
電路設計 - 電路板設計電路板和輔助側連接設計


電路設計 - 電路板設計電路板和輔助側連接設計



電路板設計 of circuit board and auxiliary side connection design

1 V-CUT connection
1: When the board is connected in a straight line, 邊緣平整,不影響設備安裝, 這種類型的連接可用於 印刷電路板. V形切口為直通式,不能在中間轉彎.
2:推薦的 印刷電路板 V形切口設計所需的厚度為–3.0毫米.
3:對於 印刷電路板需要自動機器折開的, both sides of the V-CUT line (TOP and BOTTOM surfaces) are required to reserve a device forbidden area of not less than 1mm to avoid damage to the devices during automatic splitting.
V形切割自動 印刷電路板佈局 要求


自動分流葉片的要求 印刷電路板 邊緣設備

在採用V形切口設計時,需要綜合考慮以上兩者,以較嚴格的為准。 確保在V形切割過程中不會損壞組件,並且電路板可以自由折開。


此時, the safety distance "S" from the edge of the V-CUT to the edge of the line (or PAD) should be considered to prevent the line from being damaged or exposed to copper. 通常地, 人民幣0元.需要3mm.

2 Stamp hole connection
[1] The recommended slot width is 2mm. 當單元板之間需要一定距離時,通常使用銑槽, 通常與V形切口和衝壓孔一起使用.
[2] The design of the stamp holes: the hole spacing is 1.5mm, 建議兩組衝壓孔之間的距離為50毫米.

3 Imposition method
There are three recommended imposition methods: same direction imposition, 中心對稱施加, 和鏡像對稱強制.
[3] When the 印刷電路板 unit board size is less than 80mm*80mm, it is recommended to do imposition;
[4] Designers need to consider the utilization rate of the board when designing the 印刷電路板板, 這是影響成本的重要因素之一 印刷電路板.
注:對於一些不規則的 印刷電路板s (such as L-形狀d 印刷電路板s), 使用適當的徵收方法可以提高電路板的利用率並降低成本.


[6] If the unit board size is very small, 垂直輸送方向上的施加次數可以超過3, 但垂直於單板輸送方向的總寬度不得超過150.0mm, 生產過程中需要新增輔助工裝夾具,防止單板變形.
[7] Same direction imposition
l Regular unit board
Use V-CUT imposition, 如果滿足4的要求.1禁止布料, imposition without auxiliary edge is allowed

Irregular cell board
When the shape of the 印刷電路板 單元板不規則或板邊緣有組件, 可以使用銑槽和V形切口的方法.

[8] Center symmetrical imposition
l Central symmetrical imposition is suitable for two 印刷電路板形狀不規則的s. 將不規則形狀的側面放在中間,使形狀在施加後變得規則.
l不規則形狀 印刷電路板s是對稱的, and a slot must be milled in the middle to separate the two unit boards
l If the imposition produces a large deformation, you can consider adding auxiliary blocks between the impositions (connected with stamp holes)

[9] Mirror symmetrical imposition
Conditions of use: When the SMD on both the front and back of the unit board meets the requirements of reflow soldering on the back, 可以使用鏡像對稱.
操作說明:鏡面和對稱拼合必須滿足正片和負片的對稱分佈 印刷電路板 淺色繪畫. 以4層板為例:如果第二層是功率的負/地, 對稱的第3層也必須是負的, 否則不能使用鏡像對稱.

採用鏡像對稱後, 輔助側的基準標記必須滿足翻轉後重疊的要求. 具體位置要求, 請參攷下麵的拼版基點設計.
4輔助側和 印刷電路板
[10] General principles
l When the device layout cannot meet the requirements of the width of the transmission edge (5mm forbidden area on the edge of the board), 應採用添加輔助邊的方法.
l當車輛側面缺少角落或不規則形狀時 印刷電路板 並且不能滿足 印刷電路板 shape, 應添加輔助塊以填充, 週期是有規律的, 組裝方便.

[11] Handling of vacancies on board edges and on board
When there is a gap on the edge of the board, or there is a gap larger than 35mm*35mm in the board, 建議在間隙中添加輔助塊,以便於SMT和波峰焊設備的加工. 輔助塊和 印刷電路板 generally adopts the method of milling groove + stamp hole.