
PCB科技 - pcb板中TG符號的含義是什麼


PCB科技 - pcb板中TG符號的含義是什麼



臨界溫度 PCB基板熔化 從固態到橡膠流體稱為Tg點, 哪個是熔點. Tg點越高, 板材在壓制過程中的溫度要求越高, 更硬、更脆的板材將被壓制, which will affect the quality of the mechanical drilling (if any) in the subsequent process and the electrical properties during use 在一定程度上. 特徵.
物質的熔點是純物質的固態和液態在一定壓力下處於平衡狀態的溫度, 也就是說, 在壓力和熔點溫度下,固態和液態純物質的化學勢相等, and for For solid-state systems (nano-systems) with extremely high degrees of dispersion, 不能忽略表面部分. 化學勢不僅是溫度和壓力的函數, 而且還與固體顆粒的粒徑有關, 這是一個熱力學一階相變過程. .
熔點隨壓力變化有兩種不同的情况. 對於大多數物質, 熔化過程是一個新增體積的過程. 當壓力新增時, 這些物質的熔點新增; 對於水等物質, 與大多數物質不同, 冰融化成水的體積减小. (The same is true for metal bismuth, 銻, 等.) When the pressure increases, 冰的熔點降低.
Reference 材料: melting point
Tg: Glass Transition Temperature, 玻璃化轉變溫度, is the temperature at which the glassy substance transforms between the glassy state and the high elastic state (usually softened). 在 PCB行業, 玻璃質一般是指由樹脂和玻璃纖維布組成的樹脂或介電層.


Extended information:
How to distinguish the authenticity of PCB板
1. Look for regular big brands
If you want to buy real PCB板, 你必須選擇常規的品牌牌. 畢竟, 品牌是質量和實力的載體. 如果一個大品牌想要在這個行業有一個長期的發展, 它必須注意自己的品牌形象. 冒險做一些會損害你聲譽的事.
2. Look at the environmental protection mark level
To distinguish the authenticity of the PCB資料, 你可以看看環保標籤的等級. 通常地, 當我買董事會時, 板的側面會有一個程式碼, 該規範將明確指出建築材料的環境保護水准. 我們可以從中做出基本判斷. .
3. Look at the plate price
Since PCB等級 具有甲醛釋放量低的優點, PCB級板 will definitely be much more expensive than E1 and E2 grades. 因此, 如果你決定購買 PCB等級 盤子, 你不能只想著省錢和迎接便宜的盤子. 知道“便宜不好, 好貨不便宜“.
4. Look at the quality inspection report of the board
1. 基板從固態熔化為橡膠流體的臨界溫度稱為Tg點, which is the melting point
2. Tg點越高, 板材在壓制過程中的溫度要求越高, 壓板會變硬變脆, to a certain extent.
Affect the quality of the mechanical drilling (if any) in the subsequent process and the electrical characteristics during use.
3. The Tg point is the highest temperature (°C) at which the substrate maintains rigidity. 換句話說, 普通的 PCB基板資料 不僅會軟化,
Phenomena such as deformation and melting are also manifested in a sharp drop in mechanical and electrical properties
4. 電路板的總Tg在130度以上, 高Tg通常大於170度, 介質Tg約大於150度; 基板的熱重得到改善, 和耐熱性, 防潮性, 印製板的耐化學性和穩定性等特性會得到改善和提高. TG值越高, 電路板的耐溫性越好, 尤其是在無鉛錫噴塗過程中, 高Tg應用更常見的地方.
Product name: glass transition temperature
Pinyin: bolihuawendu
English name: glass transition temperature
English abbreviation: T G
Explanation: The temperature at which a polymer changes from a highly elastic state to a glass state, which refers to the temperature at which an amorphous polymer (including the non-crystalline part in a crystalline polymer) changes from a glass state to a highly elastic state or from the latter to the former. 這是非晶態聚合物的大分子段可以自由移動的最低溫度, 通常用TG表示. 沒有固定值, 它經常隨測量方法和條件而變化. 聚合物的重要工藝名額. 高於此溫度, 聚合物表現出彈性; 低於此溫度, 聚合物表現出脆性, 當用作塑膠時必須考慮, 橡膠, 合成纖維, 等. 例如, 聚氯乙烯的玻璃化轉變溫度為80℃. 然而, 它不是產品工作溫度的上限. 例如, 橡膠的工作溫度必須高於玻璃化轉變溫度, 否則會失去高彈性.