
PCB新聞 - PCB阻焊工藝


PCB新聞 - PCB阻焊工藝




阻焊膜是印刷在PCB表面的一層油墨. 它不僅起到絕緣作用, 也起到了保護銅表面的作用. 它也扮演著一個美麗的角色. 它就像一件衣服穿在PCB打樣的外面. 很容易發現任何缺陷, 囙此,在所有工藝中,阻焊板也是最容易受到客戶投訴的. 在 PCB阻焊工藝, 如果你聰明且有經驗,你也可能會遇到各種品質問題. 以下深圳電路板製造商為您總結了一些常見問題, 希望能激勵和幫助你. The common ones are as follows:

Problem: penetration, blur
Reason 1: The ink viscosity is too low.

Problem: sticky film
Reason 1: The ink is not baked dry
Improvement measures: check the ink dryness
Reason 2: The vacuum is too strong
Improvement measures: check the vacuum system (can not add air guide)

Problem: Poor exposure
Reason 1: Poor vacuum
Improvement measures: check the vacuum system
Reason 2: Improper exposure energy
Improvement measures: adjust the appropriate exposure energy
Reason 3: The temperature of the exposure machine is too high
Improvement measures: check the temperature of the exposure machine (below 26°C)

Problem: White spots in printing
Reason 1: White spots in printing
Improvement measures: mismatched diluents, use matching diluents [please use the company's supporting diluents]
Reason 2: The sealing tape is dissolved
Improvement measures: switch to white paper to seal the net


Problem: Excessive development (corrosion test)
Reason 1: The concentration of the potion is too high and the temperature is too high
Improvement measures: reduce the concentration and temperature of the potion
Reason 2: Development time is too long
Improvement measures: shorten the development time
Reason 3: insufficient exposure energy
Improvement measures: increase exposure energy
Reason 4: The developing water pressure is too large
Improvement measures: lower the developing water pressure
Reason 5: Ink mixing is uneven
Improvement measures: stir the ink evenly before printing
Reason 6: The ink is not dried
Improvement measures: Adjust the baking parameters, see the question [The ink does not dry]

Problem: the ink won't dry
Reason 1: The oven exhaust is not good
Improvement measures: check the exhaust air condition of the oven
Reason 2: The oven temperature is not enough
Improvement measures: Determine whether the actual temperature of the oven reaches the required temperature of the product
Reason 3: Put less thinner
Improvement measures: increase diluent, fully dilute
Reason 4: The thinner dries too slowly
Improvement measures: use matching thinner [please use the company's supporting thinner]
Reason 5: The ink is too thick
Improvement measures: appropriately adjust the ink thickness

Problem: Green Oil Bridge Broken Bridge
Reason 1: Insufficient exposure energy
Improvement measures: increase exposure energy
Reason 2: The board is not handled properly
Improvement measures: check the treatment process
Reason 3: Too much pressure for developing and washing
Improvement measures: check the developing and washing pressure

Problem: post-bake oil
Reason 1: There is no segmented baking
Improvement measures: segmented baking
Reason 2: Insufficient viscosity of plug hole ink
Improvement measures: adjust the ink viscosity of the plug hole

Problem: Poor upper tin
Reason 1: The development is not clean
Improvement measures: improve several factors of poor development
Reason 2: Post-baking solvent contamination
Improvement measures: increase oven exhaust or machine cleaning before spraying tin

Problem: Foaming on the tin
Reason 1: Excessive development
Improvement measures: improve the development parameters, see the problem [over development]
Reason 2: The pre-treatment of the board is not good, and the surface is oily and dusty
Improvement measures: do a good job of pre-treatment of the board and keep the surface clean
Reason 3: insufficient exposure energy
Improvement measures: check the exposure energy and meet the ink usage requirements
Reason 4: Abnormal flux
Improvement measures: adjust flux
Reason 5: Insufficient post-baking
Improvement measures: baking process after inspection

Problem: Ink discoloration
Reason 1: Insufficient ink thickness
Improvement measures: increase ink thickness
Reason 2: Oxidation of the substrate
Improvement measures: check the pre-treatment process
Reason 3: The post-baking temperature is too high
Improvement measures: too long time after checking the baking parameters

Problem: The development is not clean
Reason 1: The storage time after printing is too long
Improvement measures: control the placement time within 24 hours
Reason 2: The ink runs out before development
Improvement measures: work in the darkroom before developing (the fluorescent lamp is wrapped in yellow paper)
Reason 3: Not enough developing potion
Improvement measures: the temperature is not enough, check the concentration and temperature of the medicine
Reason 4: Development time is too short
Improvement measures: extend the development time
Reason 5: Exposure energy is too high
Improvement measures: adjust the exposure energy
Reason 6: The ink is over-baked
Improvement measures: adjust the baking parameters, not to burn to death
Reason 7: Ink mixing is uneven
Improvement measures: stir the ink evenly before printing
Reason 8: The thinner does not match
Improvement measures: use matching thinner [please use the company's supporting thinner]

Problem: ink matt
Reason 1: The thinner does not match
Improvement measures: use matching thinner [please use the company's supporting thinner]
Reason 2: Low exposure energy
Improvement measures: increase exposure energy
Reason 3: Excessive development
Improvement measures: improve the development parameters, see the problem [over development]

Problem: Blocking the Internet
Reason 1: Drying is too fast.

Problem: Ink adhesion is not strong
Reason 1: The ink model is not suitable.
改進措施:使用正確的溫度和時間, 並新增排氣量.

iPCB是一家專注於開發和生產高精度PCB的高科技製造企業. iPCB很高興成為您的業務合作夥伴. 我們的業務目標是成為最專業的原型 PCB製造商 在世界上. 主要專注於微波高頻PCB, 高頻混合壓力, 超高多層集成電路測試, from 1+ to 6+ HDI, Anylayer HDI, IC基板, IC測試板, 剛柔PCB, 普通的 多層FR4 PCB, 等. 產品廣泛應用於工業4.0, 通信, 工業控制, 數位的, 權力, 電腦, 汽車, 醫學的, 航空航太, 儀器儀錶, 物聯網及其他領域.