
PCB科技 - 高端PCB覆銅板三種關鍵原材料的現狀及效能要求


PCB科技 - 高端PCB覆銅板三種關鍵原材料的現狀及效能要求



印刷電路板科技 copper clad laminate raw 材料
The supply chain pattern of special electrolytic copper foil, 特種樹脂, 以及用於新高端的特種玻璃纖維布 基底資料, and the new 表演 requirements for these three major 材料
This article describes the supply chain pattern of special electrolytic copper foil, 特種樹脂, 以及用於新高端的特種玻璃纖維布 基底資料 近年來, 以及這3種資料的新效能要求.

自2020年初以來,新冠疫情在全球蔓延,導致我國覆銅板原材料供需鏈發生嚴重變化。 自5.G發展以來,用於高頻和高速電路的覆銅板、用於高HDI和IC封裝基板的基板資料在科技、效能和種類上也有了很大的發展。 面對這兩大重要變化,深入研究用於新型和高端基材的電子銅箔、特種樹脂和特種玻璃纖維布的供應鏈模式,以及對3大資料的新效能要求,被視為非常重要、迫切需要的工作。 本文從這兩個方面進行了探討。


1.1 The current supply of various low-profile electrolytic copper foils and the new characteristics of the market structure
The scale and pattern of the global high-frequency and high-speed electrolytic copper foil market in 2019 (market share of each country/region and major manufacturers) are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1.
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Figure 1 The scale and pattern of the global 薄型銅箔 market in 2019
Table 1 Statistics and forecast of the market structure of low-profile copper foil for high-frequency and high-speed circuits in 2018 and 2019
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From Figure 1 and Table 1, it is known that the global production and sales volume of low-profile copper foil (ie market size) is estimated to increase by 49.2019年8%, 達到53,000噸. 估計占7.占全球電解銅箔總量的6%. 2019年全球高頻高速電解銅箔產銷, the ratio of RTF公司 to VLP+HVLP production and sales is approximately 77:23. 然而, the proportion of VLP+HVLP will increase in the next few years.
2019年, 國內外投資銅箔企業在中國大陸共生產7種,580噸薄型銅箔, 其中內資企業51家.2% (3880 tons). 內資企業生產銷售薄型電解銅箔占比2.7% of the total output (144,000 tons) of copper foil for electronic circuits in domestic-funded enterprises. 2019年, domestic domestic-funded enterprises achieved new breakthroughs in mass production of VLP+HVLP varieties, 但這種薄型銅箔的生產和銷售非常少, 僅占2.占全球此類電解銅箔總產量和銷售額的3%.
1.2 New characteristics of differentiation of low-profile electrolytic copper foil varieties and performance requirements for high-frequency and high-speed circuits
1.2.1 Corresponding to different transmission loss grades of high-frequency and high-speed copper-clad electrolytic copper foil varieties and low profile
In order to pursue better signal integrity (Signal Integrity, abbreviated SI) for high-frequency and high-speed circuits, copper clad laminates must achieve (especially at high frequencies) lower 訊號傳輸損耗 performance. 這要求在製造覆銅箔層壓板時使用導體資料, 具有低調的特點. 那就是, 用於製造覆銅板的銅箔的Rz值較低, 低Rq和其他品種.
根據訊號傳輸損耗的四個級別, 對應各種薄型銅箔品種, Rz要求和主要製造商品牌, 如錶2所示. 錶2還列出了各類薄型銅箔在所需基板傳輸損耗級覆銅板數量中的排名.
Table 2 Rz index range of several electrolytic copper foils corresponding to different transmission loss grades of high-frequency and high-speed copper clad laminates

