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Новости PCB

Новости PCB - Основные сведения о панелях PCB

Новости PCB

Новости PCB - Основные сведения о панелях PCB

Основные сведения о панелях PCB


образец PCB плата PCB is based on an insulating board, нарезать на определённый размер, По крайней мере, соединяет рисунок проводимости, and holes (such as component holes, крепёжное отверстие, metalized holes, сорт.), для замены предыдущего оборудования, пожалуйста, замените электронный элемент в машине., and realize the interconnection between the electronic components.

плата PCB

плата PCB ремонт - это новая индустрия обслуживания. In recent years, автоматизация промышленного оборудования, so the number of industrial control boards in various industries has also increased. после повреждения панели управления, the high cost of replacing the плата PCB(as little as several thousand yuan, as many as Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands) has also become a very headache for enterprises. На самом деле, most of these damaged плата PCBs can be ремонтed in China, and the cost is only 20%-30% of the purchase of a new board, и потратил гораздо меньше времени, чем иностранные директоры. The following introduces the basic knowledge of плата PCB repair.

PCB Proofing Almost all плата PCB ремонт без чертежей и материалов, so many people are skeptical about плата PCB ремонт. Although various circuit boards are very different, то же самое плата PCB is composed of various integrated blocks., сопротивление, capacitors and other components, поэтому плата PCB must be caused by one or some of the components. О плата PCB ремонт is established based on the above factors. ремонт платы разделен на две части: проверка и ремонт, of which inspection occupies a very important position. Основные сведения о ремонте каждого оборудования на машине плата PCB тест, until the bad parts are found and replaced, потом плата PCB is repaired.

плата PCB Проверка - это процесс выявления проблем, determining and correcting the failure of each electronic component on the плата PCB. На самом деле, the entire inspection process is a thinking process and a test process that provides logical reasoning clues. поэтому, the inspection engineer must gradually accumulate experience and continuously improve the level of плата PCB maintenance, testing, ремонт. General electronic equipment is composed of thousands of components. во время обслуживания и ремонта, it will be very time-consuming to find problems by directly testing and inspecting every component in the плата PCB. трудно. Then the check-in type inspection method from the fault phenomenon to the cause of the fault is an important method of inspection and repair. только плата PCB detects the problem, легко починить.

The above is an introduction to the basic knowledge of плата PCBs for PCB proofing. Ipcb is also provided to Производители PCB and PCB manufacturing technology