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PCB News - What are the basic principles of pcb board design?

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PCB News - What are the basic principles of pcb board design?

What are the basic principles of pcb board design?


What are the basic principles of PCB board design?

What are the basic principles of PCB board design? Take a look:

1. Choose the correct grid set and always use grid spacing that matches most components. Although multi-grid seems to be effective, if engineers can think more in the early stages of printed circuit board layout design, they can avoid the difficulty in spacing and maximize the use of circuit boards.

2. Keep the path shortest and direct. This applies especially to analog and high-speed digital circuits, where system performance is always partially limited by impedance and parasitic effects.

3. Use the power layer as much as possible to manage the distribution of power and ground wires. For most PCB board design software, the copper coating on the power layer is a faster and simpler choice. By connecting a large number of wires together, the current with the highest efficiency and the lowest impedance or voltage drop can be ensured, and at the same time, sufficient ground loops can be provided.

What are the basic principles of PCB board design?

4. Use required test points to group related components.

5. Repeat the required circuit board layout on another larger circuit board. Choosing the most suitable size for the device used by the manufacturer will help reduce prototyping and manufacturing costs.

6. Integrate component values. As a designer, choose discrete components with high or low component values but the same performance. By integrating within a smaller standard value range, you can simplify the bill of materials and reduce costs.

7. Perform as many design rule checks as possible. Although it only takes a short time to run the digital copyright control function on the printed circuit board software, in a more complex design environment, as long as the check is always performed during the design process, a lot of time can be saved.

8. Flexible use of screen printing. Screen printing can be used to mark various useful information for future use by circuit board manufacturers, service or test engineers, installers, or equipment debuggers.

9. Decoupling capacitors are required. Don't try to optimize the design by avoiding power line decoupling and according to the limits in the component data sheet, spend as much time as possible on assembling the capacitor.

10. Generate printed circuit board manufacturing parameters and verify them before submitting for production. Although most circuit board manufacturers are willing to download it directly and verify it for you, you'd better output the Gerber file first and then check it with a free viewer to avoid misunderstandings.

The above are the basic principles of PCB board design explained by the editor of PCB factory for you, do you understand it?