
PCB新聞 - PCB羅傑斯高頻板的分類與選擇


PCB新聞 - PCB羅傑斯高頻板的分類與選擇




印刷電路板羅傑斯高頻板 指電磁頻率較高的特殊電路板. It is used for high-frequency (frequency greater than 3.00MHZ or wavelength less than 1. meter) and microwave (frequency greater than 3GHZ or wavelength less than 0.1 meter). 覆銅板資料部分採用普通剛性工藝 電路板製造 方法或特殊加工方法生產的電路板. 一般來說, 印刷電路板 Rogers高頻板 可定義為頻率高於1GHz的電路板. 基板資料需要具有優异的電力效能, 化學穩定性好, 並且隨著功率訊號頻率的新增,襯底上的損耗很小, 因此 印刷電路板羅傑斯高頻板 突出顯示.

有哪些分類 印刷電路板羅傑斯高頻板 plates

1. End ceramic filled with thermosetting 材料
Processing method
The processing process is similar to epoxy/glass woven cloth (FR4), 但板材相對易碎,容易斷裂. 鑽孔和敲鑼時, 鑽頭和鑼刀的壽命將减少20%.
2. PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) 材料
Processing method
1. 切割:必須保留保護膜,以防止刮傷和壓痕.
2. Drilling:
(1) Use a brand new drill (standard 130), 一個接一個是最好的, the pressure of the presser foot is 40psi;
(2) The aluminum sheet is the cover plate, and then the PTFE plate is tightened with a 1mm melamine backing plate;
(3) After drilling, use an air gun to blow out the dust in the hole;
(4) Use the most stabe driling rig and drilling parameters (basically, 洞越小, 鑽孔速度越快, 晶片負載越小, the lower the return speed).


3. Hole treatment
Plasma treatment or sodium naphthalene activation treatment is conducive to hole metallization
4. PTH sinking copper
(1) After the micro-等hing (with the 20 micro-inch control of the micro-等hing rate), pull the plate into the plate from the de-oiling cylinder in the PTH;
(2) If necessary, 通過第二個PTH, 只需從預期氣缸啟動電路板.
5. Solder mask
(1) Pre-treatment: Use acidic plate washing, not mechanical grinding plate;
(2) Baking plate (90 degree Celsius, 30min) after pretreatment, brush green oil to solidify;
(3) Three-stage baking: one section is 80 degree Celsius, 100攝氏度, 150攝氏度, and the time is 30min each (if you find oil on the substrate surface, you can rework: wash off the green oil and reactivate it).
6. 印刷電路板 Rogers高頻板 gong board
Lay white paper on the circuit surface of the PTFE board, 並用FR-4基板或厚度為1的酚醛基板上下夾住.0毫米蝕刻以去除銅.
如何選擇 印刷電路板羅傑斯高頻板
選擇 印刷電路板 電路板資料必須在滿足設計要求之間取得平衡, 批量生產, 和成本. 簡單地說, 設計要求包括電力和結構可靠性. 通常,在設計非常高速的電路板時,這個電路板問題更為重要 印刷電路板 boards (frequency greater than GHz).
1. Cost factors
It depends on the price sensitivity of the product, 是否為消費品, 或通信, 醫學的, 工業的, or military application;
2. Manufacturability
For example, 衝壓效能的多少倍, 溫度效能, etc., 抗CAF / heat resistance and mechanical toughness (adhesion) (good reliability), fire rating;
3. Timely availability of 材料
Many high-frequency boards have a very long procurement cycle, 甚至2-3個月; 除常規高頻板RO4350庫存外, 許多的 印刷電路板 高頻板需要客戶提供. 因此, 印刷電路板羅傑斯高頻板 needs to communicate well with the manufacturer in advance and prepare the 材料 as soon as possible;
4. Various properties that match the product
Low loss, 穩定Dk/Df參數, 低色散, 頻率和環境變化係數小, small tolerance of 材料 thickness and glue content (good impedance control), 如果跟踪很長, 考慮低粗糙度銅箔. 此外, 高速電路的設計需要在早期階段進行模擬, 模擬結果是設計的參攷標準.
5. 法律法規的適用性, etc.
在上述因素中, 高速數位電路的運行速度是 印刷電路板 selection. 電路速度越高, 所選對象越小 印刷電路板Df值. 中低損耗的電路板適用於10Gb/s數位電路; 損耗較低的板適用於25Gb/s數位電路; 超低損耗板將適用於更快的高速數位電路, 速率可以是50Gb/s或更高.