
PCB新聞 - 鋪設銅箔和PCB痕迹時應注意的問題


PCB新聞 - 鋪設銅箔和PCB痕迹時應注意的問題





鋪設銅箔時, 注意銅箔應大於0.距邊緣5毫米 PCB板. 鋪設銅箔時, 因為交流接線部分的高壓容易輻射和放電, 應該盡可能地傳播. 圓角; 為了一致性, all copper foils are rounded;

Note: For heavier components, such as radiators (with MOS tube or rectifier tube), 共模電感器, 變壓器, 輸出入口或輸出引脚或端子, 這些零件很大, 笨重且易於移動, 所以在鋪設銅線時, 銅箔應盡可能大,並用淚滴墊加固.
Note: Solder mask needs to be added to heat-prone components or high-current copper foil to reduce the impedance so that the copper foil will not be yellowed 和 the voltage drop will be reduced;
Note: The current carrying capacity of the copper foil is approximately as follows:
The current carrying capacity of 1oz 1mm wide copper foil does not exceed 3.5 amperes of current;
The current carrying capacity of 2oz 1mm wide copper foil does not exceed 7 amperes of current.
注:高壓銅箔和低壓銅箔之間的銅箔距離約為2KV,間距為2mm; 3KV約為3.5mm.
Problems that should be paid attention to when PCB wiring;

Note: The AC input part. 在保證安全距離的前提下, 接線應盡可能寬; 接線應按照電路圖的順序進行; X電容器應使用縮頸或銅. 為了有更全面的過濾效果, And it should be as short as possible to reduce its impedance and radiated energy; and it should be as far away as possible from the PWM control part (low voltage part) to avoid interference.
注意,您可以在電感器下佈線, 因為通過電感器下方的導線會產生電磁場,從而改變電特性.
注意:請特別注意SPS PCB佈局, its four current loops:
<1>AC circuit of power switch;
<2>Output rectifier AC circuit;
<3>Input signal source current loop;
<4>Output load current loop.
使回路表面盡可能小, 痕迹應該盡可能短, 尤其是兩個大電流交流回路; 小信號源電流回路的軌跡應盡可能短, 使干擾盡可能小.
注:另外, 接地也很重要.一般來說, 我們使用單點接地, 那就是, 輸入和輸出電容器的負極用作其公共點.
Y電容器應分別直接連接到大輸入電容器, 這就是我們通常所說的單點接地方法.
當然, 二次電路也應以這種管道接線, 那就是, 輸出電流是單點接地的公共點. 注意431的接地應盡可能短, 它可以直接連接到輸出電容器的負極.

以上介紹了鋪設銅箔和PCB痕迹時應注意的問題. Ipcb也提供給 PCB製造商 and PCB製造 科技