точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
Новости PCB

Новости PCB - универсальный проект PCB

Новости PCB

Новости PCB - универсальный проект PCB

универсальный проект PCB


General печатная плата design drawing inspection items

1) Has the circuit been analyzed? In order to smooth the signal, схема делится на основные элементы.
2) Does the circuit allow short or isolated key leads?
3) Where must be shielded, is it effectively shielded?
4) Have you made full use of the basic grid graphics?
5) Is the size of the printed плата цепи лучший размер?
6) Do you use the selected wire width and spacing as much as possible?
7) Has the preferred pad size and hole size been used?
8) Are the photographic plates and sketches appropriate?

9) Is the use of jumper wires less? пересекать ли провод через узлы и агрегаты?

L0) можно ли видеть алфавит после сборки? они правильные размер и модель?

плата цепи

11) In order to prevent blistering, есть ли окно на медной фольге большой площади?
12) Are there tool positioning holes?
печатная плата electrical characteristics inspection items:
1) Have you analyzed the influence of wire resistance, индуктивность, and capacitance, особенно влияние поверхностного критического падения напряжения?
2) Does the spacing and shape of the wire accessories meet the insulation requirements?
3) Has the insulation resistance value been controlled and specified in key areas?
4) Is the polarity fully recognized?
5) Is the influence of wire spacing on leakage resistance and voltage measured from a geometrical point of view?
6) Has the medium for changing the surface coating been identified?
печатная плата physical characteristics inspection items:

1) Are all pads and their positions suitable for final монтаж?
2) Can the assembled printed плата цепи удовлетворять условия удара и вибрации?
3) What is the required spacing of standard components?

4) были ли установлены неподвижные или более тяжелые компоненты?

5) Is the heating element heat dissipation and cooling correct? или отдельно от печати плата цепи and other heat-sensitive elements?
6) Are the voltage divider and other multi-lead components positioned correctly?
7) Is the arrangement and orientation of the components easy to check?
8) Has it eliminated all possible interference on the printed плата цепи и вся печать плата цепи assembly?
9) Is the size of the positioning hole correct?
10) Is the tolerance complete and reasonable?
11) Have you controlled and signed the physical properties of all coatings?
12) Is the diameter ratio of the hole and the lead wire within the acceptable range?
печатная плата mechanical design factors:
Although the printed плата цепи автоматизированный телеграфный крепления с помощью механического метода, it cannot be used as a structural part of the entire device. на краю печати, По крайней мере раз в 5 дюймов, чтобы получить некоторую поддержку. Факторы, которые необходимо учитывать при выборе и проектировании печатных изданий плата цепиs are as follows;
1) The structure of the printed плата цепи- размер и форма.
2) Types of mechanical accessories and plugs (seats) required.
3) The adaptability of the circuit to other circuits and environmental conditions.