
PCB新聞 - SMT產品手工焊接部分的基本知識和技能


PCB新聞 - SMT產品手工焊接部分的基本知識和技能





20世紀70年代, 晶片封裝基本採用DIP封裝. 當時, 這種包裝形式適用於 印刷電路板 (printed circuit board) perforation mounting, 接線和操作更方便. 20世紀70年代末和80年代初, 電子技術人員開始關注 表面貼裝 國外科技. 20世紀80年代初和中期, 我介紹了 表面貼裝 大規模生產線. 進入21世紀以來, 漢語概論 表面貼裝 速度大大加快. 雖然中國的 表面貼裝/EMS行業取得快速發展, 客觀上還存在許多問題.

作為包裝 表面貼裝 電子元件加速, 將原來的直列式更改為平板安裝式, 連接電纜也被替換為 柔性線路板 軟紙板. 元件電阻和電容已通過1206, 0805, 0603, 和0402. 至0201平面安裝型, BGA套裝軟體使用了藍牙技術, 這無一例外地表明,電子技術已經朝著小型化和小型化的方向發展, 手工焊接的難度也新增了. 部件損壞, 或導致焊接不良, 囙此,我們的一線手工焊工必須對焊接原理有一定的瞭解, 焊接工藝, 焊接方法, 焊接質量評定, 和電子基礎.

一, welding foundation

Hand Soldering: Refers to using the soldering iron tip as the main heat source and other manual equipment to manually heat the solder and the soldered parts (such as component pin solder ends, 墊, 電線, 等.) for soldering/或拆除焊接過程/活動. 它是製造電子產品的一種基本而有效的裝配方法.

1. 潤濕:熔化的焊料在待焊接的基材表面上擴散,形成粘附層.

自然界中有很多這樣的例子. 例如, 如果一滴水滴在乾淨的玻璃板上, 水滴可以完全擴散到玻璃板上. 此時, 可以說,水完全浸濕了玻璃板; 如果這是一滴油, 油滴將形成一個球, 它會擴散開來. 此時, 可以說,油滴可以潤濕玻璃板; 如果滴下一滴汞, 水銀將形成一個球體並在玻璃板上滾動. 這表明汞不會弄濕玻璃. 焊料對基材的潤濕和鋪展是相同的. 當焊料在沒有助焊劑的焊盤上熔化時, 焊料在焊盤上呈球狀滾動, 那就是, 焊料的粘結力大於焊料與焊盤的粘附力. 此時, 焊料不會弄濕焊盤; 當添加助焊劑時, 焊料會擴散到焊盤上, 這意味著此時焊料的內聚力小於焊料與焊盤的粘附力, 囙此焊料可以在焊盤上潤濕. 濕潤並攤鋪.

2. 潤濕角:指焊料與母材之間的介面與焊料熔化後焊料表面切線之間的角度, also known as the contact angle

3. 擴散:隨著潤濕的進展, 焊料和基底金屬的金屬原子之間開始出現相互擴散現象. 通常原子在晶格中處於熱振動狀態, 一旦溫度升高. 原子活性增强導致熔融焊料和基底金屬中的原子穿過接觸面進入彼此的晶格. 原子的移動速度和數量由加熱溫度和時間决定.

2. The role of flux

The word flux (FLUX) comes from the Latin word "Flow in Soldering".

The main functions of flux are:

1. Remove oxides

To achieve a good solder joint, 待焊接物體必須具有完全無氧化物的表面, 但是一旦金屬暴露在空氣中, 將形成氧化層. 氧化層不能用傳統溶劑清洗. 此時, 必須依賴通量. 它與氧化層起化學作用. 焊劑去除氧化層後, 焊料的清潔表面可以與焊料結合.

There are several kinds of chemical projection of flux and oxide:

A, interact with each other to form three kinds of substances;

B, the oxide is directly peeled off by the flux;

C. 上述兩種反應共存.

2. Prevent re-oxidation

When the flux is removing the oxide reaction, 必須形成保護膜,以防止焊接物體表面再次氧化,直到其接觸焊料. 因此, 焊劑必須能够承受高溫, 在焊接操作溫度下不會分解或蒸發. 如果它分解了, 它會形成溶劑不溶性物質, 很難用溶劑清洗.

3, reduce the surface tension of the 材料 being welded

During the soldering process, 焊料基本上處於液態, 當部件引脚或焊盤處於固態時. 當兩種物質接觸時, 液體物質的表面張力將直接導致兩種物質的接觸介面降低. 我們對這一現象的表面概括是“錫液流動性差”或“膨脹率小”. 這種現象的存在影響了該地區, 合金形成的體積或形狀. 此時需要的是“表面活性劑”在助焊劑中的作用. “表面活性劑”通常是指能够在極低濃度下顯著降低其他物質表面張力的物質. 它的兩端有兩個分子. 集團結構, 一端是親水性和油性的,另一端是親脂性和拒水性的. 從其外部效能可以看出. 它由溶劑可溶部分和溶劑不溶部分組成. 這兩部分位於分子的兩端, 形成一種不對稱結構, 其顯著降低表面張力的能力正是由這種特殊結構决定的.

