
PCB新聞 - PCBA加工所需的基本知識


PCB新聞 - PCBA加工所需的基本知識



基本知識 電路板裝配加工
多年之後 電路板裝配加工, 我積累了很多基礎知識, 包括SMT晶片加工知識, dip挿件知識, 波峰焊知識, 包括一些組件知識,印刷電路板板 判斷, 以及一些處理技巧供您參攷. 總共有1.07個.
1. 鋼板的孔型為方形, 3角形, 圓形的, 藝員, and bevel shape;
2. 電腦側的原材料 印刷電路板 currently in use is: glass fiber board FR4.;
3 Sn62Pb36Ag公司2錫膏應用於何種基板陶瓷板?
4. 松香助焊劑有四種類型:R, RA公司, RSA公司, RMA;
5 SMT segment exclusion has or no directionality;
6. 這個 solder paste currently on the market only needs 4 hours of sticky time in practice;
7. 靜電放電的全稱是靜電放電, which means electrostatic discharge in Chinese;
8. 製造SMT設備程式時, 該項目包括五個主要項目, 即 印刷電路板 data; Mark data; Feeder data; Nozzle data; Part data;
9. 無鉛焊料錫的熔點/Ag/銅96.5/3.0/0.5 is 217C;
10. The operating relative temperature and humidity of the parts drying box is <10%;
11. 常用的無源元件包括:電阻器, 電容器, inductors (or diodes), 等.; 有源元件包括:電晶體, 集成電路, 等.;
12. The commonly used raw 材料 of SMT 鋼板 is stainless steel;
13. 常用SMT鋼板厚度為0.15mm;


14. 存在衝突, 分離, 就職, 靜電傳導, 等. 靜電電荷的類型; 靜電電荷對電子行業的影響是:靜電放電故障, 靜電污染; 靜電消除的3個原則是靜電中和, 接地, 和遮罩.
15. 英寸尺寸長度x寬度0603=0.06inch*0.03英寸, 公制尺寸長度x寬度3216=3.2mm*1.6mm;
16. 排除ERB-05604-J81號. 8程式碼“4”表示有4個電路, 電阻值為56歐姆. The capacitance of the capacitor ECA-0105Y-M31 is C=106PF=1NF =1X10-6F;
17. 一般來說, the regular temperature of SMT chip processing workshop is 25±3 degree Celsius;
18. 列印錫膏時, 準備錫膏所需的資料和物品, steel plate, 刮刀, 擦拭紙, 無塵紙, 清潔劑, mixing knife;
19. 常用的錫膏合金成分是錫/鉛合金, 合金份額為63/37;
20. 錫膏的主要成分分為兩部分:錫粉和助焊劑.
21. 助焊劑在焊接中的主要作用是去除氧化物, 破壞熔融錫的表面張力, 避免再氧化.