1.2.2 The performance difference of low profile electrolytic copper foil in different application fields
The varieties of low-profile electrolytic copper foils for high-frequency and high-speed circuits are divided into five categories according to application fields. 那就是, 剛性射頻用薄型電解銅箔/微波電路; 高速數位電路用薄型電解銅箔; 低斷面柔性電解銅箔 印刷電路板s 包裝基板用薄型電解銅箔; 厚銅用薄型電解銅箔 印刷電路板 s銅箔. 在這五個應用領域, 用於高頻和高速電路的薄型電解銅箔在效能要求方面具有不同的特性, 那就是, 他們關注績效項目,績效名額不同.
The performance requirements and differences of low-profile electrolytic copper foil varieties used in the five major application fields are shown in the following aspects:
(1) Low profile electrolytic copper foil for rigid RF/microwave circuits
Low-profile electrolytic copper foil for rigid RF/在不同的應用頻率條件下,微波電路具有更明顯的相對差异. 在銅箔效能方面,對基板Dk均勻性的要求更為嚴格, signal transmission loss, 處理層中無鐵磁元素, and PIM (Passive Inter-modulation).
出於這個原因, copper foil used in high-end RF-microwave circuit substrates (such as millimeter-wave automotive radar substrates) generally requires pure copper treatment to support the reduction of passive intermodulation (PIM) and realize the improvement of copper clad laminates. PIM效能低, 參攷指數:低於-158dBc -160dBc. 銅箔處理層不含砷.
同時, 由於這種銅箔的樹脂基材不同, 不同Rz銅箔品種的選擇有很大差异.
剛性射頻用薄型電解銅箔/微波電路通常使用18mm, 35m米, 銅箔厚度規格為70mm, 而高端超低或超低剖面銅箔廣泛用於厚度規格:9mm, 12m米, 18mm品種 .
(2) Low-profile electrolytic copper foil for high-speed digital circuits
In the application market of low-profile copper foil for high-speed digital circuits, most of them are positioned at frequencies generally in the centimeter wave (330GHz) range. 其主要應用終端為高端服務器等. 這種銅箔的效能對基板的插入損耗和基板的可加工性有更重要的影響, 對此有嚴格的要求. 同時, 銅箔的薄規格和低成本也是重要要求. 用於高速數位電路的薄型電解銅箔通常使用18mm, 35m米, 銅箔厚度規格為70mm, 而高端超低或超低剖面銅箔主要用於厚度規格:9mm, 12m米, 和18m米.
The author has investigated and compared the contours of the non-pressing surface of many low-Rz copper foil varieties (including HVLP, VLP, RTF, 等.), 得出的結論是:在同一年級, 對於SI效能更好的品種, their non-compression surface profile (expressed in Rz or Ra) is generally low. 例如, 外商投資企業RTF銅箔產品, 其Rz=3.0mm (typical value), 當非壓制表面為Rz=3時.5m米. 因此, 是否為RF/微波電路基板或高速數位電路基板, 為了追求更好的SI效能, they also need the Rz (or Ra, Rq) of the non-pressing surface of the first profile copper foil, 也很低調.
現時, an important category of low-profile copper foil for high-speed digital circuits is reversed copper foil (RTF). 近年來, 隨著日本和臺灣等銅箔公司RTF銅箔科技的進步, Rz小於2的許多品種.5m米已經出來了, 甚至Rz小於2的品種.0mm已出現. 以這種管道, 其高速數位電路的應用市場和全球薄型銅箔市場的比例也迅速擴大.
現時, 全球銅箔薄型電解銅箔製造業在剛性射頻銅箔方面更趨向於相同的效能/微波電路和高速數位電路用銅箔. 例如, CircuitFoil (CircuitFoil) realized mass production of ultra-low profile copper foil BF-NN/2019年BF-NN-HT. 該品種實現了“兩個相容性”:第一, 原BF-ANP銅箔僅用於PTFE樹脂型基板, and it has developed to "including polyphenylene ether (PPE/PPO)-based resin systems. It is also suitable for pure Or modified fluoropolymer (PTFE) resin system.–秒, 它可應用於射頻微波電路基板,也適用於高速數位電路基板.
(3) 低斷面柔性電解銅箔 印刷電路板
薄型電解銅箔用於柔性 印刷電路板s. 由於需要製造精細電路, ultra-thin copper foil (without carrier) is often used. 此類產品的當前最小厚度規格已達到6mm, 如福田金屬箔公司的CF-T4X-SV6和CF-T49A-DS-HD2., 有限公司.; 和3井金屬公司的3EC-MLS-VLP., 有限公司. ((最小厚度為7mm)) .
Low profile electrolytic copper foil for flexible 印刷電路板 還要求銅箔具有高抗拉强度和高延伸率. 蝕刻後基膜的優异透明度也是銅箔市場的一個重要需求項目.
高頻低剖面柔性電解銅箔 印刷電路板近年來,s開始變得低調. Rz小於1的許多品種.行業中出現了0um. 例如, 3井金屬TQ-M4-VSP Rz–0.6 (typical value); Foton Metals CF- T4X- SV Rz=1.0 (typical value, 規範9/12/18); Foton Metals CF- T49A- DS- HD2, Rz=1.0 mm (typical value) (specification 6/9/12/18); Nissin ISP, Rz–0.55 (typical value).
(4) Low profile electrolytic copper foil for IC package carrier board
The low-profile electrolytic copper foil required for the package carrier (including the module substrate) should have high tensile strength, 高熱穩定性, 高彈性模量, and high peel strength at high temperatures (after 210°C/1小時 treatment). 其厚度規格為5.0m米½米12m米. 近年來, 高端IC封裝基板銅箔的厚度規格正在朝著更薄的方向發展, 那就是, 厚度達到1.5mm至3m米.
Package carrier boards (including module substrates) have also seen demand for high frequency and high speed 近年來. 因此, in recent years, 包裝載體用薄型電解銅箔品種增多. 例如: Mitsui Metals' 3EC-M2S-VLP (without carrier), Rz–1.8 mm (typical value); after 210 degree Celsius/1h, 抗拉强度為51kgf/毫米2; 伸長率為4.6%; 銅箔的最薄規格為9mm. Mitsui Metals' MT18FL (with carrier), Rz–1.3m米, 電路銅箔規格為1.5, 2, 3mm. The LPF (without carrier) of Nissin Material Co., 有限公司., Rz–1.72 (typical value), 210℃後的抗拉强度/1h為52.3kgf/mm2; 伸長率為3.7%; 銅箔的最薄規格為9mm.
(5) 用於大電流粗銅的薄型電解銅箔 印刷電路板


