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PCB Technical

PCB Technical - PCB circuit board copy board knowledge and circuit design

PCB Technical

PCB Technical - PCB circuit board copy board knowledge and circuit design

PCB circuit board copy board knowledge and circuit design


PCB copy board design method:

First of all, take a PCB board from the customer that needs to be copied, and record all the parameters on the PCB circuit board through technology, such as: line width and moment, aperture size, process conditions, etc., especially the secondary-tertiary tube It’s best to use a digital camera to take a few photos of the location of the components, because there are many PCB circuit boards that are very advanced, and there are many places that you can’t see if you don’t pay attention. Remove all the components and put them in the PAD hole. Remove the tin, clean the PCB board with alcohol and put it in the scanner, then lightly polish the top and bottom layers with water gauze until the copper film is shiny, then put down the scanner to start PHOTOSHOP, and use the color method to scan the layers separately. Convert the second image to black and white, and then black and white BMP format files TOPBMP and BOTBMP.

In circuit design, we generally care about the quality of the signal, but sometimes we often confine ourselves to the signal line for research, and treat the power and ground as ideal conditions. Although this can simplify the problem, it is in high-speed design. In China, this simplification is no longer feasible. Although the more direct result of circuit design is manifested in signal integrity, we must not neglect the power integrity design for this reason. Because power integrity directly affects the signal integrity of the final PCB board. Power integrity and signal integrity are closely related, and in many cases, the main cause of signal distortion is the power system. For example, the ground bounce noise is too large, the design of the decoupling capacitor is not suitable, the loop influence is very serious, the division of multiple power/ground planes is not good, the ground layer design is unreasonable, the current is uneven, and so on.

pcb board

Simple basic knowledge of PCB copy board

1. The application of flexible circuit board is an important advantage, it can be easier to track and install in three-dimensional space, and even can be rolled or folded up and used. The radius of curvature allowed in the curl can withstand tens of thousands of times without damage.

2. Assembly even with the use of guide cables, the conductor cross-section of the flexible circuit board is thin and flat, reducing the size of the wire, and can be formed along the chassis to make the equipment structure more compact and reasonable, and reduce or even install. Rigid PCB saves space by 60% to 90%.

3. In the same volume and the same load capacity, the weight of the flexible circuit board and the wire and cable can be reduced by about 70%, and the weight of the rigid PCB can be reduced by about 90%.

4. When the flexible printed circuit board is installed with wires and cables, it can even eliminate errors. It is the same to proofread all the post-processing drawings generated by the surrounding circuits. There is nothing wrong with installing cables.

5. Flexible printed circuit board installation, even in the X, Y, Z plane, wiring, and reduce interconnection transmission, the entire system to improve reliability, fault detection, provides convenience.

6. According to the requirements of soft PCB design, the designer can control the capacitance, inductance, characteristic impedance, delay and attenuation. Features of transmission lines that can be designed. Because these parameters are related to wire width, thickness, spacing, insulation thickness, dielectric constant, and loss tangent, it is difficult to complete wire and cable.

7. As a rigid circuit board, flexible circuit board terminal pads can eliminate wire stripping heads and sugar tin, thereby saving costs. Terminal pads and device plugs can be used to replace hand-soldering wire dip soldering or wave soldering.

8. According to different requirements, flexible PCBs are manufactured using different substrate materials. For example, in the low cost of installing applications, you can use polyester film. In demanding applications, you need to have excellent performance, membrane polyamide Asia.

9. Flexible printed circuit board installation even reduces the total cost. This is because:

1) Due to the consistency of the various parameters of the flexible PCB conductor; the implementation of the overall termination saves frequent errors and rework to install wires and cables, and the flexible circuit board replacement is more convenient.

2) The flexible circuit board structure is designed to simplify the application, it can be directly adhered to the components, reducing clips and fasteners.

3) Shielded wires are required, and the price of flexible circuit boards is lower.

2.10 Continuous processing

The flexible foil is supplied as a continuous cover board in a roll, so that the continuous production of flexible circuit boards can be realized. This also helps reduce costs.