
PCB科技 - PCB工藝設計規範1


PCB科技 - PCB工藝設計規範1



印刷電路板工藝 設計 specification 1
1. Purpose
Standardize 這個 印刷電路板工藝 產品設計, 指定的相關參數 印刷電路板工藝 design, 因此 印刷電路板設計 符合可製造性技術規範, 可測試性, 安全, EMC, 電磁干擾, 等., 並構建產品流程, 科技, 質量和成本優勢.
2 Scope of application
This specification applies to the 印刷電路板工藝 所有電子產品的設計, 適用於但不限於 印刷電路板設計, 印刷電路板板 過程審查, 單板工藝審查和其他活動. 如果本規範之前的相關標準和規範的內容與本規範的規定相衝突, 以本規範為准.
3 Definition
Via: A metallized hole used for inner layer connection, but it is not used for inserting component leads or other enhancements
Through hole (Through via): a through hole extending from one surface layer of the printed board to another surface layer.
4 工具書類/reference standards or 材料


TS-S0902010001 <>
TS-SOE0199001 <>
TS-SOE0199002 <>
IEC60194 <> (Printed Circuit Board design
manufacture and assembly-terms and definitions)
IPC-A-600F <> (Acceptably of printed board) IEC60950
5. Normative content
5.1 印刷電路板 board requirements
5.1.1確定 印刷電路板 board and TG value
Determine the board selected for 印刷電路板, 例如FR-4, 鋁基板, 陶瓷基板, 紙芯板, 等. 如果選擇TG值高的電路板, 檔案中應注明厚度公差.
5.1.2確定表面處理塗層 印刷電路板
確定表面處理塗層 印刷電路板 銅箔, 例如鍍錫, 鍍鎳, 或OSP, 等., 並在檔案中注明.
5.2rmal design requirements
5.2.1 High-heat components should be placed in the air outlet or a location conducive to convection
In the 印刷電路板 佈局, 考慮在出風口或有利於對流的位置放置高熱部件.
5.2.2 Higher components should be placed in the air outlet and should not block the air path
5.2.3 The placement of the radiator should be considered conducive to convection
5.2.4 Temperature sensitive instruments should be kept away from heat sources
For heat sources whose temperature rises above 30°C, the general requirements are as follows:
a. 在風冷條件下, 電解電容器和其他溫度敏感設備與熱源之間的距離必須大於或等於2.5毫米;
b. 在自然寒冷條件下, 溫度敏感設備(如電解電容器)與熱源之間的距離必須大於或等於4.0毫米.
如果由於空間原因無法達到所需距離, a temperature test should be conducted to ensure that the temperature rise of the temperature sensitive device is derating
Within range.
5.2.5 Large-area copper foil requires thermal insulation tape to be connected to the pad
In order to ensure good tin penetration, 大面積銅箔上部件的焊盤需要用隔熱膠帶連接到焊盤上.
5.2.6 The heat dissipation symmetry of the pads at both ends of the 0805 and below 0805 chip components that have been reflowed
In order to avoid the deviation and tombstone phenomenon after the device has been reflowed, ground reflow soldered 0805 and below 0805 chip components
The pads at both ends should ensure the symmetry of heat dissipation, 並且焊盤和印刷導線之間的連接寬度不應大於0.3毫米 (for asymmetric pads),
5.2.7 How to install high-heat components and whether to consider a radiator
Make sure that the installation method of high-heat components is easy to operate and weld. 原則上, 當部件的加熱密度超過0時.4W/立方釐米
, 僅部件的引線和部件本身不足以散熱. 應採用散熱網和母線等措施來提高過電流能力. 母線的支腿應與多個點連接. 直接波峰焊接,便於組裝和焊接; 用於使用更長的母線, the 印刷電路板 加熱母線的熱膨脹係數與 印刷電路板 在波峰期間應考慮. 為了確保錫襯裡易於操作, 錫槽的寬度不應大於或等於2.0毫米, 3角網通道邊緣之間的距離應大於1.5毫米.
5.3 Device library selection requirements
5.3.1現有設備的選擇 印刷電路板 component package library should be confirmed to be correct
The selection of the components in the existing component library on the 印刷電路板 應確保包裝和組件的物理輪廓, 銷間距, 通孔直徑, 等.
符合. 焊盤的兩端均勻佈置或具有相同的熱容量. The pad and the copper foil are connected in a "meter" or "cross" shape
The pin of the plug-in device should be well matched with the tolerance of the through hole (the diameter of the through hole is greater than the diameter of the pin by 8-2000萬), and the tolerance can be suitable
When increasing, 確保錫滲透良好. 組件的孔徑已序列化. 如果超過40密耳, 它將新增5 mil, 那就是, 4千萬, 4500萬, 5千萬, 5500萬; 如果低於40密耳, 它將减少4密耳, 那就是, 3600萬, 32000萬, 2800萬, 24000萬., 20 mil, 1600萬, 1.2億, 800萬.
設備銷直徑和 印刷電路板 焊盤孔徑, as well as the secondary power pin solder feet and through-hole reflow soldering pads
The corresponding relationship of the aperture is shown in Table 1: Device pin diameter (D) 印刷電路板 焊盤孔徑/pin through hole reflow solder pad aperture
Dâ ¦1.0mm D+0.3mm/+0.15mm
1.0mm2.0mm D+0.5mm/0.2mm
When building component packaging inventory, the unit of aperture should be converted to inch (mil), 孔徑應滿足系列化要求.
5.3.2 The 印刷電路板 應確定新設備的組件包裝庫存是否正確. 對於上沒有包庫的組件 印刷電路板, 應根據設備數據建立回收組件封裝庫, 而絲印庫存應與實物相符, 特別是新建立的電磁元件., Whether the component inventory of self-made structural parts is consistent with the component data (approval letter, drawing). New devices should establish a component library that can meet the requirements of different processes (reflow soldering, 波峰焊, through-hole reflow soldering).
5.3.3 SMT devices that require wave soldering require the use of surface mount wave pad libraries
5.3.5具有不同引脚間距的相容設備必須具有單獨的焊盤孔, 尤其是封裝相容繼電器的相容墊.
5.3.6用作量測跳線的錳銅線墊應為非金屬化. 如果是金屬化焊盤, 然後在焊接後, 焊盤中的電阻將短路, 電阻的有效長度會改變. 小而不一致, 導致測試結果不準確.
5.3.7表面安裝裝置不能用作手動焊接調試裝置. 在手工焊接過程中,表面安裝裝置容易受到熱衝擊損壞.
5.3.8除非實驗驗證沒有問題, 無鉛表面貼裝設備與 印刷電路板 不能使用熱膨脹係數, 這很容易導致襯墊脫落.
5.3.9除非實驗驗證沒有問題, 非表面安裝設備不能用作表面安裝設備. 因為這可能需要手動焊接, 效率和可靠性將非常低.
5.3.10當多層膜側面部分鍍銅時 印刷電路板 用作焊接引脚, 必須確保每一層都與銅箔連接,以提高鍍銅層的粘附强度. 同時, 實驗驗證一定沒有問題, 否則,不能使用雙面板側面的鍍銅用作焊釘.