точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
Технология PCBA

Технология PCBA - техническое обслуживание и проверка

Технология PCBA

Технология PCBA - техническое обслуживание и проверка

техническое обслуживание и проверка


Maintenance и inspection of печатная платаA placement machine
At present, the country has higher and higher requirements for environmental protection and greater efforts in link governance. Это как вызов, так и возможность завод печатная плата. If завод печатная плата решимость решить проблему загрязнения окружающей среды, then FPC flexible circuit board products can be at the forefront of the market, and завод печатная плата can get opportunities for further development.
в странах Европы и Америки, SMT placement machines are maintained daily, Ежемесячный уход, quarterly maintenance, и крупномасштабный ремонт год назад. The purpose is to prevent it from happening, сокращение бюджета, and improve production efficiency. поэтому, regular inspection and maintenance systems have to be formulated:
1. Check every day
(1) Before turning on the power of the placement machine, check the following items:
1. температура от 20 до 15ºC до 26°C, and the humidity is between 45~70%.
2. The indoor environment requires clean air and no corrosive gas.
три. Make sure that there is no debris on the transfer rail and within the moving range of the placement head.
4. проверить, есть ли на камерах крошки, чистые ли линзы.
5. убедиться в отсутствии обломков вокруг сопла.
6. проверить, не загрязнены ли сопла и деформированы, clean or replace the nozzle.
7. Check whether the tape feeder is correctly placed in the material station, и обеспечить, чтобы на станции материалов не было осколков.
8. Проверка подключения воздушного соединителя, air hoses, сорт.
(2) After turning on the power of the placement machine, check the following items:
1. After starting the system, Проверить правильность отображения экрана меню.


2. После нажатия на кнопку серво, the indicator light should be on, иначе он будет закрыт и перезагрузится.
3. Can the emergency switch work normally?
4. Check whether the placement head can return to the starting point correctly.
5. Check if there is any abnormal noise when the placement head moves.
6. Check whether the negative pressure of the nozzles of all placement heads is within the range.
7. Check whether the печатная плата плавный ход на направляющей, чувствительность датчика.
8. проверка правильности установки края и установки иглы.

2. Monthly inspection
(1) Clean the screen and floppy drive of the CRT.
(2) When the placement head is moving, Убедитесь, что на ось X и ось Y нет аномального шума.
(3) Make sure that the screws on the cable and cable bracket are not loose.
(4) Make sure that the air connector is not loose.
(5) Check the pipes and connections to make sure that the air hose does not leak.
(6) Make sure that the X and Y motors do not heat up abnormally.
(7) Move the placement head along the positive and negative directions of the X-axis and Y-axis. When the placement head moves out of the normal range, тревога должна звучать, and the placement head can stop moving immediately. после сигнала тревоги, use the manual operation menu to make sure The loading head can run.
(8) Check whether there are stains on the timing transmission belt and gears to ensure that the placement head can rotate without obstacles and that the placement head has sufficient torque.
(9) Check whether the placement head can move up and down smoothly, толкать палец вверх, check whether its movement is smooth, Переместить голову вниз за пределы нормального диапазона, check whether the alarm can sound and the placement Whether the head can stop immediately.
(10) Ensure that the scanning head can move smoothly.
(11) Check the negative pressure of all placement heads. Если величина отрицательного давления аномалия, clean the filter in the nozzle shaft. Если фильтр в вакуумной выхлопной трубе грязный, replace it.
(12) Check the movement of the transmission rail, проверять растяжение конвейера, проверить наличие следов, scratches and debris on the conveyor belt, автоматическая регулировка ширины рельса, check the movement when the maximum width and minimum width are adjusted, среди населения, имеющего выход, check the parallelism of the rails and the transmission of the печатная плата.
(13) Check the movement and noise of the печатная плата limiter.
(14) Check the wear conditions of the side clamping, rear top block, & буфер.
(15) Check whether the fixture on the nozzle magazine is flexible and worn.
(16) Clean the lens and light box of all cameras.
(17) Check the movement and brightness of the camera lighting device.
(18) Check whether all brakes can work normally on the VO signal screen, and check the emergency stop switch.
(19) Make sure that all the warning lights can be on and the installation is firm.
(20) Check whether the hazard alarm and warning alarm can sound. .
(21) Perform "image detection" on the camera.
(22) Check the coordinate value of the pick-up point of the feeder station.
(23) Make sure that the components can be assembled to the designated location.
The above introduces the daily inspection, техническое обслуживание, ежемесячный контроль и техническое обслуживание. The regular inspection and maintenance system of SMT placement machines must be paid attention to and implemented, не только SMT, but also in печатная плата копировать/design The machines used in processes such as electronic production and processing must be regularly inspected and maintained, создать для нас больше богатства.