
PCB科技 - 為什麼電鍍過程中PCB邊緣會燒傷


PCB科技 - 為什麼電鍍過程中PCB邊緣會燒傷




PCB電子廠 你要明白,因為電子產品需要複雜的科技和一定程度的環境和安全適應性, 它在以下方面促進了相當大的進展: PCB電鍍科技. 在PCB多層電路板電鍍中, 有機物和金屬添加劑的化學分析變得越來越複雜, 化學反應過程變得越來越精確.
但即便如此, PCB多層電路板電鍍時, 董事會的一面仍會不時被燒毀. 那麼問題的根源是什麼?
電鍍過程中PCB邊緣燒焦的原因 多層電路板 are rough as follows:

1. The current density is too high
Each plating solution has its best current density range.
電流密度過低, 塗層顆粒粗化, 甚至不能沉積塗層. 當電流密度新增時, 陰極極化效應新增, 囙此塗層緻密,塗層速度加快. 但是如果電流密度太大, the coating will be burnt or scorched;

2. The tin-lead anode is too long
When the anode is too long and the workpiece is too short, 工件下端電源線過密,易燒焦; 當陽極在水准方向上的分佈遠大於水准放置的工件長度時, 工件兩端的電源線密集,容易燒焦.

3 Insufficient tin-lead metal content
The metal content is insufficient, 電流稍大, H+ is easily discharged by the machine, 鍍液體的擴散和電遷移速度變慢, 導致灼燒.

4 Insufficient additives
In simple salt electroplating, 如果添加劑添加過多, 吸附產生的添加劑膜層太厚, 主要鹽類金屬離子難以穿透吸附層放電, but H+ is a small proton that easily penetrates the adsorption layer and discharges hydrogen, 塗層容易燃燒. 此外, 過多的添加劑還有其他副作用, 囙此,任何添加劑和光亮劑都必須遵循减少添加頻率的原則.


5. Insufficient circulation or stirring of tank liquid
agitation is the main means to increase the speed of convective mass transfer. 使用陰極移動或旋轉, 工件表面的液層與鍍液之間可以有一定距離的相對流動; 攪拌强度越大, 對流傳質效果越好. 攪拌不足時, 表面流體將不均勻流動, 這會導致塗層燃燒.
此外, there are also reasons for the scorching
Organic pollution; metal impurity pollution; too much lead in the coating; anode mud falls into the tank; fluoroboric acid hydrolysis produces lead fluoride particle adhesion.