
PCB科技 - 電源板PCB加工常用的電子元件有哪些?


PCB科技 - 電源板PCB加工常用的電子元件有哪些?


p>電源板PCB 加工是PCB加工中的一個常見類別. 某些電子元件是電源板PCB加工所特有的, 一些組件是電源板PCB常見的. 瞭解並熟悉電源板PCB處理中的常見組件及其用途, 這有助於理解電源板PCB的處理.

Introduction of commonly used electronic components in power board PCB processing

AC input socket
This is the first hurdle for AC power input from the outside. 為了阻斷電源線的干擾,避免電源產生的交換雜訊通過電源線傳播,干擾其他電氣設備, the AC input terminal will install first to second order EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) Filter, 其功能是低通濾波器, 將交流電中包含的高頻雜訊旁路或引導至接地線, 只允許60Hz左右的波通過.
電源板PCB AC input socket

In the above photo, 該中心是一個集成EMI濾波器電源插座, 過濾電路完全包裹在鐵殼中, 更有效防止譟音洩漏; 右邊的那個是用小 電路板製造EMI濾波器電路, 通常在電源不足時使用,帶有集成EMI濾波器的電源已深入安裝, and there will be some noise leakage without the iron shell; and only Cx and Cy capacitors are added to the socket on the left (will be introduced later), 使用這種設計的電源. EMI濾波器電路通常需要建立在主電路上 電路板. 如果主電路上的EMI電路區域 電路板 為空, 這意味著該區域中的組件已被省略.

現時, 帶有12 cm風扇的電源內部空間無法安裝集成EMI濾波器, 所以大多數都是在照片的左右兩側採用這種方法.

X capacitor (Cx, also known as cross-line filter capacitor)
This is used to bridge the capacitor between the live wire (L) and the neutral wire (N) in the composition of the EMI filter circuit. 目的是消除電源線的低正常狀態雜訊.
電源板PCBA processing-X capacitor (Cx, also known as jumper line filter capacitor)

The appearance is square as shown in the photo, 頂部有X或X2.

Y capacitance (Cy, also known as line bypass capacitor)
The Y capacitor is connected across the floating ground (FG) and the live wire (L)/neutral wire (N) to eliminate high normal state and common state noise.
電源板PCB processing-Y capacitor (Cy, also known as line bypass capacitor)

The appearance of the Y capacitor is like a pie in the photo

The FG point in the computer power supply is connected to the metal casing, the ground wire (E) and the output terminal 0V/接地. 因此, 接地線未連接時, 一半輸入功率的電位差將被兩個串聯的Cy電容器分開. (Vin/2), 人體接觸後, 可能會引起感應.

Common choke (cross-connected inductance)
電源板PCB processing-common mode choke (cross-connected inductance)

The common mode choke coil is connected in series with the live wire (L) and the neutral wire (N) in the filter circuit to eliminate the low-pass common mode and radio frequency noise of the power line. 一些電源的輸入電路設計為繞在磁芯上, 它也可以看作是一個簡單的共模扼流圈.

其外觀為環形和變壓器狀方形, 可以看到一些裸露的線圈.

所謂的共模雜訊表示L/N線和地線E, 而正常雜訊是L線和N線之間的雜訊. EMI濾波器的功能主要是消除和阻斷這兩種雜訊. EMI濾波器電路之後是暫態保護電路和整流器電路, 常見組件如下.

The fuse is when the current value flowing through it exceeds the rated limit, 它將熔斷以保護與後端電路的連接. 通常地, 電源中使用的保險絲是快速作用型, 更好的是防爆型. 保險絲和普通保險絲的最大區別在於外管是米色陶瓷管, 填充防火材料,避免熔化時產生火花.
電源板PCB components-fuse

The way it is installed on the 電路板 is the fixed type above the picture (the two ends are directly covered with the wire holder and soldered to the 電路板) and the detachable type in the center of the picture (fixed with a metal clip). 下麵的方形部件是一個熱保險絲. 這種保險絲固定在功率元件的大功率水泥電阻器或散熱器上. 主要用於超溫保護,避免元件損壞或過熱引起火灾. 這種類型的保險絲還與電流保險絲相結合, 電流和溫度雙重保護.

Negative temperature coefficient resistance (NTC)
Because the high-voltage side electrolytic capacitor in the power supply is in a non-electric state when the power is turned on, 充電時會產生過大的電流浪湧和線路電壓降, 這可能會導致橋式整流器和其他部件超過其額定電流並燒壞. 使用NTC時, 在L或N線上串聯, 其內阻值可限制充電瞬間的電流值. 負溫度係數的定義是,其電阻隨溫度升高而减小, 當電流流過身體時, 溫度逐漸升高後, 其電阻將相應减小,以避免不必要的功耗.
電源板PCB Components-Negative Temperature Coefficient Resistance (NTC)

Its appearance is mostly black and dark green disc-shaped elements

However, 缺點是當電源在溫暖狀態下啟動時, 其保護效果將被讓利, 即使阻抗可以隨溫度降低, 它仍會消耗一點電能. 因此, 現時大多數高效電源使用更先進的暫態保護電路.

Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV)
The varistor is connected across the live wire and the ground wire at the back of the fuse. 其工作原理是當兩端電壓差低於其額定電壓值時, 機體呈現高阻抗; 當電壓差超過其額定值時, 身體阻力將迅速下降. LN之間存在近似短路狀態. 前端保險絲將因短路而新增的電流而熔斷,以保護後端電路. 有時當身體承受太多的力量, 它還會自毀,以警告用戶設備已出現. 問題.
電源板PCB Components-Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV)

It is usually used at the AC input end of a power supply. 當輸入AC有過電壓時, 保險絲可以及時熔斷,以避免損壞內部部件. 顏色和外觀與Cy電容器非常相似, 但它們可能與部件上的文字和型號不同.

Bridge rectifier
The internal bridge rectifier composed of four diodes alternately connected, 其功能是對輸入AC進行全波整流,以供後端開關電路使用.
電源板PCB components-bridge rectifier

Its appearance and size will vary with the rated voltage and current of the component. 一些電源將其固定在散熱器上,以幫助其散熱,從而實現穩定的長期運行. 整改後, 它進入功率級一次側的開關電路. 此處的組件確定電源每個通道的最大輸出容量, 這是電源的一個非常重要的部分.