
PCBニュース - 多層PCBはんだマスクプロセスにおける共通回路基板品質問題と改善対策


PCBニュース - 多層PCBはんだマスクプロセスにおける共通回路基板品質問題と改善対策




多層PCB はんだマスクプロセス, スマートとしては、生産の様々な問題に遭遇する可能性があります 回路基板, the common ones are as follows:

Problem: White spots in printing

Reason 1: The プリント多層PCB has white spots

Improvement measures: the thinner does not match, use the matched thinner [please use the company's supporting thinner]

Reason 2: The circuit board is dissolved in the sealing tape

Improvement measures: use white paper to seal the net

problem: sticky film

Reason 1: The circuit board ink is not dried

Improvement measures: check the degree of ink drying

Reason 2: 多層PCB vacuum is too strong

Improvement measures: check the vacuum system (the air guide strip may not be added)

Problem: Poor exposure

Reason 1: Poor vacuum

Improvement measures: check the vacuum system

Reason 2: 多層PCB exposure energy is inappropriate

Improvement measures: adjust the appropriate exposure energy

Reason 3: The temperature of the 多層PCB exposure machine is too high

Improvement measures: check the temperature of the exposure machine (below 26)

Problem: The ink does not dry out

Reason 1: The exhaust air of the circuit board oven is not good

Improvement measures: check the exhaust air condition of the oven

Reason 2: Less thinner

Improvement measures: increase thinner, fully dilute

Reason 3: The ink is too thick

Improvement measures: appropriately adjust the ink thickness

Reason 4: The thinner dries too slowly

Improvement measures: use matching thinner [please use company supporting thinner]

Reason 5: The oven temperature is not enough

Improvement measures: Determine whether the actual temperature of the oven reaches the required temperature of the product


Problem: The development is not clean

Reason 1: It takes too long after printing

Improvement measures: control the storage time within 24 hours

Reason 2: The ink runs out before development

Improvement measures: work in the darkroom before developing (the fluorescent lamp is wrapped in yellow paper)

Reason 3: Development time is too short

Improvement measures: extend the development time

Reason 4: Exposure energy is too high

Improvement measures: Adjust exposure energy

Reason 5: Multi-layer circuit board ink is over-baked

Improvement measures: adjust the baking parameters, not to burn to death

Reason 6: Ink mixing is uneven

Improvement measures: Stir the ink evenly before the printed circuit board

Reason 7: Not enough developing potion

Improvement measures: the temperature is not enough to check the concentration and temperature of the medicine

Reason 8: The thinner does not match

Improvement measures: use matching thinner [please use company supporting thinner]

Problem: Excessive development (corrosion test)

Reason 1: The concentration of the potion is too high and the temperature is too high

Improvement measures: reduce the concentration and temperature of the potion

Reason 2: Development time is too long

Improvement measures: shorten the development time

Reason 3: Insufficient exposure energy

Improvement measures: Increase exposure energy

Reason 4: The developing water pressure is too large

Improvement measures: lower the developing water pressure

Reason 5: Ink mixing is uneven

Improvement measures: Stir the ink evenly before printing

Reason 6: The ink is not dried

Improvement measures: Adjust the baking parameters, see the question [Ink does not dry]

Problem: Green Oil Bridge Broken Bridge

Reason 1: Insufficient exposure energy

Improvement measures: Increase exposure energy

Reason 2: The sheet is not handled properly

Improvement measures: check the treatment process

Reason 3: Too much pressure for developing and washing

Improvement measures: check the developing and washing pressure

Problem: Foaming on the tin

Reason 1: Excessive development

Improvement measures: improve the development parameters, see the problem [over development]

Reason 2: The pre-treatment of the board is not good, 表面は油性で埃っぽい.

改善策:前処置の良い仕事をする 多層PCB boards to keep the surface clean

Reason 3: Insufficient exposure energy

Improvement measures: check the exposure energy and meet the ink usage requirements

Reason 4: Abnormal flux

Improvement measures: adjust flux

Reason 5: Insufficient post-bake

Improvement measures: Baking process after inspection

Problem: Poor upper tin

Reason 1: The development is not clean

Improvement measures: improve several factors of poor image development

Reason 2: Post-baking solvent contamination

Improvement measures: increase oven exhaust or machine cleaning before spraying tin

problem: post-baking and exploding oil

Reason 1: There is no segmented baking

Improvement measures: stage baking

Reason 2: Insufficient viscosity of 多層PCB plug hole ink

Improvement measures: adjust plug hole ink viscosity

Problem: Ink matte

Reason 1: The thinner does not match

Improvement measures: use matching thinner [please use company supporting thinner]

Reason 2: Low exposure energy

Improvement measures: Increase exposure energy

Reason 3: Overdeveloped circuit board

Improvement measures: improve the development parameters, see the problem [over development]

Problem: Ink discoloration

Reason 1: Insufficient ink thickness

Improvement measures: increase ink thickness

Reason 2: Multilayer circuit board substrate oxidation

Improvement measures: check the pre-treatment process

Reason 3: The post-baking temperature is too high

Improvement measures: the time is too long to check the baking parameters

Problem: Ink adhesion is not strong

Reason 1: Ink type selection is inappropriate.


理由2 :インクの種類の選択が不適切です.


理由3:乾燥時間, 温度が正しくない, また、乾燥中の排気量は小さすぎる.

改善措置:正しい温度と時間を使用してください, 排気量を増加させる.





Problem: Blocking the Internet

Reason 1: Drying is too fast.








問題:浸透, blur

Reason 1: The ink viscosity is too low.










IPCBは、高精度のPCBの開発と生産に焦点を当てたハイテク製造企業です. iPCBは、あなたのビジネスパートナーであることを幸せです. 当社のビジネス目標は、最もプロフェッショナルなプロトタイピングになることです PCBメーカー 世界で. 主にマイクロ波高周波PCBに注目, 高周波混合圧力, 超高多層IC試験, from 1+ to 6+ HDI, アンレイヤー, IC基板, ICボード, 剛性フレキシブルPCB, 通常の多層FR 4 PCB, etc. 製品は広く業界で使用されて4.0, コミュニケーション, 産業管理, デジタル, パワー, コンピュータ, 自動車, 医学, 航空宇宙, 計装, ものと他のフィールドのインターネット.