
PCB部落格 - 通孔PCB板的可製造性設計 2


PCB部落格 - 通孔PCB板的可製造性設計 2

通孔PCB板的可製造性設計 2


如果 印刷電路板 設計不符合可製造性設計要求, 這將大大降低產品的生產效率. 某些情况下嚴重, 設計的產品根本無法製造. 現時, through-hole insertion technology (THT for short) is still in use. DFM可以在提高通孔插入製造的效率和可靠性方面發揮重要作用. DFM方法可以幫助通孔插入製造商减少缺陷,减少缺陷. 保持競爭力.

1 Typesetting and layout
(1) Using a large board can save 材料, 但由於翹曲和重量, 在生產過程中很難運輸. 需要用專用夾具固定, so try to avoid using a board surface larger than 2.3.cm*30cm. 將所有電路板的尺寸控制在兩到3個以內, 這有助於縮短因調整導軌而導致的停機時間, 重新排列條碼讀取器的位置, 等. 產品更換時, 並且電路板尺寸的小變化也可以减少焊接溫度曲線的波峰數.
(2) It is a good design method to include different kinds of panels in one board, 但是,只有最終在一個產品中並且具有相同生產工藝要求的電路板才能以這種管道設計. Please do not copy the content of this site
(3) Some borders should be provided around the board, 尤其是當電路板邊緣有元件時, 大多數自動裝配設備要求電路板邊緣至少有5.mm的區域.
(4.) Make wiring on the top surface (component surface) of the board as much as possible, and the bottom surface (soldering surface) of the circuit board is easily damaged. 請勿在電路板邊緣附近佈線, 因為生產過程被電路板邊緣抓住, 波峰焊接設備的鉗口或框架輸送機可能會損壞邊緣上的接線.
(5) For devices with higher pin counts (such as terminal blocks or flat cables), 應使用橢圓形焊盤,而不是圓形焊盤,以防止波峰焊接期間出現焊橋.
(6.) Make the spacing between the positioning holes and the distance between them and the components as large as possible, 並根據插入設備對其尺寸進行標準化和優化; 不要電鍍定位孔, 因為電鍍孔的直徑很難控制.
(7.) Try to use the positioning hole as the mounting hole of the PCB板 在最終產品中, 可以减少生產過程中的鑽井過程.
(8) A test circuit pattern can be arranged on the waste side of the board for process control, 該圖案可用於監測表面絕緣電阻, 清潔, 可焊性, 等. 在製造過程中.
(9) For larger boards, 在波峰焊接期間,應在中心留一條通道,以將電路板支撐在中心位置, 防止電路板下垂和焊料濺射, 並幫助板面焊接一致.
(10) The testability of the needle bed should be considered in the layout design. Flat pads (without leads) can be used for better connection with the pins during online testing, 以便可以測試所有電路節點.


2. Positioning and placement of components

(1) Arrange components in rows and columns according to a grid pattern position, 所有軸向組件應相互平行, 使軸向插入機不需要旋轉 PCB板 插入時, 因為不必要的旋轉和移動會大大降低插入器的速度.
(2) Similar elements shall be discharged in the same way on the board. 例如, 使所有徑向電容器的負極朝向電路板的右側, 使所有傾斜缺口標記朝向同一方向, 等., 這可以加快插入速度並更容易發現錯誤. 由於A板採用了這種方法, 反向電容器很容易找到, 而B板蒐索需要更多時間. 實際上,公司可以標準化其製造的所有電路板組件的方向, 某些電路板佈局可能不一定允許這種情況, 但這應該是一種努力.
(3) The arrangement direction of dual in-line package devices, 連接器和其他多針計數元件垂直於波峰焊接的方向, 這可以减少元件引脚之間的錫橋.
(4) Make full use of silk screen printing to mark the board surface, 例如, 繪製用於粘貼條碼的框架, 列印箭頭以訓示板的波峰焊接方向, and use dotted lines to trace the outline of the components on the bottom surface (so that the board only needs to be screen printed) 等.
(5) Draw the component reference character (CRD) and polarity indication, 並且在插入組件後仍然可見, 這在檢查和排除故障時很有幫助, 也是一項很好的維護工作.
(6) The distance between the components and the edge of the board should be at least 1.5毫米 (3mm), 這將使電路板更容易轉移和波動焊接, 對週邊部件的損壞也會更少.
(7) When the distance of the components above the board surface needs to exceed 2mm (such as light-emitting diodes, 大功率電阻器, 等.), 應在其下方添加墊片. 不帶墊片, 這些元件在運輸過程中會被“擠壓”,在使用過程中容易受到衝擊.
(8) Avoid placing components on both sides of the PCB板, 因為這將大大新增裝配的勞動力和時間. 如果部件必須放在下麵, 它們應在物理上緊密結合,以便遮蔽和剝離阻焊膠帶.
(9) Try to distribute the components evenly on the PCB板 减少翹曲,有助於在波峰焊接過程中均勻分佈熱量.

