
PCB新聞 - 為什麼必須塞住PCB板上的通孔?


PCB新聞 - 為什麼必須塞住PCB板上的通孔?




導電孔通孔也稱為通孔. 為了滿足客戶要求, 電路板通孔必須堵塞. 經過多次練習, 改變了傳統的鋁塞孔工藝, 以及 PCB板 表面焊接掩模和塞孔用白色網格完成. . 生產穩定,品質可靠.

通孔通孔起到線路互連和傳導的作用. 電子產業的發展也促進了 PCB板s, 也對生產工藝提出了更高的要求 印刷電路板 和表面貼裝科技. 通孔封堵科技應運而生, and should meet the following requirements at the same time:

There is copper in the through hole, and the solder mask can be plugged or not plugged;

There must be tin-lead in the via hole, with a certain thickness requirement (4. microns), 且無阻焊油墨可進入孔內, causing 錫珠 to be hidden in the hole;

The through holes must have solder mask ink plug holes, 不透明的, 不得有錫環, tin beads, 和平整度要求.

隨著電子產品朝著“輕量化”的方向發展, 薄的, 短的, 和小“, PCBA也發展到高密度和高難度. 因此, 大量的SMT和BGA PCB已經出現, 客戶在安裝組件時需要插拔, mainly including Five functions:

Prevent the PCB電路板 當 PCB電路板 是波焊的; 尤其是當我們在BGA焊盤上設定通孔時, 我們必須先把塞子打好, 然後鍍金以便於BGA焊接.

Avoid the flux residue in the via holes;

After the surface mounting of the electronics factory and the assembly of the components are completed, the PCB must be vacuumed to form a negative pressure on the testing machine to complete:

Prevent surface solder paste from flowing into the hole, causing false soldering and affecting placement;

Prevent the solder balls from popping up during wave soldering, 導致短路.

The realization of conductive hole plugging process

For surface mount boards, 尤其是BGA和IC的安裝, 通孔塞必須平整, 凸面和凹面正負1mil, 通孔邊緣不得有紅色錫; 通孔隱藏錫球, 以便按照要求與客戶取得聯系, 通孔堵塞過程可以描述為多種多樣, 工藝流程特別長, 過程控制困難, 在熱風整平和綠油耐焊性試驗中,油經常掉落; 出現凝固後油爆炸等問題. 現根據生產實際情況, 總結了PCB的各種插拔工藝, and some comparisons and explanations are made in the process and advantages and disadvantages:

Note: The working principle of hot air leveling is to use hot air to remove excess solder from the surface and holes of the printed circuit board, 剩餘的焊料均勻地塗覆在焊盤上, 非電阻焊接線和表面封裝點, 這是印刷電路板的表面處理方法之一.


一, plug hole process after hot air leveling

The process flow is: PCB 表面焊接掩模-HAL-plug hole-curing. 生產採用無堵塞工藝. 熱風調平後, 鋁板網或阻墨網用於完成客戶要求的所有堡壘的通孔堵塞. 塞孔油墨可以是光敏油墨或熱固性油墨. 在確保濕膜顏色相同的情况下, 塞孔油墨最好使用與板面相同的油墨. 此過程可確保熱風整平後通孔不會漏油, 但很容易造成堵墨污染板面和凹凸不平. Customers are prone to false soldering (especially in BGA) during mounting. 許多客戶不接受這種方法.

二, hot air leveling front plug hole process

1, 用鋁板塞住孔, 凝固, and polish the board for pattern transfer

This technological process uses a numerical control drilling machine to drill out the aluminum sheet that needs to be plugged to make a screen, 並塞住孔,確保通孔塞滿. 塞孔油墨也可與熱固性油墨一起使用. 其特性必須具有高硬度., 樹脂收縮率小, 與孔壁結合力好. The process flow is: pretreatment-plug hole-grinding plate-graphic transfer-等hing-board surface solder mask

This method can ensure that the plug hole of the via hole is flat, 熱風找平時,孔邊無油爆、油滴等品質問題. 然而, 該工藝要求銅一次性加厚,使孔壁銅厚度達到客戶標準. 因此, 整個電路板的鍍銅要求非常高, 而且磨盤機的效能也很高, 確保銅表面的樹脂完全去除, 銅表面清潔無污染. 許多PCB工廠沒有一次性加厚銅工藝, 設備效能不符合要求, 導致PCB工廠沒有太多使用該工藝.

2, plug the hole with aluminum sheet and directly screen-print the board surface solder mask

In this process, CNC鑽孔機用於鑽孔鋁板,鋁板需要塞住才能製成篩網, 安裝在絲網印刷機上用於插拔. 封堵完成後, 停車時間不得超過30分鐘. The process flow is: pre-treatment-plug hole-silk screen-pre-baking-exposure-development-curing

This process can ensure that the via hole is well covered with oil, 塞孔是平的, 濕膜顏色一致. 熱風調平後, 確保通孔不鍍錫,錫珠不隱藏在孔內, 但固化後很容易造成油墨在孔內. 焊盤導致可焊性差; 熱風調平後, 通孔邊緣起泡並漏油. 很難用這個過程來控制生產, 工藝工程師有必要採用特殊的工藝和參數來保證堵孔的質量.

3, 鋁板堵孔, 發展, 預固化, 並拋光 PCB電路板 surface solder mask.

使用CNC鑽床鑽出鋁板,鋁板需要塞孔來製作篩網, 安裝在移位絲網印刷機上堵孔. 堵孔必須滿且兩側突出. The process flow is: pre-treatment-plug hole-pre-baking-development-pre-curing-circuit board surface solder mask

Because this process uses plug hole solidification to ensure that the via hole does not lose oil or explode after HAL, 但是在哈爾之後, 很難完全解决通孔內錫珠和通孔上錫的問題, 很多客戶都不接受.

4, PCB電路板 表面焊錫掩模和塞孔同時完成.

This method uses a 36T (43T) screen, 安裝在絲網印刷機上, 使用墊子或釘床, 完成板面時, 所有通孔均已堵塞. 工藝流程為:預處理絲網印刷-預焙烘曝光顯影固化.

加工時間短,設備利用率高. 保證熱風整平後通孔不失油, 通孔不會鍍錫. 然而, 由於使用絲網堵塞孔洞, 通孔中有大量空氣., 空氣膨脹並穿透阻焊板, 導致空洞和不均勻. 熱風整平中會隱藏少量通孔. 現時, 經過大量的實驗, 我們公司選擇了不同類型的油墨和粘度, 調整絲網印刷壓力, etc., 基本解决了通孔的空洞和不平, 並採用這種工藝進行大規模生產.