助熔劑中添加的表面活性劑量非常小, 但效果非常重要. 它降低了“待焊接材料的表面張力”, 顯示出强烈的潤濕效果, 確保錫液在焊接物體中. 表面平滑膨脹, 流量, 浸泡, 等. 通常地, 焊點成球, 假焊接, 銳化和其他類似缺陷與表面活性不足有關, 這個原因不一定是因為添加的助焊劑“表面活性劑”的量太小, 但也可能在生產過程中. 導致其分解, 失敗, 等., 從而大大降低了表面活性.

3, the structure of the soldering iron

(1) Handle (2) Electric heater (3) Soldering iron tip (4) Temperature control system

The role of each part:

Soldering iron handle--Provide a comfortable and safe handle for the operator.

電加熱器-電加熱轉換, 為烙鐵頭提供熱量.

烙鐵頭接受並儲存熱能, 並將焊接所需的熱能或溫度快速有效地轉移到所需的焊接位置.


Characteristics and parameters of electric soldering iron

1. Input electric power (power consumption) 6. Soldering iron tip leakage voltage

2, 電熱轉換率7, electrical insulation resistance

3, 熱容8, service life

4. 焊接溫度高9. Operation and maintainability

5. 再熱率10. Price

The basic principle of the selection of soldering iron tip

1. The thickness or mass (ie weight) of the soldering iron tip should match the required heat capacity or soldering temperature of the soldered area.

2. The geometry of the soldering iron tip (especially its head) should be suitable for the spatial orientation to be welded.

3. 烙鐵尖端的幾何形狀應使其與焊接部位的接觸面積較大.

4. The handle of the tip of the soldering iron should match the body of the soldering iron used (that is, the inner or outer diameter of the handle should fit properly with the body of the soldering iron without looseness).

5. The service life of the soldering iron tip should be long (such as high temperature resistance, 耐腐蝕性, 不易佩戴, 等.) and the price is appropriate.

四, welding temperature and time

1. Manual soldering temperature and time

1) The manual soldering temperature is the temperature required for the soldering iron tip and the welded part to contact each other and form a solder joint (that is, the temperature that can be actually obtained at the solder joint or is specifically called "welding temperature"). 通常地, 溫度不高於錫資料本身的熔點溫度, 38°C或100°F.

2) The manual soldering time refers to the time required for the soldering iron tip and the part to be welded to contact each other and forming a solder joint (that is, the time that the soldering iron tip stays at the soldering place or specifically called "welding time"). 通常地, 應將其控制在1到5秒內.

Welding time selection:

12 seconds: small solder joints, 熱敏元件, 晶片組件 (such as resistors, capacitors), 等.

2 3秒:中等焊接接頭, 紙基或玻璃纖維基 印刷電路板 董事會, 通孔挿件, 多針安裝設備, 錫搪瓷和電線, 等.

3 5秒:大焊點, 玻璃纖維基 印刷電路板 董事會, 焊接面積大或散熱快, 遮罩線或粗線, 等.

2, solder wire diameter selection:

0.81.0mm:小焊點, 熱組件, chip components, 多銷和小間距安裝裝置, 等.

1.01.2mm:中間焊點, 通孔挿件, 多針中大螺距安裝裝置, 錫搪瓷和電線, 等.

1.02.0mm:大焊點, 錫搪瓷, 遮罩線, 大型或快速散熱接地, 鍍錫和脫焊, 等.

通常地, 焊絲的直徑應大約等於1/2.

五, manual welding steps

A, five steps:

1. Preparation: Clean the tip of the soldering iron and dip it with thin tin

2, heating: the soldering iron tip heats the welded parts

3, send tin wire: supply tin wire for the corresponding weldment

4. Remove the tin wire: transfer the soldering iron tip and remove the tin wire

5. Remove the soldering iron tip: Wait and remove the soldering iron tip

B, two-point tinting method

1. 在烙鐵尖端和焊接件之間添加焊料,以形成熱橋.

2. 將焊絲移到烙鐵尖端的另一側, 繼續添加焊料, 達到滿意的焊點後,保持45度.

六, ten bad habits common in manual welding:

1. Excessive force (white spots are produced, 襯墊提升或變形, 等.)

2, the solder thermal bridge is not suitable (will produce cold solder joints and insufficient solder flow)

3. Wrong heating head size (If you choose too small a soldering iron tip: it will increase the soldering time, or cause cold solder joints and insufficient solder flow; choosing a too large soldering iron tip: it will damage the board and adjacent devices)

4, the humidity is too high (it will cause the pad to warp and damage the board)

5. Improper use of flux (will increase corrosion, and electron migration will promote the growth of metal whiskers)

6, transfer soldering (referring to plug-in components, which will cause poor wetting)

7, modified rewelding (increasing the growth of the intermetallic layer)