
PCB新聞 - 多層PCB、高頻多層PCB資料、各類高頻多層PCB資料


PCB新聞 - 多層PCB、高頻多層PCB資料、各類高頻多層PCB資料




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高頻多層PCB 資料羅傑斯粘合片/prepreg
Bonding sheet (semi-cured sheet) is one of the important 資料 in the manufacturing process of 多層PCB. 羅傑斯熱固性和熱塑性高性能粘結層具有較低的Z軸膨脹係數, 降低了金屬化通孔電鍍的風險. 更高的可靠性. 此外, 它還具有可重複的電力特性, 熱固性粘接溫度與FR-4預浸料相容, 囙此可以降低製造成本. Rogers' 粘接 sheets (prepregs) mainly include 2929 bonding sheets, 3001粘合膜, CLTE-P半固化粘接板, COOLSPAN TECA導熱粘合劑, CuClad 6700粘結膜, 等.

2929 bonding sheet
The 2929 bonding sheet is a non-reinforced thermosetting resin-based film bonding system with 1.5, 2, 或3密耳厚度選項. 這是一個理想的選擇,為高頻 多層PCB bonding. 2929擁有專利交聯樹脂系統, 使薄膜粘合系統能够承受多次壓力,並與傳統的處理方法相容. 同時, 2929的膠水流量可控, 囙此,它具有極好的盲孔填充能力. 它可以用於高性能, 高可靠性, 高頻多層PCB 結構應用程序, 如射頻組件, 貼片天線, 和汽車雷達.
產品 features:
• Dielectric constant: 2.9
• Dielectric loss tangent: 0.003
• Can be used for Multi-layer PCB, 高頻 multi-layer PCB 材料, various types of 高頻多層PCB資料

各類高頻多層PCB 材料, including PTFE 材料
• Predictable thickness after pressing

3001 adhesive film
3001 adhesive film is a thermoplastic chloro-fluoropolymer with a thickness of 0.0015 inches (0.381mm) and a width of 12 inches (305mm). 電路效能小,空氣輸出小. 這是一種符合RoHS標準的環保型. Product. 適用於高頻粘接 多層PCB 低介電常數PTFE微波帶狀線封裝等電路, 也可用於將其他結構和電力元件粘合到基板上.
Product features:
• In the microwave frequency band, the dielectric constant and dielectric loss are relatively low
• Supplied on a standard reel with an inner diameter of 3 inches

CLTE-P semi-cured bonding sheet
CLTE-P semi-cured adhesive sheet is a multilayer adhesive 材料 suitable for PTFE microwave high-frequency 多層PCBs. 厚度接近0.0032" (the final forming thickness depends on many factors such as pressure, 電路分佈和銅箔厚度. 表面正確粘合後的最終厚度通常為0.0024").
CLTE-P在高頻下對熱塑性樹脂的保持時間較短 多層PCB 層壓. 它比高頻熱固性預浸資料具有更短的層壓週期, 排氣率低. 這是一種與RoHs相容的環保產品. 適用於雷達系統的應用, 通信系統, PTFE資料粘接和其他高頻資料粘接.
Product features:
• Dielectric constant 2.98
• Dielectric loss tangent 0.0023
• Low CTE value in all directions
• Provided in sheet form
• Flame retardant 材料
• The melting temperature of thermoplastic film is 510°F (265°C)
• Combined with adhesive film with lower melting temperature, sequential lamination can be realized

COOLSPAN TECA Thermal Conductive Adhesive
COOLSPAN Thermal Conductive and Conductive Adhesive (TECA) is a thermosetting adhesive film composed of epoxy resin and silver powder filler. 它有很好的耐熱性,並與無鉛焊接相容. 壓制時流動性低,適合高頻焊接 多層PCB 粘接到厚金屬基板上, 散熱器或射頻模塊外殼.

CuClad 6250 bonding film
The thickness of CuClad 6250 bonding film is 0.0015" (0.038 mm). 使用CuClad 6250可以實現壓敏層的粘合,如介電泡沫資料, 並且使用比傳統RF熱塑性薄膜更低的溫度和壓力. 它適用於不需要接觸高頻等設計的應用 多層PCB bonding of PTFE dielectric 材料 supported by glass under high temperature and high pressure (the melting temperature of thermoplastic film is 213°F (101°C)), 主要用於雷達系統和高可靠性通信系統, PTFE bonding and other high-frequency substrate bonding applications with thick metal plates (such as aluminum).
Product features:
• Dielectric constant 2.32
• Dielectric loss tangent 0.0015
• Available in 24" (305mm) roll form and sheet form
• The dielectric constant value matches the high frequency 多層PCB 常用於 多層PCBs

CuClad 6700 bonding film
CuClad 6700 adhesive film is a chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) thermoplastic copolymer with a thickness of 0.0015" (0.038 mm) or 0.003" (0.076 mm). CuClad 6700比高頻熱固性預浸資料的層壓週期更短, 熱塑性樹脂在層壓中的保持時間短, 排氣率低. 這是一種與RoHs相容的環保產品. 適用於微波帶生產線和其他高頻設備中PTFE資料的粘接 多層PCB 電路, 以及將其他結構和電力元件與介電材料連接.
Product features:
• Dielectric constant: 2.30
• Dielectric loss tangent: 0.0025
• Flame-retardant high-frequency 多層PCB 材料
• The melting temperature of thermoplastic film is 397°F (203°C)
• Supplied in 24" (610mm) roll form and sheet form
• Dielectric properties are matched with low dielectric constant laminates