
PCB新聞 - 深圳SMT貼片工藝介紹


PCB新聞 - 深圳SMT貼片工藝介紹



Shenzhen SMT patch process introduction
現時, 國家對環境保護的要求越來越高,對環境治理的力度越來越大. 這是一個挑戰,也是一個機遇 印刷電路板工廠. 如果 印刷電路板工廠 决心解决環境污染問題, 然後 柔性線路板 柔性電路板產品可以走在市場的前列, 和 印刷電路板工廠 可以獲得進一步發展的機會.
互聯網時代打破了傳統的行銷模式, 通過互聯網最大程度地聚集了大量資源, 這也加快了 柔性線路板 柔性電路板, 然後隨著開發速度的加快, 環境問題將在未來繼續出現 印刷電路板工廠. 在他面前. 然而, 隨著互聯網的發展, 環境保護和環境信息化也得到了突飛猛進的發展. 環境資訊資料中心和綠色電子採購正逐步應用於實際生產經營領域.
Basic process: template (steel mesh)---screen printing---mounting---reflow soldering---cleaning---inspection---rework---packaging

1. SMT process flow-------single-side assembly process
Incoming 材料 inspection --> Screen printing solder paste (point patch glue) --> SMT --> Drying (curing) --> Reflow soldering --> Cleaning --> Inspection --> Rework
Two, SMT process ------ single-sided mixed process
Incoming 材料 inspection --> 印刷電路板 A-side silk screen solder paste (point patch glue) --> SMT --> Drying (curing) --> Reflow soldering --> Cleaning --> Plug-in --> Wave soldering --> Cleaning --> Inspection --> Repair


Three, SMT process ------ double-sided assembly process
A: Incoming inspection --> 印刷電路板 A side silk screen solder paste (point patch glue) --> SMT --> Drying (curing) --> A side reflow soldering
--> Cleaning --> Flip board --> 印刷電路板's B-side silk screen solder paste (point patch glue) --> SMT --> Drying --> Reflow soldering (preferably only for
Side B --> Cleaning --> Inspection --> Rework) This process is suitable for mounting large SMDs such as PLCC on both sides of the 印刷電路板.
B: Incoming inspection --> 印刷電路板's A side silk screen solder paste (point patch glue) --> SMD --> drying (curing) --> A side reflow soldering
--> Cleaning --> Turnover --> 印刷電路板's B-side patch adhesive --> SMD --> Curing --> B-side wave soldering --> Cleaning --> Inspection
--> Rework) This process is suitable for reflow soldering on the A side of the 印刷電路板 B側波峰焊. 在裝配在 印刷電路板, there are only SOT or SOIC
(28) This process should be used when the lead is below.
四, SMT process ------ double-sided mixed packaging process
A: Incoming inspection --> 印刷電路板's B side patch glue --> SMD --> curing --> flip board --> 印刷電路板 A side plug-in --> wave soldering
--> Cleaning --> Inspection --> Rework, 先粘貼,然後插入, suitable for the situation where there are more SMD components than separate components
B: Incoming inspection --> 印刷電路板 A side plug-in (pin bend) --> Flip board -->印刷電路板 B side point patch glue --> SMD --> curing
--> Flip board --> Wave soldering --> Cleaning --> Inspection --> Rework
SMT processing technology includes many aspects, 例如電子元件和集成電路的設計和製造技術, 電子產品的電路設計科技,
自動貼片設備的設計與製造技術, 裝配製造用輔助材料的開發與生產科技, 電子產品防靜電科技, 等.,
因此, 生產完整的, 美麗的, 而經過良好測試的電子產品將受到許多因素的影響.
一整套表面貼裝設備的特點. Surface mount technology (SMT) is a new generation of electronic assembly technology. At present, most high-end electronic products in China are common
SMT mounting technology is used all over the world. 隨著電子技術的發展, 表面貼裝科技將是電子行業的必然趨勢. 深圳SMT安裝科技在國內領先.
補丁處理的使用 印刷電路板, 自動外掛程式機AI, 自動焊接機, 等., 是機器而不是勞動力, 這是一種發展趨勢.