22. The volume ratio of tin powder particles to Flux (通量) in the solder paste is about 1:1, and the weight ratio is about 9:1;
23. 獲得錫膏的原理是, first out;
24. 當錫膏打開並使用時, it must be heated and mixed through two important processes;
25. 鋼板的常見製造方法有:蝕刻, 雷射, 電鑄;
26. SMT晶片處理的全稱是表面貼裝科技, which means surface adhesion (or mounting) technology in Chinese;
27. ECN中文全稱為:工程變更通知; SWR中文全稱為:特需工單, which must be countersigned by the relevant parts and distributed in the middle of the documents for their usefulness;
28. 5S的具體內容是排序, 排序, 打掃, 打掃, quality;
29. 的意圖 印刷電路板 vacuum packaging is to prevent dust and moisture;
30. 所有員工的品質方針是:全面品質控制, 遵循指導原則, and supply the quality required by customers; all employees participate and deal with it in a timely manner to achieve zero defects;
31. 3不品質方針是:不接受有缺陷的產品, 不要製造有缺陷的產品, and do not discharge defective products;
32. 在QC的七種方法中, 4M1H refers to the reasons for fishbone investigation respectively (in Chinese): people, 機器, 資料, 方法, and environment;
33. 錫膏的成分包括:金屬粉末, 溶劑, flux, 防流掛劑, 活化劑; 按重量計, 金屬粉末占85-92%, 金屬粉末占50%; 其中, 金屬粉末是最重要的成分是錫和鉛, 份額是63/37, and the melting point is 183°C;
34. 使用錫膏時, 有必要將其從冰柜中取出,並將其恢復到溫度. 目的是將錫膏在製冷過程中的溫度恢復到正常溫度,以便於列印. 如果它沒有恢復到溫度, 之後可能出現的缺陷 電路板裝配 enters Reflow are tin beads;
35. 機器的檔案提供形式包括:準備形式, 優先通信錶, communication form and quick connection form;
36. SMT 印刷電路板 定位方法包括:真空定位, 機械孔定位, two-side clamp positioning and board edge positioning;
37. The silk screen (symbol) is 272 resistance, 電阻值為2700Î), 電阻值為4.8MÎ), the resistance symbol (silk screen) is 485;
38. BGA主體上的絲網包括製造商等資訊, 製造商零件號, 標準, 和日期程式碼/(Lot No);
39. 208pinQFP的節距為0.5mm;
40. 錫膏組合物中錫粉與助焊劑的正確成分和體積比為90%:10%, 50%:50%;
41. Early external surface bonding skills originated in the military and avionics category in the mid-1960s;
42. The contents of Sn and Pb in the solder paste most commonly used in SMT are: 63Sn+37Pb;
43. The feeding distance of a common paper tape tray with a width of 8mm is 4mm;
44. 20世紀70年代初, 一種新型貼片被引入行業, 這是一個“密封的無脚晶片載體”, often replaced by HCC;
45. 帶有符號272的部件的電阻應為2.7K ohms;
46. 100NF元件的電容值與0相同.10uf;
47. The eutectic point of 63Sn+37Pb is 183 degree Celsius;
48. The most widely used electronic component raw 材料 for SMT is ceramics;
49. 回流爐溫度曲線的最高溫度為215C, which is the most suitable;
50. 檢查錫爐時, the temperature of the tin furnace is 245C;
51. SMT零件用膠帶包裝,卷盤直徑為13英寸, 7 inches;
52. 在QC的七種方法中, the fishbone diagram focuses on finding causal connections;
53. CPK refers to: process capability under current practice;
54. The flux starts to evaporate in the constant temperature zone for chemical cleaning;
55. The ideal cooling zone curve and the reflux zone curve are mirrored;
56. The RSS curve is heating - constant temperature - reflux - cooling curve;
57. The 印刷電路板 raw 材料 we are using is FR-4;
58. 印刷電路板 翹曲標準不超過0.7% of its diagonal;
59. STENCIL manufacturing laser incision is a method that can be reworked;
60. 電腦主機板上常用的BGA球的直徑為0.76mm;
61. ABS system is a positive coordinate;
62. The error of the ceramic chip capacitor ECA-0105Y-K31 is ±10%;
63. The voltage of Panasert's full active placement machine is 3~200±10VAC;
64. The diameter of the reel for SMT parts packaging is 13 inches and 7 inches;
65. SMT鋼板開口通常比 印刷電路板 PAD to avoid the appearance of bad solder balls;
