能使用它. 你不用擔心. 當有多個面板時使用. 預設值不顯示在99SE中, 而且它沒有被使用.

Mechanical Layers (purple red) are used to mark the size 和 board description, 在 PCB複製板 處理, 那就是, 這塊板製作時是看不見的, 它意味著簡單的點注釋.

Top Overlay (the top silk screen layer) (yellow) is the characters on the front of the board. This layer of characters can be used for the TopLayer (top layer) single panel. The Bottom Overlay (bottom screen layer) (brown) corresponds to the BottomLayer (bottom layer), 哪個是董事會. 對於背面的人物, 雙面列印時使用上述兩層字元.

KeepOutLayer (prohibited wiring layer) (purple red with the mechanical layer) is simply the frame and appearance of the board.
Multi layer (multi-layer) (silver) All wiring layers are included. 通常地, 該層上有單面和雙面挿件, 在所有層上繪製條紋.

1. TopLayer (top layer) The top layer wiring layer, 用於繪製組件之間的電力連接.
2 BottomLayer (bottom layer) bottom wiring layer, 作為頂部佈線層.

3.MidLayer1 (MidLayer1) is used to draw electrical connection lines on this layer when making multilayer boards, 但是多層板的成本相對較高.
4 Mechanical Layers (mechanical layers) 可以用來繪製 PCB印製板, 以及需要挖掘的部分, 也可用於注釋PCB尺寸, 等., can be used to draw the shape of the PCB印製板, 以及需要挖掘的部分, 注意不要對PCB形狀使用相同的機械層, 切口和PCB注釋尺寸. 例如, 機械層1用於繪製PCB形狀和切口, 機械層13用於標注尺寸. 分離後, 印製板製造商的科技人員將跟隨您自己分析這一層中的東西是否需要製作這一層.

5 Top Overlay (the top silk screen layer) (yellow) is the characters on the front of the board. This layer of characters can be used for the TopLayer (top layer) single panel. Bottom Overlay (the bottom silk screen layer) (brown) corresponds to BottomLayer (bottom layer). 這是板背面的字元. 雙面列印時使用上述兩層字元.


6. KeepOutLayer (forbidden wiring layer) is used to draw the prohibited wiring area. 如果印製板上沒有繪製機械層, 印製板製造商的人員會將該層視為PCB形狀. 如果同時使用禁止層和機械層, 默認情况下,使用mechanical層作為PCB形狀, 但印製板製造商的科技人員將自己加以區分, 但如果他們無法區分, 它們將默認為mechanical層. 形狀層.
7. Multi layer (multi-layer) (silver) All wiring layers are included. 通常地, 該層上有單面和雙面挿件, 在所有層上繪製條紋.

一, Signal Layers (signal layer)
Protel98 and Protel99 provide 16 signal layers: Top (top), Bottom (bottom) and Mid1-Mid14 (14 middle layers).
訊號層是用於完成印刷電路板銅箔痕迹的佈線層. 當設計 雙面板, generally only two layers of Top (top) and Bottom (bottom) are used. 當 印刷電路板 超過4層, Mid (middle wiring layer) is required.

二, Internal Planes (internal power supply / ground plane)
Protel98 and Protel99 provide Plane1-Plane4 (4 internal power/ground planes). 內力/接地層主要用於 印刷電路板 4層以上作為電源和接地的專用佈線層, and the 雙面板 不需要使用.

3, Mechanical Layers (mechanical layer)
The mechanical layer is generally used to draw the frame (boundary) of the printed circuit board, 通常只使用一個機械層. There are Mech1-Mech4 (4 mechanical layers).

4, Drkll Layers (drilling position layer)
has 2 layers: "Drill Drawing" and "Drill Guide". 用於繪製孔徑和孔的定位.

5, Solder Mask (solder mask)
has 2 layers: Top (top layer) and Bottom (bottom layer). 在印刷電路板上焊盤和通孔周圍的保護區域繪製阻焊膜.

6, Paste Mask (Solder Paste Protective Layer)
has 2 layers: Top (top layer) and Bottom (bottom layer). 錫膏保護層主要用於 印刷電路板 帶表面安裝組件. 此時, 表面安裝部件的安裝過程需要, 當沒有表面安裝組件時,不需要該層.

7, Silkscreen (silk screen layer)
has 2 layers: Top (top layer) and Bottom (bottom layer). 絲網層主要用於繪製文字描述和圖形描述, 比如輪廓, 組件的標籤和參數.

8, Other (other layers)