точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
СВЧ технология

СВЧ технология - Обзор выбора и обработки высокочастотных пластин завода платы PCB

СВЧ технология

СВЧ технология - Обзор выбора и обработки высокочастотных пластин завода платы PCB

Обзор выбора и обработки высокочастотных пластин завода платы PCB


определение панели частот PCB

этот высокочастотная пластинаof the circuit board factory refers to the special circuit board with higher electromagnetic frequency. It is used for high frequency (frequency greater than 300MHZ or wavelength less than 1 meter) and microwave (frequency greater than 3GHZ or wavelength less than 0.1 meter). Microwave substrate copper clad laminates are circuit boards produced by using part of the process of ordinary rigid circuit board manufacturing methods or using special processing methods. Вообще говоря, a высокочастотная пластинаcan be defined as a circuit board with a frequency above 1GHz.

высокочастотная пластина

With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more equipment is designed for applications in the microwave frequency band (>1GHZ) and even in the millimeter wave field (30GHZ). это значит, что частота растёт., and the circuit board is The requirements for materials are getting higher and higher. например, the substrate material needs to have excellent electrical properties, химическая устойчивость, and the loss on the substrate with the increase of the power signal frequency is very small, поэтому высокочастотная пластинаis highlighted.

2. PCB high frequency board application field ·

Mobile communication products; ·
Power amplifier, малошумящий усилитель, сорт.;·
Passive components such as power splitters, couplers, дуплекс, filters, etc.;
In the fields of automobile collision avoidance systems, спутниковая система, and radio systems, высокочастотное электронное оборудование – тенденция развития.
Third, the classification of high-frequency boards

Powder ceramic filled thermosetting material
а. Manufacturer:

4350B/4003C from Rogers
Arlon's 25N/25FR
Taconic's TLG series
B. Processing method:
The processing process is similar to epoxy resin/glass woven cloth (FR4), except that the sheet is relatively brittle and easy to break. когда сверление и гонг, the life of the drill tip and gong knife is reduced by 20%.

материал PTFE (тефлон)

A. Manufacturer:
Rogers' RO3000 series, RT (серия игр), TMM series
Arlon's AD/AR (серия игр), IsoClad series, CuClad series
Taconic's RF series, TLX series, TLY series
Taixing Microwave's F4B, F4BM, F4BK, TP-2

B. Processing method:
1. Cutting: the protective film must be kept to prevent scratches and creasing

2. Drilling
1. Use a brand new drill tip (standard 130), один за другим будет лучшим, the pressure of the presser foot is 40psi
2. алюминиевый лист, and then the PTFE plate is tightened with a 1mm melamine backing plate
3. после бурения, use an air gun to blow out the dust in the hole
4. Use the most stable drilling rig and drilling parameters (basically the smaller the hole, скорость бурения, the smaller the Chip load, the smaller the return speed)

3. Hole treatment
Plasma treatment or sodium naphthalene activation treatment is conducive to hole metallization

4.PTH copper sink
1 After the micro-травление (the micro-etching rate has been controlled by 20 microinches), the PTH pulls from the de-oiler cylinder to enter the board
2 If necessary, через второй PTH, just start the board from the expected cylinder

5. Solder mask
1 Pre-treatment: Use acidic plate washing instead of mechanical grinding plate
2 Baking plate after pretreatment (90„ƒ, 30min), brush with green oil to cure
3 Baking plates in three stages: one section at 80„ƒ, божество, божество, and 150„ƒ, each for 30 minutes (if you find oil on the substrate surface, you can rework: wash off the green oil and reactivate it)

6.Gong board
Lay the white paper on the circuit surface of the PTFE board, and clamp it up and down with the FR-4 base plate or phenolic base plate with a thickness of 1.протравка на 0 мм для удаления меди, as shown in the figure:
High-frequency board gong board stacking method
The burrs on the back of the gong board need to be carefully trimmed by hand to prevent damage to the substrate and copper surface, затем отделить серной бумагой большого размера, & внешний осмотр. To reduce burrs, Дело в том, что процесс гонга должен иметь хороший эффект.

четвёртый, the process

NPTH's PTFE sheet processing flow
Cutting-Drilling-Dry Film-Inspection-Etching-Erosion Inspection-Solder Mask-Characters-Spray Tin-Forming-Testing-Final Inspection-Packaging-Shipment

PTH's PTFE plate processing flow
Cutting-drilling-hole treatment (plasma treatment or sodium naphthalene activation treatment)-copper immersion-board electricity-dry film-inspection-diagram electricity-etching-corrosion inspection-solder mask-character-spray tin-forming-test-final Inspection-Packaging-Shipping


трудности высокочастотная пластинаprocessing
1. Immersion copper: the hole wall is not easy to be copper
2. Control of line gaps and sand holes of map transfer, etching, line width
3. технология зелёного масла: прилипание зелёного масла, green oil foaming control
4. Strictly control board surface scratches in each process.