3. Machine insertion
(1) The pads for all components on the board should be standard and industry standard separation distances should be used.
(2) The selected components should be suitable for machine insertion. 請記住您自己工廠的設備條件和規格, 並提前考慮組件的包裝形式, 以便更好地與機器配合. 對於奇數形狀的組件, 包裝可能是一個更大的問題.
(3) 如果可能的話, 盡可能使用軸向徑向元件, 因為軸向元件的插入成本相對較低, 如果空間非常寶貴, 也可以首選徑向元件.
(4) If there are only a small number of axial elements on the board, 它們都應轉換為徑向類型, 反之亦然, 這樣就可以完全消除插入過程.
(5) When arranging the board surface, 應從電力間距的角度考慮插針的彎曲方向和自動插入機部件達到的範圍, 同時, 應確保銷的彎曲方向不會導致錫橋.

4. Wires and connectors
(1) Do not connect wires or cables directly to the PCB, 但是使用連接器. 如果電線必須直接焊接到電路板上, 導線的末端應使用一根導線端接至電路板的端子. 來自電路板的導線應集中在電路板的某個區域, 這樣可以將它們嵌套在一起,以避免影響其他組件.
(2) Use wires of different colors to prevent errors during assembly. 每家公司都可以使用自己的配色方案, 例如,藍色表示所有產品數據線的高位,黃色表示低位.
(3) Connectors should have larger pads to provide better mechanical connection, 高引脚數連接器的引線應倒角,以便於插入.
(4) Avoid the use of dual-in-line package sockets. 除了延長裝配時間外, 這種額外的機械連接也會降低長期可靠性. 僅當出於維護原因需要更換DIP現場時,才使用插座. DIP的質量現在已經取得了長足的進步,不需要頻繁更換.
(5) Marks for identifying the direction should be engraved on the board to prevent errors when installing the connector. 連接器焊點是機械應力集中的地方, 囙此,建議使用一些夾緊工具, 例如關鍵幀和快照.

5. Whole system
(1) Components should be selected before designing the printed circuit board, 它支持佈局並幫助實現本文中描述的DFM原則.
(2) Avoid using some parts that require machine pressure, 例如導線銷, 鉚釘, etc. 除了安裝速度慢之外, 這些零件也可能損壞電路板, 而且它們的維護也很差.
(3) Use the following methods to minimize the types of components used on the board: replace a single resistor with a row resistor; replace two three-pin connectors with a six-pin connector; if the values of the two components are similar, 但公差不同, 使用兩個位置中公差較低的一個; 使用相同的螺釘將各種散熱器固定在電路板上.
(4) Designed as a general purpose board that can be configured in the field. 例如安裝一個開關,將中國使用的電路板改為出口型號, 或者使用跳線將一個模型更改為另一個模型.

6. General requirements
(1) When conformal coating is applied to the circuit board, 工程設計時,應在圖紙上標記不需要塗層的零件. 設計時應考慮塗層對線間電容的影響.
(2) For through holes, 為了保證焊接效果, 銷和孔徑之間的間隙應在0之間.25mm和0.70毫米. 較大的孔徑有利於機器插入, 而為了獲得良好的毛細管效應,需要較小的孔徑, 囙此,需要在兩者之間取得平衡.
(3) Components that have been pretreated according to industry standards should be selected. 成分製備是生產過程中有效的部分之一, and in addition to adding additional steps (with a corresponding risk of electrostatic damage and longer lead times), 這也新增了出錯的機會.
(4) Specifications should be set for most of the hand-inserted components purchased so that the lead wires on the welding surface of the circuit board do not extend beyond 1.5mm. 這减少了組件準備和引線修剪工作, 並且電路板通過波峰焊接設備的能力更好.
(5) Avoid using snaps to install smaller mounts and radiators, 因為這很慢,需要工具. If possible, 使用袖子, 塑膠快接鉚釘, 文具膠帶, 或使用焊點進行機械連接.

7. Conclusion
DFM is an extremely useful tool for manufacturers who use through-hole technology for circuit board assembly, 這樣可以節省很多錢和麻煩. 使用DFM方法可以减少工程變更,並在未來做出設計讓步. 這些好處對設計 PCB板.