
微波技術 - 多層PCB板製造商可以快速取樣和發貨


微波技術 - 多層PCB板製造商可以快速取樣和發貨



專業生產 多層電路板製造商

專業生產厚銅板電路板, 厚銅電路板, 精密雙面電路板, 阻抗PCB電路板, 盲孔電路板, 柔性電路板, 埋孔電路板, 埋盲孔電路板, 手機電路板, 藍牙電路板, 轎厢電路板, 運輸電路板, 安全電路板, HDI電路板, 航空光譜儀電路板, 工業控制PCB電路板, 通信PCB電路板, 智能家居PCB電路板, 軍用PCB電路板, 醫用PCB電路板高精度高難度厚銅板, 生產類型:HDI手機電路板, 高頻電路板, 射頻電路板, 阻抗電路板, thick copper circuit boards (12OZ), 軟硬粘接板, 陰陽銅板, 鋁基板, 混合電路板, 背板, 埋電容和埋電阻板, HDI電路板 由公司生產, 精密雙面多層電路板, 柔性電路板, 阻抗電路板, 柔性電路板, 通過電路板埋入的盲板通過所有電路,獲得電路板生產所需的證書, 例如UL, SGS公司, ISO9001, RoHS, QS9000, TS16949, 廣泛應用於產品中, 比如電腦, 醫療設施, 車輛, 各種通信設備, 軍事的, 航空航太, etc

Blind vias are vias that connect the surface and inner layers without penetrating the entire board. 埋入過孔是連接內層的過孔,在成品板表面不可見. 這兩種過孔的尺寸設定, 請參攷過孔. . Wire hole

The definition of the minimum hole diameter of the finished plate depends on the thickness of the plate, 板厚孔比應小於5-8.
The preferred series of apertures are as follows:
A.perture: 24mil 20mil 16mil 12mil 8mil

Pad diameter: 40mil 35mil 28mil 25mil 20mil
Inner thermal pad size: 50mil 45mil 40mil 35mil 30mil
The relationship between plate thickness and minimum aperture:
Board thickness: 3.0毫米2.5mm 2.0毫米1.6mm 1.0mm
Minimum aperture: 24mil 20mil 16mil 12mil 8mil


Test hole
Test holes refer to vias used for ICT testing purposes, 也可用作通孔. 原則上, 孔徑不受限制, 襯墊的直徑應不小於25密耳, 測試孔之間的中心距離不應小於50mil. Multilayer circuit board

Factors to be considered in the setting of the line width and line spacing of the 盲孔板
A. 單板的密度. 板的密度越高, 傾向於使用更細的線寬和更窄的間距.
B. 訊號的電流強度. 當訊號的平均電流較大時, the current that the wiring width can carry should be considered
The width of the wire should be able to meet the electrical performance requirements and be convenient for production. 其最小值由當前大小决定, 但最小值不應小於0.2毫米. 在高密度, 高精度印刷電路, 導線寬度和間距通常為0.3毫米