
PCB新聞 - PCB佈局工程師必須知道什麼


PCB新聞 - PCB佈局工程師必須知道什麼



在電子系統設計中,為了避免迂回和節省時間,應充分考慮和滿足抗干擾要求,並應避免在設計完成後採取抗干擾補救措施。 造成干擾的基本因素有3個:


(1) Interference source refers to the component, 產生干擾的設備或訊號. 用數學語言描述如下:杜/dt, di所在的地方/dt大是干擾源. 例如, 閃電, 繼電器, 晶閘管, 電機, 高頻時鐘, 等. 都可能成為干擾源.
(2) Propagation path refers to the path or medium through which interference propagates from the interference source to the sensitive device. 典型的干擾傳播路徑是導線傳導和空間輻射.
(3) Sensitive devices refer to objects that are easily disturbed. 例如:A/D, D/轉換器, 單片機, 數位積體電路, 弱訊號放大器, 等.
抗干擾設計的基本原則是:抑制干擾源, 切斷干擾傳播路徑, 提高敏感器件的抗干擾效能. (Similar to the prevention of infectious diseases)
1 Suppress the source of interference
Suppressing the interference source is to reduce the du/dt和di/盡可能减少干擾源的dt. 這是抗干擾設計中最好的考慮和最重要的原則, 它通常具有事半功倍的效果. 减少du/干擾源的dt主要通過在干擾源兩端並聯連接電容器來實現. 减少di/通過將電感或電阻與干擾源回路串聯並添加續流二極體來實現干擾源的dt.
Common measures to suppress interference sources are as follows:
(1) The relay coil adds a freewheeling diode to eliminate the interference of back electromotive force generated when the coil is disconnected. 僅添加續流二極體將延遲繼電器的關閉時間. 添加齊納二極體後, 繼電器每組織時間可以運行更多次.
(2) Connect a spark suppression circuit in parallel at both ends of the relay contact (usually an RC series circuit, 電阻通常從幾K到幾十K之間選擇, 電容器為0.01uF) to reduce the impact of electric sparks.
(3) Add a filter circuit to the motor, 注意,電容和電感引線應盡可能短.
(4) Each IC on the circuit board should be connected with a 0.01mF 0.並聯1mF高頻電容器,以减少集成電路對電源的影響. 注意高頻電容器的接線. 接線應靠近電源端子,並盡可能短. 否則, 電容器的等效串聯電阻將新增, 會影響過濾效果.
(5) Avoid 90-degree fold lines when wiring to reduce high-frequency noise emission.
(6) The two ends of the thyristor are connected in parallel with an RC suppression circuit to reduce the noise generated by the thyristor (this noise may break down the thyristor).
根據干擾的傳播路徑, 它可以分為兩種類型:傳導干擾和輻射干擾.
所謂傳導干擾是指通過導線傳播到敏感設備的干擾. 高頻干擾雜訊和有用訊號的頻帶不同. 通過在導線上添加濾波器,可以切斷高頻干擾雜訊的傳播, 有時你可以添加一個隔離光耦來解决這個問題. 功率雜訊是最有害的, 所以要特別注意處理. 所謂輻射干擾是指通過空間輻射傳播到敏感設備的干擾. 一般解決方案是新增干擾源和敏感設備之間的距離, 用接地線將其隔離,並在敏感設備上添加遮罩.
Common measures to cut off the interference propagation path are as follows:
(1) Fully consider the impact of the power supply on the microcontroller. 如果供電良好, 整個電路的抗干擾問題將解决一半以上. 許多單片機對電源雜訊非常敏感, 囙此,應在單片機電源中新增濾波電路或電壓調節器,以减少電源雜訊對單片機的干擾. 例如, 磁珠和電容器可用於形成Ï形濾波電路. 當然, 當要求不高時,可以使用100Ω電阻器代替磁珠.
(2) If the I/單片機的O埠用於控制電機等雜訊設備, 應在I之間添加隔離/O埠 和 the noise source (add a π-shaped filter circuit). 控制電機等雜訊部件, 應在I之間添加隔離/O port and the noise source (add a π-shaped filter circuit).
(3) Pay attention to the crystal oscillator wiring. 晶體振盪器盡可能靠近微控制器的引脚, 時鐘區域用地線隔離, 晶體振盪器外殼接地並固定. 這一措施可以解决許多難題.
(4) Reasonable division of the circuit board, 如强弱訊號, 數位和類比信號. Keep interference sources (such as motors, relays) away from sensitive components (such as single-chip microcomputers) as far as possible.
(5) Separate the digital area from the analog area with a ground wire, 將數位接地與類比接地分開, 最後在一點將其連接到電源接地. A的接線/D和D/晶片也基於這一原理. 製造商在分配/D和D/晶片引脚排列.
(6) The ground wires of the single-chip microcomputer and high-power devices should be grounded separately to reduce mutual interference. 盡可能將大功率設備放置在電路板邊緣.
(7) The use of anti-interference components such as magnetic beads, 磁環, 電力濾波器, 以及在關鍵位置的遮罩,如MCU I/O port, 電源線, 而電路板連接線可以顯著提高電路的抗干擾效能.
3 Improve the anti-interference performance of sensitive devices
Improving the anti-interference performance of sensitive devices refers to the method of minimizing the pickup of interference noise from the side of sensitive devices and recovering from abnormal conditions as soon as possible.
Common measures to improve the anti-interference performance of sensitive devices are as follows:
(1) Minimize the loop loop area when wiring to reduce induced noise.
(2) When wiring, 電源線和地線應盡可能厚. 除了降低電壓降之外, 更重要的是要降低耦合雜訊.
(3) For the idle I/O單片機埠, 不要浮動, 但應接地或連接到電源. 其他集成電路的空閒端子接地或連接到電源,而不改變系統邏輯.
(4) The use of power supply monitoring and watchdog circuits for single-chip microcomputers, 例如IMP809, IMP706, IMP813, X25043, X25045, 等., 可以大大提高整個電路的抗干擾效能.
(5) On the premise that the speed can meet the requirements, 儘量減少單片機的晶體振盪器,選擇低速數位電路.
(6) IC devices should be soldered directly on the circuit board as much as possible, 應减少使用IC插座.

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