
PCB新聞 - PCB電路板測試點的要求是什麼


PCB新聞 - PCB電路板測試點的要求是什麼




關鍵部件需要在 PCB電路板 . 用於焊接表面安裝部件的焊盤不允許用作檢查點. 有必要預設其他專用檢查墊,以確保進行焊點檢查和生產調試. 用於檢查的墊片佈置在 PCB電路板 盡可能多地, 即使用於檢查, 這有助於降低檢查成本.
1 Process preset requirements
(1) The distance between inspection points PCB電路板 edge must be greater than 5.mm;
(2.) The inspection point cannot be covered by solder mask or text ink;
(3.) The size, distance and layout of the inspection point pads should also match the relevant requirements of the inspection equipment used;
(4.) The inspection point must be placed 1mm away from the component to prevent the probe and component from hitting;
(5) The best solder plating for the inspection points or the selection of softer, 易於穿透, and non-oxidized metals to ensure that they are grounded and extend the life of the probe;
(6.) The diameter of the inspection point is not less than 0.4毫米, 幸運的是,相鄰檢查點之間的距離為2.54mm或以上, 但不少於1.27mm;
(7) Components with a height exceeding 6.4mm不能放置在檢查表面上. Components that are too high will cause poor contact between the online inspection fixture probe and the inspection point;
⑻The distance C from the center of the inspection point to the edge of the chip component has the following connection with the SMD height H: SMD height Hâ ¤3mm, C 2mm; 貼片高度3毫米, 約4毫米.
(9) The inspection point should be placed in the positioning hole (the collaborative inspection point is used for precise positioning, 最好是非金屬化孔, 定位孔故障應在±0以內.05毫米) outside of the ring's 3.2mm;
2. Electrical preset requirements
(1) The inspection points should be evenly distributed on the PCB電路板 to reduce the pressure stress of the probes;
(2) When setting inspection points on circuit traces, the width can be expanded to 1mm;
(3) Each electrical contact must have a check point, 每個IC必須有一個電源和接地檢查點, 盡可能靠近組件, 最幸運的是在2.54mm;
(4) Try to lead the SMC/組件側通過通孔至焊接表面的SMD檢查點. 通孔直徑大於1mm, which can be inspected by a single-sided needle bed to reduce inspection costs;
(5) The power supply line on the PCB電路板 應劃分區域設置檢查中斷點,以便於電源去耦或査詢阻塞點. 設定中斷點時, 考慮恢復後的電力承載能力檢查中斷點.


問題:如何為 PCB電路板s?
答:今天的電子產品越來越薄, 和的默認接線 PCB電路板s變得越來越淩亂和困難. 除了協調功能和安全, 還需要生產和檢查. 可測試性要求, 提供規則供預設佈線工程師參攷. 如果你能集中精力, 這將為貴公司節省大量夾具製造成本,並促進根據夾具的耐久性和使用壽命進行檢查.
LAYOUT rules
1. 雖然有雙面固定裝置, 最好將量測點放在一起. 關鍵考慮因素是能够進行單面檢查.
如果有困難, 頂部尺寸針尖小於波頓尺寸.
2. Priority of measuring points:
1 Check point (Test pad)
2. Component lead
3. Via hole -> but not Mask.
3. 兩個測點或測點與預鑽孔之間的距離不得小於1.27mm (50mil). 最好大於2.54mm (100mil). 第二個是1.905毫米 (75mil).
4. 量測點應至少為2.54mm away from its neighboring parts (the one located on the same side). 對於大於3mm的零件, 距離應至少為3.05mm.
5. 量測點應均勻分佈在PCB表面, 堵塞部分應過於密實.
6. 量測點的最佳直徑不應小於0.7mm (28mil), 如果在上針板上, 最好不少於1.00毫米, and the shape is preferably square (round ones are also possible)
7. 如果空脚在允許範圍內, 應考慮可檢驗性. 如果沒有檢查點, 必須拉動這些點.
8. Requirements for positioning holes:
1 每塊PCB必須有2個以上的定位孔, 孔內不允許有錫. (Aperture at least 3mm)
2. 選擇對角線和最遠距離的2個孔作為定位孔. (Distributed on four sides)
9. Is CAD GERBER FIEL converted to CAM (FAB-MASTER) compatible program?
10. 測試墊螺孔之間的距離至少為6mm.
11. 每個網絡是否都有測試板?
12. 測試墊尺寸為3mil的錫表面?
13. 測試墊中心與測試墊之間的距離至少為54mil.
14. 測試墊離電路板邊緣至少5mm.
15. SMD晶片1206的焊盤邊緣與測試焊盤中心之間的距離至少為100密耳.
16. SMD晶片1206的焊盤邊緣與測試焊盤中心之間的距離至少為60mil.
17. SOIC和測試墊之間的距離, 如果水准方向上的距離至少為50 mil, 垂直方向至少35 mil.
18. 厚度 PCB電路板 必須至少為0.62″ (1.35mm). 厚度小於此值的PCB簡單彎曲,需要特殊處理.
19. 停止在SMT零件上放置量測點. 不僅可量測的面積太小,無法居住, 但是這些部件也受到了傷害.
20. To prevent the application of too long parts foot (greater than 0.17“;4.3mm) or too large aperture (greater than 1.5mm) as the measured point.
21. 被測設備對測試板的疏忽:0.05mm
22. 導電探頭側零件高度在6以內.5mm.
23. 襯墊上不允許有通孔.
24. 所有網絡清單必須拉動測試點,而不是通孔.
25. The NC of IC plate & CONNECTOR must pull out TEST POINT without applying PIN.
26. 測試點不能放置在零件體中, 其他組件無法覆蓋.
27. 如果有高級版本, 不應盡可能多地更改原始測試墊, 否則,需要重新打開夾具.
28. 導向銷為2.8或3.0∮
Checkpoint manufacturing in DXP
. 直接按兩下過孔,彈出過孔特徵設定對話方塊.
. 測試點檢查點:用於設定是否將via用作檢查點. 注意頂層和底層上可用作檢查點的過孔.