
PCB新聞 - PCB製造商,靜電對電子產品的損害


PCB新聞 - PCB製造商,靜電對電子產品的損害



PCB製造商, 靜電對電子產品的危害



靜電的基本物理性質是:吸引或排斥; 與地球有電位差; 它將產生放電電流。 基於此,靜電損傷有以下3種形式:

(1) Electrostatic adsorption of dust reduces the insulation resistance of components (shortens the life);
(2) Electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, causing electronic components to be damaged and unable to work (complete destruction);



The damage of these three forms of static electricity to electronic products may be permanent (such as loss of function and cannot be restored), or temporary (such as interference caused by electrostatic discharge to temporarily lose function); or it may be sudden. 故障也可能是潜在故障. 其中, electrostatic discharge (ESD) events are the most common and main cause of component damage.




除非發生靜電放電,否則人體無法直接感知靜電, 但當靜電放電發生時,人體可能不會感到電擊. 這是因為人體感應到的靜電放電電壓為2~3kV, 所以靜電損傷是隱藏的.

(2) Potentiality and accumulation

The performance of some electronic components is not significantly reduced after being damaged by static electricity, 但多次累積放電會對裝置造成內部損壞,形成隱患. 因此, 靜電有可能損壞電子產品.

(3) Randomness

Under what circumstances will electronic components suffer electrostatic damage? 可以說,組件生成後, 直到損壞為止, 所有過程都受到靜電的威脅, 靜電的產生是隨機的, 所以靜態損傷也是隨機的.

(4) Complexity

The failure analysis of electrostatic discharge damage is time-consuming, 勞動密集型, 由於罰款,成本高昂, 好的, 電子產品的微小結構特徵. 它需要高科技,通常需要使用掃描電子顯微鏡等高精度儀器. 即便如此, 一些靜電損壞現象很難與其他原因造成的損壞區分開來, 使人們錯誤地將靜電損傷故障視為其他故障. 在完全瞭解ESD損壞之前, 這通常歸因於早期故障或未知故障, 不自覺地掩蓋了失敗的真正原因. 因此, 電子產品靜電損傷的分析是複雜的.


從生產到使用的整個過程中,部件可能會受到靜電損壞, which can be divided into:
(1) Component manufacturing process-including manufacturing, 切割, 裝電線, inspection and delivery;
(2) PCBA板 生產過程接收, 接受, 存儲, 插入, 焊接, 品質控制, packaging to shipment;
(3) Equipment manufacturing process-電路板 接受, 存儲, 裝配, quality control and shipment;
(4) Equipment use process-receiving, 安裝, 測試, use and maintenance;
(5) Equipment maintenance process.

在整個過程中, 在每個階段的每一小步, 部件可能會被靜電損壞. 事實上, 最重要也是最容易被忽視的一點是部件的傳輸和運輸. 在這個過程中, 由於移動,不僅包裝容易產生靜電, but the entire packaging is easily exposed to external electric fields (such as passing near high-voltage equipment, 經常搬家的工人, 快速行駛的車輛, 等.) and damaged. 因此, 需要特殊的交付和運輸流程. 關注並減少損失.
因此, 部件製造的任何環節都可能發生靜電損壞, 裝配, 用於維護.

iPCB是一家高精度、高品質的PCB製造商, 例如:isola 370hr PCB, 高頻PCB, 高速PCB, 集成電路基板, 集成電路測試板, 阻抗印刷電路板, HDI PCB, 剛性-柔性PCB, 埋入式盲板, 高級PCB, 微波PCB, telfon PCB和其他iPCB擅長PCB製造.