
PCB新聞 - 特性阻抗的解釋和測試


PCB新聞 - 特性阻抗的解釋和測試



I. Introduction
Abstract 和 complex digital high-speed logic principles, 以及如何在傳輸線中傳輸方波訊號, and how to ensure its signal integrity (Signal Integrity), reduce its noise (Noise), 减少誤操作和其他專業表達, 如果可以簡單地舉例說明人們的生活, 如果你帶進一堆數學公式和困難的物理語言而不是移動, 如果它更容易使用,那麼對新手或干預者的啟示和益處將更有效.
然而, 許多大學生專業人士, 甚至是在杏壇任教的博士教授, 不知道他們是否真正進入了這種情況. 或者他們故意炫耀自己的知識,以嚇唬受過教育的人, 但他們不知道, 或者他們有兩種心態! 市場上有大量的書籍和期刊文章, 其中大多數都是令人費解的. 很少有例子. 它真的讓人看霧裡的花. 理解它很奇怪!


作者最近獲得了由專業電力測試公司Nissho HIOKI提供的關於阻抗控制的簡報。 可以說內容一目了然,這讓人們很喜歡。 這是作者長期以來所追求的境界。 在無比喜悅的心情下,我得到了原“文港建設”公司的同意,得到了香港建設公司副總裁廖鳳英、原作者山崎弘及其上級的大力協助。 感謝金井俊彥和其他人能够完成本文。 歡迎所有高年級學生和進修生提供大量類似資訊,以造福學生讀者,您將在行業中表現出色。

B. Treat the signal transmission as a hose for watering flowers
2.中的1個 多層PCB板 數位系統訊號線, 當傳輸方波訊號時, 可以把它想像成一根水管,用來送水和花. 一端在手柄中加壓,使其射出水柱, 另一端與水龍頭相連. 當夾持管施加的壓力剛好合適時, and the range of the water column is correctly sprayed on the target area, 給予和接受都會很愉快,任務也會圓滿完成. 這不是一個方便的小成就嗎?

2.2然而, 一旦注水過程過遠, 它不僅會騰空目標和浪費水資源, 但由於强大的水壓,可能甚至沒有地方發洩, 這樣它可能會從源頭反彈,並導致軟管從水龍頭上斷開! 不僅是任務失敗了, 這也是一個很大的挫折. 它是如此的刺痛和充滿豆腐!

2.3相反, 當抓地力擠壓不足以使距離過近時, 仍然無法獲得預期結果. 太多不是你想要的. 只有當它恰到好處的時候,每個人都會快樂.

2.4 The above simple details of life can be used to illustrate that square wave signals (Signal) are carried out in multi-layer board transmission lines (Transmission Line, 由訊號線組成, 電介質層, and ground layers). 快速交付. 此時, the transmission line (commonly known as Coaxial Cable, 微帶線或帶狀線, 等.) can be regarded as a hose, 夾持管施加的壓力就像板上的“接收端”. (Receiver) The resistor connected in parallel to Gnd is general (it is one of the five terminal technologies, please refer to the article "Development of Embedded Resistors" in the 13th issue of TPCA Proceedings for detailed description), which can be used to adjust its end point Characteristic Impedance (Characteristic Impedance) to match the internal requirements of the receiving end components.

3. Terminal control 科技 of transmission line (Termination)
3.1從上面可以看出,當“訊號”在輸電線路中傳播並到達終點時, and wants to enter the receiving element (such as CPU or Meomery and other ICs of different sizes) to work, 訊號線本身的“特性阻抗”必須與終端元件的內部電子阻抗匹配, 這樣任務就不會白費. 在術語方面, 它意味著正確執行指令, 减少譟音干擾, 避免錯誤行為.“一旦他們不匹配, 將有一點能量反彈到“傳輸端”, which will cause the trouble of reflection noise (Noise). .

3.2 When the characteristic impedance (Z0) of the transmission line itself is set as 28 ohm by the designer, the grounding resistor (Zt) of the terminal control must also be 28 ohm, 以幫助輸電線路保持Z0,並穩定28歐姆的整個設計值. 僅在Z0=Zt的匹配情况下, 訊號傳輸將是最有效的, and its "signal integrity" (signal integrity, a special term for signal quality) is also the best.

4. Characteristic Impedance (Characteristic Impedance)
4.1當訊號方波隨著傳輸線組件訊號線中的高電平正壓力訊號向前移動時, the reference layer (such as the ground layer) closest to it is theoretically necessary. The negative pressure signal induced by the electric field accompanies it (equal to the return path of the positive pressure signal), 這樣就可以完成整個環路系統. 如果“訊號”向前移動並在短時間內凍結其飛行時間, you can imagine the instantaneous impedance (Instantanious Impedance) that the signal line, 電介質層, 和參攷層一起體驗. 這就是所謂的“特性阻抗”.

因此, the "characteristic impedance" should be related to the line width (w), line thickness (t), dielectric thickness (h) and dielectric constant (Dk) of the signal line.
4.2 Consequences of poor impedance matching

Because the original term "characteristic impedance" (Z0) of high-frequency signals is very long, 通常稱為“阻抗”. 讀者必須小心, this is not exactly the same as the impedance value (Z) that appears in the low-frequency AC (60Hz) wire (not the transmission line). 在數位系統中, 當整個輸電線路的Z0可以正確管理時, and if it is controlled within a certain range (±10% or ±5%), 這條高品質的輸電線路將减少譟音並防止誤操作. 然而, when any one of the four variables (w, t, h, r) of Z0 in the above microstrip line is abnormal, 例如訊號線中的間隙, the original Z0 will rise suddenly (see Z0 and Z0 in the above formula). W is inversely proportional to the fact), and can not continue to maintain the due stability and uniformity (Continuous), 訊號的能量將不可避免地發生在前進的一部分, 但部分反彈缺乏反思. 以這種管道, 譟音和故障無法避免. 下圖中的軟管突然被山崎的兒子踩了, 導致軟管兩端异常, 這正好說明了上述特性阻抗匹配不良的問題.


上述一些訊號能量的反彈將導致原始優質方波訊號立即异常變形(即,高電平向上的超調,低電平向下的欠調,以及隨後兩者的振鈴;詳細資訊另見TPCA會議記錄第13期“嵌入式電容器”)。 當這種高頻雜訊嚴重時,會導致故障,脈衝速度越快,雜訊越大,越容易出錯。

以上介紹了特性阻抗的解釋和測試. Ipcb也提供給 PCB製造商 and PCB製造 technology.