точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
Технология PCB

Технология PCB - высокая надежность PCB

Технология PCB

Технология PCB - высокая надежность PCB

высокая надежность PCB


1. Use internationally well-known substrates-do not use "local" or unknown brands


Improve reliability and known performance

Risk of not doing so:

Poor mechanical performance means that the circuit board cannot perform the expected performance under assembly conditions. например, high expansion performance can cause delamination, размыкание и коробление. Weakened electrical characteristics can lead to poor impedance performance.

2. 25 micron hole wall copper thickness


Enhance reliability, включая увеличение сопротивления набуханию оси z.

Risk of not doing so:

Blow holes or degassing, electrical connectivity problems during assembly (inner layer separation, hole wall fracture), or failures under load conditions in actual use. IPCClass2 (the standard adopted by most factories) requires 20% less copper plating.

3. No welding repair or open circuit repair


Perfect circuit can ensure reliability and safety, без обслуживания, no risk

Risk of not doing so:

If repaired improperly, плата сломана. Даже если ремонт "подходит", there is a risk of failure under load conditions (vibration, сорт.), неисправность в эксплуатации.

GPS Main Module board (1).jpg

4. Requirements for the depth of the plug hole


High-quality plug holes will reduce the risk of failure during assembly.

Risk of not doing so:

The chemical residues in the gold-immersion process may remain in the hole that is not full of the plug hole, вызывать вопросы свариваемости. Moreover, в пещере может быть спрятано олово, which may splash out during assembly or actual use, вызывать короткое замыкание.

5. Cleanliness requirements exceeding IPC specifications


Improving PCB cleanliness can increase reliability.

Risk of not doing so:

Residues and solder accumulation on the circuit board bring risks to the solder mask. Ионные остатки создают опасность коррозии и загрязнения на поверхности сварки, which may lead to reliability problems (bad solder joints/electrical failures) and ultimately increase the occurrence of actual failures Probability.

6. Lianshuo Circuit performs specific approval and ordering procedures for each purchase order


The execution of this program ensures that all specifications have been confirmed.

Risk of not doing so:

If the product specifications are not carefully confirmed, до сборки или конечного продукта не может быть обнаружено каких - либо отклонений, сейчас уже поздно..

7. Strictly control the service life of each surface treatment


Solderability, reliability, and reduce the risk of moisture intrusion

Risk of not doing so:

Due to the metallographic changes in the surface treatment of the old circuit boards, может возникнуть проблема сварки, and moisture intrusion may cause problems such as delamination, separation (open circuit) of the inner layer and the hole wall during the assembly process and/or actual use .

8. The tolerance of the copper clad laminate meets the requirements of IPC4101ClassB/L


Strictly controlling the thickness of the dielectric layer can reduce the deviation of expected electrical performance.

Risk of not doing so:

The electrical performance may not meet the specified requirements, выход/performance of the same batch of components will be quite different.


9. Define solder mask materials to ensure compliance with IPC-SM-840ClassT requirements


ipcb Circuits recognizes "excellent" inks, обеспечение безопасности чернил, and ensures that solder mask inks meet UL standards.

Risk of not doing so:

Inferior inks can cause adhesion, Проблема флюса и твердости. Все эти проблемы ведут к отрыву сварочного шаблона от платы, окончательная коррозия. разность характеристики изоляции может привести к короткому замыканию из - за случайной электрической непрерывности/дуга.

10. Ошибка определения формы, holes and other mechanical features


Strict tolerance control can improve the dimensional quality of products-improve fit, shape and function

Risk of not doing so:

Problems in the assembly process, Выровнять/fitting (the problem of press-fitting needles will only be discovered when the assembly is completed). Кроме того, due to the increased size deviation, при установке фундамента возникают проблемы.

11. Lianshuo Circuits указывает толщину сварочного фотошаблона, although IPC does not have relevant regulations


Improve the electrical insulation properties, снижение риска срыва или потери сцепления, and strengthen the ability to resist mechanical impact-no matter where the mechanical impact occurs!

Risk of not doing so:

Thin solder mask can cause adhesion, Проблема флюса и твердости. All these problems will cause the solder mask to separate from the circuit board, and eventually lead to corrosion of the copper circuit. Poor insulation properties due to the thin solder mask can cause short circuits due to accidental conduction/дуга.

12. определяет требования к внешнему виду и техническому обслуживанию, although IPC does not define


Careful care and carefulness in the manufacturing process create safety.

Risk of not doing so:

Various scratches, minor injuries, починить схему можно, но не очень хорошо. за исключением вопросов, видимых на поверхности, Какие невидимые риски, влияние на сборку, and the risks in actual use?


13. Sockets with scrap units are not accepted


Not using partial assembly can help customers improve efficiency.

Risk of not doing so:

A defective board requires a special assembly procedure. If it is not clear to mark the scrap unit board (x-out) or not isolate it from the board, it is possible to assemble this known bad board, И это пустая трата времени и времени.

14. PetersSD2955 specifies the brand and model of peelable blue glue


The designation of peelable blue glue can avoid the use of "local" or cheap brands.

Risk of not doing so:

Inferior or cheap peelable glue may foam, melt, в процессе сборки появляется трещина или затвердевание, как бетон., making the peelable glue unable to peel off/не сработать.