
PCBA科技 - 印製電路板工藝中負極薄膜的變形分析


PCBA科技 - 印製電路板工藝中負極薄膜的變形分析



薄膜變形分析 印刷電路板 Process
Paying attention to the trend of environmental protection informatization and the development of various environmental protection technologies, 印刷電路板工廠 可以從大數據開始監測公司的污染排放和治理結果, 及時發現和解决環境污染問題. 緊跟新時代的生產理念, 不斷提高資源利用率, 實現綠色生產. 努力使 印刷電路板 工廠工業實現高效, 經濟環保的生產模式, 積極回應國家環保政策.
1 The causes and solutions of film deformation:
(1) Temperature and humidity control failure
(2) The exposure machine temperature rises too high
(1) Normally, 溫度控制在22±2攝氏度, 濕度為55%±5%RH.
(2) Use cold light source or aerator with cooling device and constantly replace the backup film
2. The process method of film deformation correction:


1. 在掌握數位程式設計儀操作科技的情况下, 首先安裝底片,並將其與鑽孔測試板進行比較, 量測其長度和寬度兩個變形, 並根據數位程式設計儀上的變形量加長或縮短孔比特, 延長或縮短孔比特後使用鑽孔測試板,以適應變形的負片, 消除了切割底片的麻煩工作, 並確保圖形的完整性和準確性. 將此方法稱為“更改孔位置方法”.
2. 針對負膜隨環境溫度和濕度變化的物理現象, 複印底片之前,請取出密封袋中的底片, 並在工作環境下懸掛4-8小時, 使底片在複印前變形. 這將導致複製的膠片幾乎不變形, 這就是所謂的“空氣懸掛法”.
3. 對於具有簡單線條的圖形, 大線寬和間距, 和不規則變形, 您可以切割負片的變形部分,以對比鑽孔測試板的孔位置,並在複製之前重新拼接. 這種方法稱為“拼接方法” .
4. 使用測試板上的孔擴大焊盤,以消除電路件的嚴重變形,確保最小環寬科技要求. 這種方法稱為“焊盤重疊法”.
5. 放大變形負片上的圖形後, 重新繪製地圖並製作一個盤子, 將此方法稱為“映射方法”.
6. 使用相機放大或縮小變形的圖形. 這種方法稱為“照相法”.
3, relevant method notes:
1, splicing method:
Applicable: Negative film with less dense lines and inconsistent deformation of each layer of the film; especially suitable for the deformation of the solder mask film and the film of the multi-layer board power layer;
Not applicable: Negative film with high wire density, 線寬和間距小於0.2mm;
Note: When splicing, 導線應盡可能少地損壞, 並且墊子不應損壞. 拼接複製後修改版本時, 應注意連接關係的正確性.
2, change the hole position method:
Applicable: The deformation of each layer of the film is the same. This method is also applicable to film with dense lines;
Not applicable: The film is not uniformly deformed, 局部變形特別嚴重.
注:使用程式設計器加長或縮短孔位置後, 應重置超差孔位置.
3. Hanging method:
Applicable; Films that have not been deformed and prevented from deforming after copying;
Not applicable: Deformed film.
Note: Hang the film in a ventilated and dark environment (safety is also possible) to avoid contamination. 確保懸掛場所的溫度和濕度與工作場所的溫度和濕度相同.
4. Pad overlap method:
Applicable: The graphic lines are not too dense, 並且線寬和間距大於0.30mm;
Not applicable: Especially users have strict requirements on the appearance of printed circuit boards;
Note: After overlapping copy, 墊子是橢圓形的. 重疊和複製後, 線條和圓盤邊緣的光暈和變形.
5. Photographic method:
Applicable: When the ratio of deformation in the length and width directions of the negative is the same, 重新鑽孔測試板很不方便, 只有銀鹽底片才合適.
注意:拍照時焦點應準確,以防止線條變形. 底片損失更大, 通常, 經過多次調試後,需要獲得滿意的電路圖. 你可以點一個PCBA from us. 我們不會強迫你買那些你真的不需要省錢的東西.
