
PCB新聞 - 快速PCB設計PCB設計,佈線,PCB


PCB新聞 - 快速PCB設計PCB設計,佈線,PCB



Content preview:
1 Introduction
2. Signal integrity issues
3. Electromagnetic compatibility issues
4. Power integrity issues
5. General specification for high frequency circuit design
6. General specification for design of digital-analog hybrid circuit


One: The definition of 高頻PCB
*In digital circuits, 它是否為高頻電路取決於訊號的上升沿和下降沿, 不是訊號的頻率.
公式:F2=1/(Tr*π), Tr是上升/訊號下降延遲時間.

*F2> 100MHz, 應根據高頻電路考慮, the following conditions must be designed in accordance with the high-frequency rules
-The system clock frequency exceeds 50MHz
-Using devices with rise/fall times less than 5ns
--Digital/analog hybrid circuit

*Logic device rise/下降時間和接線長度限制上升/drop main harmonic spectrum distribution Maximum transmission line maximum transmission
Falling time Tr component F2=1/Fmax=10*distance (microstrip) line distance (microstrip line) πTr F2
74HC 13-15ns 24MHz 240 MHz 117cm 91cm
74LS 9.5ns 34 MHz 340MHz 85.5cm 66.5cm
74H 4-6ns 80 MHz 800MHz 35 28
74S 3-4ns 106 MHz 1.1GHz 27 21
74HCT 5-15ns 64 MHz 640MHz 45 34
74ALS 2-10ns 160 MHz 1.6GHz 18 13
74FCT 2-5ns 160 MHz 1.6GHz 18 13
74F 1.5ns 212 MHz 2.1GHz 12.5 10.5
ECL12K 1.5ns 212 MHz 2.1GHz 12.5 10.5
ECL100K 0.75ns 424 MHz 4.2GHz 6 5
Traditional PCB設計methods are inefficient:
Schematic diagram, 傳統的設計方法設計和輸入佈局和佈線沒有任何品質控制點. 每一步 PCB設計 基於經驗. 如果發現問題, 他們必須從頭開始. 在功能和性能測試中很難發現問題.

Signal integrity issues:
1. Reflection problem
2. Crosstalk issues
3. Overshoot and oscillation
4. Delay
Reflection problem: echo on the transmission line. Part of the signal power (voltage and current) is transmitted to the line and reaches the load, but there is a part
The points are reflected.
Multipoint reflection
Reason for reflection:
*Impedance mismatch between source and load
*The geometry of the wiring
*The direction of the wiring, via
*Incorrect wire termination
*Transmission through the connector
*Discontinuity of the power plane, 等.
Crosstalk issues:
*Crosstalk: Coupling between two signal lines
1. Capacitive crosstalk
*This happens when the lines are close to each other at a certain distance.
*Capacitive coupling induces coupling current
2. Inductive crosstalk
*Signal coupling between the primary coil and the secondary coil of the unneeded transformer
*Inductive coupling triggers coupling voltage.

Crosstalk issues:
The parameters of the PCB層, 訊號線間距, 驅動端和接收端的電力特性, 並且線路終止方法都對串擾有一定的影響.
*The crosstalk of capacitance and inductance increases with the increase of load impedance, 囙此,所有易受串擾影響的線路應以線路阻抗終止.
Methods to reduce capacitive crosstalk:
* Separating signal lines can reduce the energy of capacitive coupling between signal lines.
*Using the ground wire to separate the signal line can reduce the coupling of capacitance. 提高效率, 接地線應每隔Î接地一次/4英寸. (Λ wavelength refers to the distance the signal is transmitted per unit time.)
General principles:
Punch holes every 2-5cm.
Simulation results of capacitive crosstalk
Ways to reduce perceptual crosstalk
*In order to solve the crosstalk problem of inductance, 應盡可能减小回路的大小.
*By avoiding the situation that the signal return line shares a common path, 電感串擾, overshoot and oscillation can also be reduced
*Overshoot: Overshoot can cause false clocks or bus data read/寫入錯誤.
*Ringing: The phenomenon of ringing is repeated overshoot and undershoot.
訊號振盪和周圍振盪是由線路上的電感和電容過大引起的. 振盪屬於欠阻尼狀態,周圍振盪屬於過阻尼狀態.
通過適當終止可以减少振盪, 但不可能完全消除它.
Time delay: the different time delays of each signal line in a set of buses
Clock and signal: ensure as wide a window as possible
Electromagnetic compatibility issues
*Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) issues
1. 回路設計, forming antenna effect
2. The slot in the power layer will form a quarter-wavelength antenna
*Dense vias (such as BGA packaged devices)
*Large connectors (especially the backplane)
3. 感應元件.
Unreasonable return path leads to EMI
EMI caused by incomplete ground plane
Incomplete ground plane can cause large EMI
The simulation without considering the incomplete ground plane is inaccurate
Power integrity issues
*High-power high-speed devices: need a large transient current
*The ground layer and power layer are incomplete: 1. 分裂, 通過2. Connector
*Filter capacitor: 3. 量, 容量, 佈局,
Selection of power supply filter capacitor:
The system has both high frequency noise and low C0G (non-ferromagnetic) type frequency noise. 通過並聯大型電動0.01mF電容器.
電容, 小型ESL設備, 非常小的0.1mF電容器, ESL器件可以擴展高頻濾波範圍,具有更好的濾波效能
Schematic design specification
Signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility considerations
Correspondence between the schematic diagram and the PCB after the PCB is completed
General rules and requirements
*According to the unified requirements, 選擇圖形尺寸, 幀格式, 電路圖中的圖形符號和文字符號.
* According to the electrical working principle of the product, 組件應從右到左、從上到下排列成一行或一系列.
*When the drawing is arranged, 電源部分一般佈置在左下角, 輸入端子在右側, 輸出在左邊.
*The working state of the movable components (such as relays) in the picture is in principle in the open and unpowered working position.
*Use all the power and ground pins of all chips.
Signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility considerations
*Add corresponding filtering/absorption devices to the input and output signals; add silicon transient voltage absorption diode or varistor SVC if necessary
*String resistors on the high-frequency signal output terminal.
*The decoupling capacitors in the high frequency area should be electrolytic capacitors or tantalum capacitors with low ESR
*When determining the value of the decoupling capacitor, 在滿足紋波要求的情况下,選擇一個值較小的電容器,以新增其諧振頻率.
* The power supply of each chip must be added with decoupling capacitors, 同一晶片中每個模塊的電源必須單獨添加去耦電容器; 如果是高頻, 磁珠/必須在電源側添加電感器.