66. 根據“電路板裝配檢查規定“, 當二面角大於90度時, it indicates that there is no adhesion between the solder paste and the wave solder body;
67. IC打開包裝後, the humidity on the display card indicates that the IC is damp and absorbs moisture when the humidity on the card is greater than 30%
68. SMT設備通常使用的附加氣壓為5KG/cm2;
69. 前部PTH, 使用表面貼裝科技通過錫爐時使用哪種焊接方法, spoiler double wave welding;
70. 表面貼裝的常見檢查方法:目視檢查, X射線檢查, machine vision inspection
71. The heat conduction method of ferrochrome repair parts is conduction + convection;
72. 當前BGA數據, the main component of the solder ball is Sn90 Pb10;
73. 鋼板製造方法:鐳射切割, electroforming, chemical etching;
74. The temperature of the arc welding furnace is as follows: Use a thermometer to measure the applicable temperature;
75. 弧焊爐SMT晶片加工的半成品出口時, 焊接條件是零件固定在 印刷電路板;
76. The development process of modern quality management TQC-TQA-TQM;
77. The ICT test is a needle bed test;
78. The ICT test can test electronic parts and select static tests;
79. 焊錫的特點是熔點低於其他金屬, 物理性能滿足焊接條件, and the fluidity at low temperature is better than other metals;
80. The change of process conditions for the replacement of parts in the arc welding furnace must be measured from the beginning;
81. It can be produced without LOADER in the SMT process;
82. The SMT process is a board feeding system-solder paste printer-high-speed machine-general purpose machine-recirculation soldering-rewinding machine;
83. 打開溫度和濕度敏感部件時, 濕度卡圓圈內的顏色為藍色, and the parts can be used;
84. The standard 20mm is not the width of the strip;
85. 製造過程中印刷不良導致短路的原因:錫膏中的金屬含量不足, 成型鋼板開口過多, 錫過量, 鋼板質量差, 焊接不良, 更改鐳射切割範本, 模具反面有錫膏, 降低刮刀壓力, choose the appropriate VACCUM and SOLVENT
86. 錫膏測厚儀使用雷射量測:錫膏度, 焊膏厚度, solder paste printed width;
87. SMT零件供應方法包括振盪饋線, 圓盤給料機, tape feeder;
88. SMT設備中使用了哪些組織:cam組織, 側杆機构, 螺杆機构, sliding organization;
89. 如果無法識別目視檢查部分, BOM錶, 製造商的認可, and sample board shall be followed;
90. 如果零件包裝方法為12w8P, the counter Pinth scale must be adjusted to 8mm each time;
91. 電弧焊機品種:熱風電弧爐, 氮弧焊爐, 雷射電弧焊接爐, infrared arc welding furnace;
92. SMT零件樣品試用的可選方法:簡化生產, 手工印刷機安裝, and hand-printing hand mounting;
93. 常用的標記形狀有:圓形, “交叉”, 廣場, 金剛石, 3角形, and swastika;
94. 由於SMT部分回流設定檔設置不當, it is the preheating zone and cooling zone that can form part microcracks;
95. SMT部分零件的兩端加熱不均勻,容易形成:空焊, 抵消, and stone stele;
96. SMT零件的維修包括:烙鐵, 熱風抽出器, 吸油槍, tweezers;
97. QC分為:IQC, IPQC, .FQC, OQC;
98. 西門子80F/S belongs to more electronic control transmission;
99. 高速貼片機可以安裝電阻器, 電容器, 集成電路, and transistors;
100. 靜電特性:小電流, greatly affected by humidity;
101. The cycle time of high-speed machines and general-purpose machines should be balanced as much as possible;
102. The true meaning of quality is to do well the first time;
103. 貼片機應首先粘貼小零件, and then paste large parts;
104. BIOS是一個基本的輸入和輸出系統, 英語:基本輸入/Output System;
105. SMT parts can be divided into LEAD and LEADLESS according to the presence or absence of parts;
106. 常見的主動貼片機有3種基本類型, 連續放置類型, 連續放置類型和多個切換放置機. The general purpose of each section of the reflow furnace profile is:
Preheating zone; transpiration of the solvent in the solder paste. 均勻溫度區; 活化焊劑以去除氧化物; 剩餘水分蒸發. 回流區; 焊料熔化. 冷卻區; 由合金焊點組成, and the part feet and the pads are connected as a whole;
107. 在SMT晶片加工過程中, 出現焊球的主要原因:不良 印刷電路板 PAD圖紙, 鋼板開口拉深不良, 放置深度或放置壓力過大, 羅菲曲線過度上升, 錫膏塌陷, 錫膏粘度太低.