
PCB新聞 - 飛針試驗中假開路的原因分析及解決方法


PCB新聞 - 飛針試驗中假開路的原因分析及解決方法



隨著經濟的快速發展 PCB行業, 測試設備繼續進行科技更新, 並且市場對測試設備的穩定性和高效性有著越來越高的要求. 為了使測試設備盡可能穩定, 在確保測試設備穩定方面,人員起著關鍵作用, 可靠高效. 在測試過程中, 不可避免地會出現假開路, especially when there are many false open circuits ( 10 places), 操作員和工藝人員應予以注意, 他們應該分析設備, 工藝數據和印製板產品. 解决. 在實際工作中對設備維修及相關設備過程的迴響分析, 本文以義大利Seica系列飛行探測試驗為例, 並為同行總結了飛針測試設備假開路的原因分析和解决策略. 我們參攷並探索.


1. Determine whether it is caused by unstable equipment

The easiest way to judge that the equipment is working normally: use the old file data that has passed the test and the corresponding qualified PCB板(removal of surface oxides, 等.). 如果仍然存在斷路, 應該是設備故障, 否則,應是工藝數據或待測試印製板的問題, 當設備出現問題時, 使用以下方法進行檢查和分析.

1. Hardware failure

Hardware failures are more likely to occur in all failures, because the quality of the test system is closely related to the working environment (temperature, 濕度, 等.) of the test equipment, 工作時間的長度, 維護和其他因素. 根據我的總結, 硬體故障有Z軸直線電機, 光柵尺, grating feedback data line adapter and L-shaped flying probe (Probe).

(1) Z-axis linear motor: Due to the long-term and high-frequency operation of the linear motor, 電機的運動部件很容易變黑,產生黑色氧化皮, 導致上下不靈活,電機負載新增. 因此, the linear motor should be removed regularly (about 6 months) and cleaned with anhydrous alcohol. 拆卸和清潔導軌球時要小心.

(2) Grating ruler: Grating is the core component of all high-precision equipment positioning. 光栅的質量直接關係到設備的精度和穩定性. 然而, 大多數光栅是由惡劣的環境或不良的空氣供應造成的. 車間環境可能會使光柵尺表面灰塵過多. 灰塵直接影響迴響訊號, 導致許多斷路. 為了清除光柵尺上的灰塵, 應使用無水乙醇清洗. Please pay attention to the use of fine gauze gloves (dipped in a little absolute alcohol) to gently clean in one direction. Do not scrub back and forth or use excessive force (to prevent scratching the grating) ; At the same time, 乾燥後需要空氣源進入設備, 過濾油, 和過濾水, 否則會影響設備的使用壽命和測量精度.

(3) Raster data feedback line adapter: the flying probe test equipment moves faster, 一旦設備處於工作狀態, 會有强烈的抖動. 因此, 由於慣性,在使用一段時間後,光栅數據電纜連接器通常可能與插座接觸不良. 為了避免這種情況, 每天開機前檢查插頭.

(4) L-type probe: The quality of the stylus is also one of the important factors that cause the open circuit. 觸針主要表現為針尖的遲鈍, 針與針塞接觸不良, and the regular needle calibration (at least once per week). 當觸針被鈍化時, 必須更換觸針. 更換針後, 記住將使用次數重置為零. 隨時檢查打捆針和打捆針是否鬆動, 並確保手寫筆每週至少自動校準一次.

2. Software maintenance

First of all, use the equipment maintenance (also called self-check) software to run according to the prompts to see if any damaged parts or errors are found: If there are damaged parts or errors, 您應該更換相應的零件,並根據錯誤提示進行更正.

其次, 使用DMC軟件檢查每個軸的迴響系統是否正常工作. The correct operation steps are: minimize the test system - open DMC under the (Start\Program\DMC) program or on the desktop (the DMC TEST interface appears) -Press the emergency stop switch - move each axis by hand, 觀察各軸光栅迴響系統的數位變化和靈敏度, 以及數量是否在規定範圍內變化; 然後啟動TESTXY.DMC和TESTZ.DMC-RUN to observe whether each axis It can return to the zero position (the position of each corresponding axis is read as '0').

第二, the problem of printed board products

If the test equipment and process data are excluded, 另一種情况應該是PCB產品本身的問題, 主要表現在翹曲, 焊接掩模, 和不規則字元.

(1) Warpage: In order to hurry, 一些生產計畫人員通常不用熱風整平過程,直接將其發送到最終檢驗. 如果產品未進行熱調平, 產品翹曲大於測試設備的允許翹曲範圍. 因此, 不能忽略熱平衡過程, 同時, 檢驗和測試人員需要在測試之前添加翹曲量測.

(2) Solder mask: often products with relatively severe open circuits will have unsatisfactory results because part of the through holes are blocked by the solder mask. 測試期間, try to avoid the transfer holes (or ensure that the holes are conductive). Pass without error) test.

(3) Characters: Many PCB製造商 將首先列印字元,然後以電子管道量測它們. 只要字元的列印位置略有偏移或字元底片的準確性不足, 薄薄的表面貼紙和小孔可能部分被字元覆蓋. 因此, 為了避免字元引起的斷路, 使用表面貼紙精細的印製板更為合理, small holes (Φ<0.5), 高密度的細紋應在字元之前進行電力測試.

電力量測假開路的原因有很多, 但總的情况不是在上述3種情况下. 為了儘快消除問題, 應根據具體情況進行具體和全面的分析,以提高效率.

3, process data conversion

The process data of the new file is wrong when it is first generated, 這也是導致斷路的原因. 許多工藝人員在轉換CAM數據時,生成的網絡圖檔案中存在錯誤. 大多數情况屬於每個層和曲面的孔或焊盤内容. 不一致的. 因此, 當資料檔案出現時,要求工藝人員反復審查.