
PCB部落格 - PCB焊接時應注意的問題


PCB部落格 - PCB焊接時應注意的問題



覆銅板經過加工製成 印刷電路板, 穿過洞, 和裝配孔, 各種組件都已組裝好. 裝配後, 為了使部件接觸到接頭, 有必要進行焊接. 釺焊工藝分為3種方法:波焊, 回流焊和手工焊. 焊接連接, using separate manual (electrochromic) iron) welding.


1 €Solder resistance of copper clad laminates
As the substrate 材料 of PCB, 覆銅板與金屬接觸. 所以, 這個, 這是對銅耐熱性的測試. CCL在熱衝擊期間保證其產品品質, 這是評估CCL耐熱性的一個重要方面. 同時, 覆銅板在焊接過程中的可靠性, 高溫剝離强度, 還有熱和. 用於覆銅板釺焊加工, 除了傳統的浸焊電阻, 近年來, 為了提高銅的可靠性, 一些應用程序效能度量和測試. Such as hygroscopic heat resistance test (treatment for 3 hours, then do 260 ℃ dip soldering test), hygroscopic reflow soldering test (reflow soldering test at 30 ℃, 70% relative humidity for a specified time) and so on. 在CCL之前, the copper clad laminate manufacturer should perform a strict dip solder resistance (also known as thermal shock blistering) test according to the standard. 印刷電路板. 同時, 印製電路板樣品製作完成後, 這個. 在確認這種基材符合, 這種.

The method for determining the dip solder resistance of copper clad laminates is basically the same as my country International (GBIT 4722-92), American IPC standard (IPC-410 1), and Japanese JIS standard (JIS-C-6481-1996). The main requirements are:
1) The method of arbitration determination is "floating soldering method" (the sample floats on the soldering surface);
2) The sample size is 25 mm X 25 mm;
3) If the temperature measurement point is a mercury thermometer, it means that the parallel position of the mercury head and tail in the solder is (25 ± 1) mm; the IPC standard is 25.4 mm;
4) The depth of the solder bath is not less than 40 mm.

它. 一般焊料加熱熱源為. The greater the distance (deeper) from the temperature measurement point to the solder liquid surface, 這個. 此時, 液面越低, 泡沫越長.

2 €Wave soldering processing
In the wave soldering process, 焊接溫度實際上就是焊接溫度, 這與焊接類型有關. 焊接. 焊接. 作為, 浸焊時間相對較短. 如果焊接溫度過高, 它, delamination and serious warping of the circuit (copper tube) or substrate. 所以, 焊接溫度應為.

3 €Reflow welding
Generally, 這個. The setting of reflow soldering temperature is related to the following aspects:
1) The type of equipment for reflow soldering;
2) Setting conditions of line speed, 等.;
3) Type and thickness of substrate 材料;
4) The size of the PCB, 等.

這個. 在相同的回流設定溫度下, 表面.在回流過程中, the heat resistance limit of the substrate surface temperature where copper foil bulges (blistering) occurs will change with the preheating temperature of the PCB and the presence or absence of moisture absorption. It can be seen from Figure 3 that when the preheating temperature of the PCB (the surface temperature of the substrate) is lower, 表面的耐熱極限. 在設定回流焊溫度的條件下, 這個.

4 €Manual welding
When repair welding or separate manual welding of special components, 這個, 溫度低於300°C時. 儘量縮短時間, 一般要求是, 所述玻璃纖維布基材為 印刷電路板.