точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
Технология PCB

Технология PCB - завод многослойных плат: плюс - минус

Технология PCB

Технология PCB - завод многослойных плат: плюс - минус

завод многослойных плат: плюс - минус


Multilayer плата цепизавод: позитивные и негативные различия

завод печатных плат: Multilayer плата цепиnegative film: generally we talk about the tenting process, используемый химический раствор представляет собой кислотный негатив, так как после изготовления негативов, необходимые схемы или медная поверхность прозрачны, and the unneeded part is It is black. после технологической экспозиции цепи, the transparent part is chemically cured by the dry film resist being exposed to light. последующий процесс проявления смоет неоттвердевшуюся сухую плёнку, Таким образом, в процессе травления только сухая пленка может быть травлена. The copper foil of the film is washed away (the black part of the negative film), и сухая плёнка не отмоется, which belongs to the circuit we want (the transparent part of the negative film)

Multilayer плата цепипозитивный фильм: обычно мы говорим о процессе создания рисунка, Используемая жидкость для щелочного травления. If you look at the negative film, требуется черная схема или медная поверхность, and the other part is transparent In the same way, после экспонирования в процессе цепи, the transparent part is chemically hardened by the dry film resist being exposed to light. Lead is plated on the copper surface washed away by the dry film in the previous process (development), and then the film is removed (removing the dry film hardened by light). Drop the copper foil without tin-lead protection (the transparent part of the negative), and the rest is the circuit we want (the black part of the negative)

Positive film and negative film are actually selected according to the process of each плата цепизавод. Positive film: The process is (double-sided circuit board) cutting-drilling-PTH (one-time plating is also called thickened copper)-circuit-two copper (graphic plating) ) Then take the SES line (removal film-etching-stripping tin) negative film: the process is (double-sided) cutting-drilling-PTH (one-time plating is also called thickened copper)-line (without two copper pattern plating) and then go DES line (etching-removing film)

завод многослойных плат: плюс - минус

‘  Distinguish between the master film (negative film), рабочий фильм, the positive and negative film and the film surface: the film has the master film and the working film (child film), чёрная и жёлтая плёнка, positive film and negative film;

‘¡Pay attention to the use of yellow film: there are two kinds of glossy surface and matte surface. The second type is prone to oil surface indentation when used;

‘¢When distinguishing the yao film surface, черно - гладкая поверхность, while the yellow film is the opposite. В общем, you can see that the side is the medicated surface by scraping the film with a scraper or a blade. (Master film: orthographic positive medicine surface, sub-film: orthographic negative medicine surface);

‘£ Generally speaking, пластинка черная, also known as silver salt film, which is mainly used to copy the work film (yellow film is also called diazo film), but the work film is not necessarily only the yellow film. как рабочий фильм. Он используется для производства высокоточных HDI пластин или одноразового мелкосерийного плата, чтобы экономить затраты. Yellow films are used in the manufacture of ordinary PCB circuit boards and mass-produced ordinary circuit boards;

‘¤The light-transmitting negative film on the film circuit (with copper), the opaque film is the positive film; the positive film is used for pattern electroplating, схема разработана успешно, and the remaining function is anti-corrosion electroplating, основное покрытие свинцом и оловом . The negative film is used for direct etching, антикоррозийное средство, остающееся после проявления, представляет собой цепь, which is directly etched with an acid etching solution.