
PCB新聞 - PCB佈局的指導思想和基本佈線要求


PCB新聞 - PCB佈局的指導思想和基本佈線要求



電力系統的指導思想和基本佈線要求 PCB佈局


什麼時候 PCB佈局, 你可以參考這些資料來介紹 PCB佈局 以及繪製PCB時的一些常見規則, 並繪制高質量的PCB. 當然, 您可以根據實際需要自由調整. 這是一個完整的 PCB佈局 設計規則. 組件的佈局, 部件的佈置, 導線的接線, 線條寬度和間距, 以及墊子, 已經過詳細分析. The following are the details:
1. Layout of components
The layout of the components of the PCB設計 規則包括:組件佈局要求, 組件佈局原則, 組件佈局順序, and layout methods of common components

2. Arrangement of components
The arrangement of the components on the PCB can be one of three arrangements: ir有規律的, regular, 和網格, 或同時多個.

3. Spacing and installation dimensions of components
It is about the spacing between the elements and the size of the installation in the PCB設計, when the components are arranged

Four, printed wire wiring
Wiring refers to the placement of the direction and shape of the printed wires. 這是 PCB設計, 這是工作量最大的一步.

5. Width and spacing of printed wires
The width and spacing of the printed wires, 一般導線的最小寬度為0.5-0.8mm, and the spacing is not less than 1mm

Six, the aperture and shape of the pad
Introduce the basic knowledge of PCB設計, including the shape of the pad and the solder-like aperture

►Detailed parameters and basic rules
1. CLK (including DDR-CLK) basic wiring requirements:
1. clk部分不能跨越其他線路, 並且不超過兩個通孔.
2. 不要跨越, 不要在零件的兩個襯墊之間穿行.
3. 不要越過水晶正面的界線, 儘量不要越過後面的界線
4. 差分對以最小間距並行佈線. And on the 同一層
5 The distance between clk and high-speed signal lines (1394, usb, 等.) should be greater than 50mil.
2. VGA: Basic wiring requirements:
1. 紅色, 綠色, 藍色必須纏繞在一起, 視情况而定, 包括GND. R.G.B不應橫切.
2 HSYNC和VSYNC必須纏繞在一起, 酌情包括GND.
3. LAN: basic wiring requirements
1. 同一組導線必須纏繞在一起.
2淨:RX, TX: Differential pair must be wired
4.1394: Basic wiring requirements:
1. 差分對繞組, 同一層, 平行的, 不要跨越.
2. 同一組導線必須纏繞在一起.
3 The distance between the high-speed signal line and the high-speed signal line is not less than 50mil
5. USB: Basic wiring requirements:
1 Differential pair winding, same layer, 平行的, 不要跨越.
2 The same group of wires must be wound together
6. CPU-NB (AGTL): Basic wiring requirements:
1. 同一組中同一層上的導線或同一組中不同層上的導線, and the wires must be wound together in the same group
2. 繞組時, the same NET spacing is not less than four times the wire width
3. NET length should be added to the package length of CPU & NB.
4. 機上盒N/P(+/-) Differential Pair winding
5 VIA type is VIA26
7. CPU-SB: Basic wiring requirements:
1. 同一組導線必須纏繞在一起.
2上拉電阻器, must be close to the CPU
8. NB-DDR: Basic wiring requirements:
1. Damping resistance and terminal resistance (exclusion) NET: MD & MA & DQS & DQM cannot be shared.
9. NB-AGP: Basic wiring requirements:
1. 同一組中同一層上的導線或同一組中不同層上的導線, and the windings must be wound together in the same group
2. 繞組時, the same NET spacing is not less than four times the wire width
10. NB-SB: Basic wiring requirements:
1 一起走, 不要越過切割線.
2. 繞組時, the same NET spacing is not less than four times the wire width
11. IDE: Basic wiring requirements:
1.同一組同一層, 繞組必須在同一組中纏繞在一起.
2. 繞組時, the same NET spacing is not less than four times the wire width
12. PCI: Basic wiring requirements:
1 There are at most three lines between PAD and PAD
2 Resistors and capacitors should be placed as neatly as possible.
13. 中國大陸R: Basic wiring requirements:
1.Walk together.
14. POWER: Basic wiring requirements:
1 Generally use 30: 5 wiring, 線寬為40MIL或更大, 時間間隔不小於10MIL, VIA是VIA40, (or 2 VIA24)
15. OTHER: Basic wiring requirements:
1. 所有IO線不能跨層.
2. 通信1, 通信2, PRINT(LPT), 在同一組中進行遊戲步行.
3 COM1和COM2首先通過電容器, 然後把電線拔出來.
16.Add test points:
1. 測試目標為100%,必須新增到至少98%.
2. 引脚間距最好為75mil,最小值不小於50mil.
3. 測試點的最小焊盤為27mil, 儘量使用35mil.
4. 單側測試點與同一層零件外框之間的距離大於50MIL.
5. CPU插座包括一個調零杆, and no Top Side Test Point can be placed inside
6. clk前端不需要添加測試點. 後端可以通過test_替換. (Require customer approval)
7. 不影響差分對的繞組.
17. Modify DRC:
1.完成DRC檢查, 內部檢查, 以及未連接針腳的檢查.
2所有網絡不得短路. 不得有額外的線段.
18. 覆銅箔.:
For parts that need to be coated with copper foil, 網應正確塗上銅箔.
19. Place the text side:
1. 文字表面從左到右、從上到下進行標記, 方向是一樣的.
2. 零件標記, 離零件越近, the better
3. 正確放置零件的針腳並標記極性.
4. 是否標記零件符號.
CN, JP: pin mark (note the direction). Part polarity: ※Capacitor: + ※Crystal: G, D, 二極體:A, K5删除冗餘線段和標籤.

以上是對《綱要》指導思想的介紹 PCB佈局 和基本佈線要求. Ipcb也提供給 PCB製造商 和PCB製造技術.