
PCB新聞 - 多層pcb電路板打樣工藝


PCB新聞 - 多層pcb電路板打樣工藝




隨著汽車電子技術的飛速發展, 通信電子學, 工業控制, 儀器儀錶, 醫療電子設備, 航空航太和其他行業, 這個 多層PCB電路板 行業還不時滿足市場和消費者的需求, 但也不時促進產業產值的快速增長, 多層次的競爭 PCB電路板 工業在增長. 許多電路板製造商毫不猶豫地降低價格,誇大消費,以吸引大量客戶. 然而, 低價PCB板必須使用低價資料, 影響生產質量, 使用壽命短, 產品外觀容易損壞, 顛簸和其他品質問題.

多層的目的 PCB電路板 打樣是為了確定消費者製造商的實力, 可有效降低多層膜的不良率 PCB電路板s, 為未來大眾消費奠定堅實基礎. 讓我們看看多層 PCB電路板打樣 process.

多層膜 PCB電路板 打樣:

One, contact the circuit board manufacturer

First of all, 您需要將檔案通知製造商, 處理請求, 和數量. 關於“多層需要哪些參數 PCB電路板 校對?“訂單, 跟踪消費進度.

第二, open 材料

Purpose: According to the request of the engineering 材料 MI, 將符合要求的大張紙切割成小塊消費板,以滿足客戶要求的小塊紙.

Process: large sheet - cutting board according to MI request - curb board - beer fillet\grinding - board out

Three, drilling

Purpose: According to the engineering 材料, 在滿足所需尺寸的板材上的相應位置鑽取所需的孔徑.

process: stacked plate pin - upper plate - drilling - lower plate - inspection\repair

Four, Shen copper

Purpose: Copper sinking is the application of chemical methods to deposit a thin layer of copper on the wall of the insulating hole.

process: rough grinding - hanging board - automatic copper immersion line - lower board - dip 1% dilute H2SO4 - thickened copper


Five, graphics transfer

Purpose: Graphic transfer is to transfer the image on the consumer film to the board.

Process: (blue oil process): grinding plate - printing the first side - drying - printing the second side - drying - exploding - shadowing - inspection; (dry film process): hemp board - pressing film - standing - right Position-Exposure-Standing-Development-Check

VI. Graphic plating

Purpose: Pattern electroplating is to electroplate a copper layer with the required thickness and a gold-nickel or tin layer with the required thickness on the exposed copper skin of the circuit pattern or the hole wall.

process: upper board - degreasing - second water washing - micro-etching - water washing - pickling - copper plating - water washing - pickling - tin plating - water washing - lower board

七, Remove the film

Purpose: Use NaOH solution to remove the anti-electroplating masking layer to expose the non-circuit copper layer.

Process: water film: insert rack - soak alkali - rinse - scrub - pass machine; dry film: release board - pass machine

8. Etching

Purpose: Etching is to use chemical reaction to corrode the copper layer of non-circuit parts.

九, green oil

Purpose: Green oil is to transfer the graphic of the green oil film to the board to maintain the circuit and prevent the tin on the circuit when welding parts.

process: grinding plate - printing photosensitive green oil - curium plate - exposure - developing; grinding plate - printing the first side - drying plate - printing the second side - drying plate

十, Character

Purpose: Characters are provided as a mark for easy identification.

Process: After the green oil finishes - cool and stand - adjust the screen - print characters - back

eleven, gold-plated fingers

1. 目的:鍍一層鎳/插頭指上具有所需厚度的黃金,使其更加堅硬和耐磨.

process: upper plate - degreasing - washing twice - micro-etching - washing twice - pickling - copper plating - washing - nickel plating - washing - gold plating

2, tin plate (a process in parallel)

Purpose: Tin spraying is to spray a layer of lead tin on the exposed copper surface that is not covered by solder mask to protect the copper surface from corrosion and oxidation to ensure good soldering performance.

process: micro-erosion - air drying - preheating - rosin coating - solder coating - hot air leveling - air cooling - washing and air drying

12. Forming

Purpose: Organic gongs, 啤酒委員會, 手鑼, 手工切割可採用模壓或數控鑼機生產.

澄清:數據鑼機板和啤酒板的準確性更高, 手鑼是第二個, 而最小的手工砧板只能用一些簡單的形狀製成.

13. Test

Purpose: After electronic 100% testing, 檢測影響功能的缺陷, 例如不易目視發現的斷路和短路.

Process: upper mold - release board - test - pass - FQC visual inspection - unqualified - repair - return test - OK - REJ - scrap

Fourteen, final inspection

Purpose: After 100% visual inspection of board appearance defects, 停止修復小缺陷,防止問題和缺陷板流出.


由於設計技術含量高, 多層膜的加工和製造 PCB電路板製造商. 因此, 只要PCB打樣和製造的每一個細節都準確而嚴格地完成, 可以獲得高品質的PCB產品. 贏得更多客戶的喜愛,贏得更大的市場.