
PCB科技 - 多層電路板工廠:正負之差


PCB科技 - 多層電路板工廠:正負之差




PCB工廠多層電路板負片:通常我們談論拉帳篷的過程, 所用的化學溶液是酸蝕負片,因為在製作負片之後, 所需的電路或銅表面是透明的, 不需要的部分是它是黑色的. 電路工藝暴露後, 透明部分通過暴露在光下的幹膜抗蝕劑進行化學固化. 隨後的顯影過程將沖洗掉未固化的幹膜, 囙此,在蝕刻過程中,只有幹膜會被蝕刻. The copper foil of the film is washed away (the black part of the negative film), 並且幹膜沒有被洗掉, which belongs to the circuit we want (the transparent part of the negative film)

Multilayer 電路板 正片:通常我們談論圖案處理, 所用的yao液為鹼性蝕刻正片. 如果你看底片, 所需電路或銅表面為黑色, 另一部分也是透明的, 通過電路過程曝光後, 透明部分通過暴露在光下的幹膜抗蝕劑進行化學硬化. Lead is plated on the copper surface washed away by the dry film in the previous process (development), and then the film is removed (removing the dry film hardened by light). Drop the copper foil without tin-lead protection (the transparent part of the negative), and the rest is the circuit we want (the black part of the negative)

Positive film and negative film are actually selected according to the process of each 電路板 工廠. Positive film: The process is (雙面電路板) cutting-drilling-PTH (one-time plating is also called thickened copper)-circuit-two copper (graphic plating) ) Then take the SES line (removal film-etching-stripping tin) negative film: the process is (double-sided) cutting-drilling-PTH (one-time plating is also called thickened copper)-line (without two copper pattern plating) and then go DES line (etching-removing film)


1. Distinguish between the master film (negative film), 工作影片, the positive and negative film and the film surface: the film has the master film and the working film (child film), 黑色膠片和黃色膠片, positive film and negative film;

2. 注意黃色薄膜的使用:有光澤表面和啞光表面兩種. The second type is prone to oil surface indentation when used;

3. 區分姚膜表面時, 黑色光滑的表面是藥物膜, 而黃色膠片則相反. 通常地, 用刮刀或刮刀刮膜,可以看到側面是藥物表面. (Master film: orthographic positive medicine surface, sub-film: orthographic negative medicine surface);

4. 一般來說, 底片是黑色的, 也稱為銀鹽膜, which is mainly used to copy the work film (yellow film is also called diazo film), 但工作片不一定只是黃色電影. 還有黑色電影作為工作電影. 用於生產高精度HDI板或一次性小批量生產 電路板s以節省成本. 黃色薄膜用於製造普通PCB 電路板s和批量生產的普通 電路板s;

5. The light-transmitting negative film on the film circuit (with copper), 所述不透明膜為正膜; 正極膜用於圖案電鍍, 開發了電路, 其餘功能為防腐電鍍, 主要鍍有鉛和錫 . 負片用於直接蝕刻, 顯影後留下的抗蝕劑是一個電路, 用酸性蝕刻液直接蝕刻.