
PCB新聞 - pcb電路板的品質管制應注意哪些要點?


PCB新聞 - pcb電路板的品質管制應注意哪些要點?



印版的品質控制主要針對設計, 印版加工與檢驗, 以及監視和量測.
品質管制中應注意的問題 PCB電路板? Jiehao Flexible Circuit Board Factory will organize the following information for you:
The quality control of printing plates is mainly aimed at the design, 印版加工與檢驗, 以及監視和量測.
1 Quality control at the design stage


The quality management work in the design phase includes the following points.
(1) The person in charge of the project reviews the printed circuit board design documents and performs relevant review procedures to ensure that the design documents are valid. 按本檔案製作的印刷電路板能滿足設備的功能和效能要求, 否則設計會更好,這是一堆廢紙.
(2) The person in charge of the project and the technicians should check the process requirements for the production of printed circuit boards to ensure the manufacturability of the printed circuit boards. 科技要求可以直接張貼在設計圖紙上, 內容可以單獨編寫. 無論流程要求是簡單還是複雜, 它們必須顯示正確, 清晰整潔的工藝要求. 審查後的科技要求必須滿足當前的生產科技水准, 經濟實惠, 而且經濟高效, 並便於後續組裝, 調整, 測試和其他項目.
(3) Standardizers review the design of printed circuit board test points, 結構形式, 尺寸, 印刷電路佈局, 墊, 過孔, text, 等., 確保印刷電路板的可測試性和標準化, 努力達到國家標準, 國家軍用標準和行業標準的要求.
2. Quality management of production and processing links
The quality management work in the production and processing links includes the following points.
(1) The quality department cooperates with the purchasing department to conduct on-site investigations and certify the qualification and production capacity of the printed circuit board manufacturer to ensure the manufacturer's ability to complete the production task.
(2) The designer re-examines the manufacturer's production drawings;. 印刷電路板的設計通常不成功,需要多次修改. 製造商有多個版本的加工圖紙, 需要重新確認最終加工圖紙,並確認加工後的印刷電路板符合最終版本的要求.
(3) Pay attention to important processes in the production of printed circuit boards. 質量對印刷電路板的效能和可靠性有很大影響, 必須加强品質管制. 監督和審查製造商製定的重要工藝規程, 例如蝕刻, 孔金屬化和其他工藝, 確保印刷電路和焊盤無毛刺, 差距, 和橋樑缺陷, 通道沒有腫瘤和空洞. 多層印製電路板的“堆疊”還應注重品質控制,以確保厚度, 印製電路板的粘接强度和定位精度. 高頻板和微帶板通常需要鍍金, 必須製定專業的鍍金科技指南,確保鍍層的厚度和純度.
3. Quality control at the testing stage
The quality control work in the testing phase is strictly in accordance with the testing basis, 使用視覺或專業工具和儀器監控和量測印刷電路板, 並保存記錄. 如果有特殊要求, 應製定專業檢查規則.