
PCB新聞 - 天氣這麼熱,我們來談談如何冷卻PCB電路板


PCB新聞 - 天氣這麼熱,我們來談談如何冷卻PCB電路板




The weather is so hot, let’s talk about how to cool down the PCB電路板
PCB工廠 藝術經緯:既然天氣這麼熱, 今天我們將討論電路板的冷卻設計.

對於電子設備, 運行過程中會產生一定的熱量, 使設備內部溫度迅速上升. 如果沒有及時散熱, 設備將繼續加熱, 設備會因過熱而失效. 電子設備效能的可靠性將降低. 因此, 對電路板進行良好的散熱處理非常重要.

PCB電路板設計 is a downstream process that follows the principle 設計. 設計質量直接影響產品效能和市場週期. 我們知道電路板上的設備有自己的工作環境溫度範圍. 如果超過此範圍, 設備的工作效率將大大降低或發生故障, 導致設備損壞. 因此, 散熱是 PCB電路板 design.

然後, 宇威電子的編輯將告訴您如何進行散熱.

的散熱 PCB電路板 與董事會的選擇有關, 組件的選擇, 以及組件的佈局. 其中, 佈局在PCB的散熱中起著關鍵作用, 它是電路板散熱設計的關鍵部分. 製作佈局時, engineers need to consider the following aspects:

1. 集中設計和安裝高發熱和大輻射組件 PCB電路板, so as to conduct separate centralized ventilation and cooling to avoid mutual interference with the motherboard;


2. 的熱容 PCB電路板 均勻分佈. 不要集中放置大功率部件. 如果不可避免, place short components upstream of the airflow and ensure sufficient cooling air flow through the heat consumption concentrated area;

3. Make the heat transfer path as short as possible;

4. Make the heat transfer cross section as large as possible;

5. Pay attention to the same direction of forced ventilation and natural ventilation;

6. Make the intake and exhaust as far away as possible;

7. The additional sub-boards and device air ducts are consistent with the ventilation direction;

8. 加熱裝置應盡可能置於產品上方, and should be placed on the airflow channel when conditions permit;

9. 部件的佈置應考慮熱輻射對周圍部件的影響. Heat sensitive parts and components (including semiconductor devices) should be kept away from heat sources or isolated;

10. 請勿將高熱或高電流的部件放置在 PCB電路板. 盡可能多地安裝散熱器, 遠離其他部件, 並保證散熱通道暢通.
