
PCB新聞 - SMT管理如何管理SMT筦道


PCB新聞 - SMT管理如何管理SMT筦道



表面貼裝 management How to manage the smt pipeline

Management is the planning, 公司日常生產活動的組織和控制 電路板廠. 它是與產品生產相關的各種管理任務的總稱,是企業管理的重要組成部分 電路板廠.

1 Production management process organization
(1) The composition of the production process, 包括生產工藝準備過程, 基本生產流程, 輔助生產過程, 以及生產服務流程.
(2.) Production process organization The production process requires that the production process be continuous, parallel (parallel operation of each stage and process), 協調, and rhythmic (balanced) during the organization to ensure economic efficiency. 生產過程組織的目的是合理、科學地安排生產, so that manpower and 材料 resources (equipment) are not wasted, 提高勞動生產率, 縮短生產週期, 降低成本, 减少資本佔用, 並按時完成計畫, 質量和數量.

2. 生產作業計畫的編制車間生產作業計畫是組織車間均衡生產的重要工具, 完成生產任務, 指導車間的生產活動. Its work content includes:
(1) Formulate advanced and reasonable quality standards.
(2) Develop a production plan within a month of the team and work site.
(3.) Accounting and balancing the internal production capacity of the workshop.
(4.) Control of production operation plan, 包括生產調度, 進度管理, 在製品管理, 運營會計, 生產運行統計分析.
(5) Propose a plan for production technology organization measures.


3. 車間生產控制車間生產控制是監督, 視察, 調整, 以及糾正車間生產過程中工作計畫的執行情况. 車間生產控制的主要任務包括生產調度, 工作會計和工作分析.
(1) Production scheduling Production scheduling is the work of inspecting, 根據車間工作計畫的要求,監督和協助生產各環節的生產投入和生產進度. 做好調度是完成工作車間計畫的關鍵. 安排工作必須有一個健全的制度, 包括值班制度, 報告系統, 會議系統, 和現場調度系統.
(2) Operational accounting includes the output and input of products and parts (production period and input period), 竣工時間表, 每個環節完成的任務, 生產工人和設備利用率, 等.
(3) Job analysis Job analysis is the work after the requirements, 記錄, 生產控制和會計, 總結分析名額完成情况, 並進行資訊回饋,使其成為生產活動和調度的基礎.

4. Application of group technology Group technology is also called group technology (GT), 這是一種基於相似原理合理組織生產工藝準備和產品生產過程的方法. 成組技術是指車間中的所有零件, according to the geometric shape (shaft, 磁片, 盒, 排擋, 等.), 大小, processing method (turning, 銑削, 規劃, 研磨, 鉗子, 等.), precision requirements (ordinary, 準確的, high Classification systems such as precision), blank types (rods, 盤子, 管, 鑄件, 鍛件, 等.) are used to classify and code parts and divide parts groups to prepare for production and organize production. The production organization forms of group technology are:
(1) The group process center organizes some parts of similar structure to be processed uniformly on a certain equipment.
(2) Group production unit To organize one or several groups of parts with similar processes to equip and arrange equipment in a unified process route.
(3) Group assembly line Group assembly line is the sequential processing of group production units with flow production characteristics, 每個過程的處理時間等於流速, 用於批量生產.

iPCB是一種高精度, 優質PCB製造商, 例如:isola 370hr PCB, 高頻PCB, 高速PCB, 集成電路基板, 集成電路測試板, 阻抗印刷電路板, HDI PCB, 剛性-柔性PCB, 埋入式盲板, 高級PCB, 微波PCB, telfon PCB和其他iPCB擅長PCB製造.