Low-profile electrolytic copper foil for 大電流厚銅印刷電路板 with thickness specifications 105um (3oz). 通用規格:105, 140, 175, 210m米. 還有具有特殊厚度要求的超厚電解銅箔, with thickness specifications up to 350mm (10oz) and 400mm (11.5oz).
用於大電流粗銅的薄型電解銅箔 PCBA is mainly used for the manufacture of high-current, 電源基板, 和高散熱電路板. 厚銅 印刷電路板 生產的主要用於汽車電子, 電源設備, 大功率工業控制設備, 太陽能設備, 等. 近年來, 導熱係數 印刷電路板 已成為最常見和最重要的功能之一. 超厚銅箔的市場需求不斷擴大. 同時, 由於微電路製造技術的發展和厚銅的應用 印刷電路板, 需要使用的超厚銅箔也具有薄型特徵. For example, Mitsui Metals RTF type low profile thick copper foil: MLS-G (Type II), Rz=2.5mm (product typical value). 盧森堡TW-B, Rz–4.2mm (product index).
1.3 Application market expansion and performance requirements of ultra-thin electrolytic copper foil for IC package substrates
A recent paper written by an overseas 印刷電路板 專家對超薄的應用市場和應用效能要求給出了更為精闢的解釋, low-profile copper foil. 文章提出:“2017年以來, HDI板已開始使用大量電路電鍍工藝,這些工藝通常用於IC基板產品. This process is called semi-additive process (SAP), 採用電路電鍍科技. 為了滿足15mm以下IC載體板的電路結構要求, 一般HDI板未採用此流程. 然而, after the adjustment of semi-additive technology (mSAP) with ultra-thin copper skin, 它已成為HDI製造的主流工藝.