
PCBA科技 - PCBA貼片機的維護和檢查


PCBA科技 - PCBA貼片機的維護和檢查



維護和檢查 PCBA placement machine
At present, 國家對環境保護的要求越來越高,對環境治理的力度越來越大. 這是一個挑戰,也是一個機遇 印刷電路板工廠. 如果 印刷電路板工廠 决心解决環境污染問題, 那麼柔性線路板產品就可以走在市場的前列了, 和 印刷電路板工廠 可以獲得進一步發展的機會.
在歐美國家, SMT貼片機每天維護, 每月維護, 季度維護, 和一年前的大規模翻新. 目的是防止這種情況發生, 减少估算, 提高生產效率. 因此, regular inspection and maintenance systems have to be formulated:
1. Check every day
(1) Before turning on the power of the placement machine, check the following items:
1. 溫度在20攝氏度 26攝氏度之間, 濕度在45 70%之間.
2. 室內環境要求空氣清潔,無腐蝕性氣體.
3 確保轉移軌上和放置頭的移動範圍內沒有碎屑.
4. 檢查固定攝像機上是否有碎屑,鏡頭是否清潔.
5. 確保噴嘴庫周圍沒有碎屑.
6. 檢查噴嘴是否髒汙和變形, 清潔或更換噴嘴.
7. 檢查膠帶給料機是否正確放置在物料站中, 並確保資料站上沒有碎屑.
8 檢查空氣連接器的連接, 空氣軟管, 等.
(2) After turning on the power of the placement machine, check the following items:
1. 啟動系統後, 檢查選單荧幕的顯示是否正常.


2. 按下“伺服”開關後, 指示燈應亮起, 否則將關閉並重新啟動.
3. 緊急開關能正常工作嗎?
4. 檢查放置頭是否能正確返回起點.
5. 檢查放置頭移動時是否有异常譟音.
6. 檢查所有放置頭的噴嘴負壓是否在範圍內.
7. 檢查 印刷電路板 在導軌上平穩運行,感測器是否靈敏.
8. 檢查邊緣定位和針定位是否正確.

2. Monthly inspection
(1) Clean the screen and floppy drive of the CRT.
(2) When the placement head is moving, 確保X軸和Y軸上沒有异常譟音.
(3) Make sure that the screws on the cable and cable bracket are not loose.
(4) Make sure that the air connector is not loose.
(5) Check the pipes and connections to make sure that the air hose does not leak.
(6) Make sure that the X and Y motors do not heat up abnormally.
(7) Move the placement head along the positive and negative directions of the X-axis and Y-axis. 當放置頭移出正常範圍時, 警報應該響起, 放置頭可以立即停止移動. 報警後, 使用手動操作選單確保加載頭可以運行.
(8) Check whether there are stains on the timing transmission belt and gears to ensure that the placement head can rotate without obstacles and that the placement head has sufficient torque.
(9) Check whether the placement head can move up and down smoothly, 用手指向上推吸嘴, 檢查其運動是否平穩, 使放置頭上下移動超出正常範圍, 檢查警報是否響起,頭部是否可以立即停止.
(10) Ensure that the scanning head can move smoothly.
(11) Check the negative pressure of all placement heads. 如果負壓值异常, 清潔噴嘴軸中的篩檢程式. 如果真空排氣管中的濾清器髒汙, 更換它.
(12) Check the movement of the transmission rail, 檢查傳送帶的緊密性, 檢查是否有汙跡, 傳送帶上的劃痕和碎屑, 檢查導軌的自動寬度調整, 調整最大寬度和最小寬度時,檢查移動情况, 在出口的人群中, 檢查導軌的平行度和 印刷電路板.
(13) Check the movement and noise of the 印刷電路板 限制器.
(14) Check the wear conditions of the side clamping, 後頂塊, 和緩衝塊.
(15) Check whether the fixture on the nozzle magazine is flexible and worn.
(16) Clean the lens and light box of all cameras.
(17) Check the movement and brightness of the camera lighting device.
(18) Check whether all brakes can work normally on the VO signal screen, 並檢查緊急停止開關.
(19) Make sure that all the warning lights can be on and the installation is firm.
(20) Check whether the hazard alarm and warning alarm can sound. .
(21) Perform "image detection" on the camera.
(22) Check the coordinate value of the pick-up point of the feeder station.
(23) Make sure that the components can be assembled to the designated location.
以上介紹了日常檢查, SMT貼片機的維護和月度檢查與維護工作. 必須重視和落實貼片機的定期檢查和維護制度, 不僅僅是SMT貼片機, 但也在 印刷電路板 複製/設計在電子生產和加工等過程中使用的機器必須定期檢查和維護, 為我們創造更多財富.