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Новости PCB

Новости PCB - Основные электронные элементы в панелях PCBA

Новости PCB

Новости PCB - Основные электронные элементы в панелях PCBA

Основные электронные элементы в панелях PCBA


Basic electronic components in печатная платаA board
At present, the country has higher and higher requirements for environmental protection and greater efforts in link governance. Это как вызов, так и возможность печатная плата завод. если печатная плата factories are determined to solve the problem of environmental pollution, Таким образом, продукция гибких схем FPC может выйти на передний план рынка, and печатная плата завод может получить возможность для дальнейшего развития.
The Internet era has broken the traditional marketing model, максимальное объединение ресурсов через Интернет, which has also accelerated the development speed of FPC flexible circuit boards, Затем с ускорением темпов развития, environmental problems will continue to appear in печатная плата factories. In front of you. Однако, with the development of the Internet, стремительное развитие событий в области охраны окружающей среды и информатизации окружающей среды. Environmental information data centers and green electronic procurement are gradually being applied to the actual production and operation fields.
как основной электронный элемент панель печатная платаA, transistors are widely used in various circuits. по странам, there are different naming standards for transistor models. теперь, there are three main industry standards for naming transistors.


1. Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)
The JIS-C-7012 specification for transistor part numbers starts with "2S". 2SD965, but sometimes the "2S" prefix is not marked on the package. например, 2SD965 may only be marked as "D965"; a 2SC1815 may be listed as "C1815" by the supplier. This series sometimes has a suffix (such as "R", "O", "BL", which stands for "red", "оранжевый", "blue", сорт.) to indicate variants, such as tighter hFE (gain) groupings.

2. European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association (EECA)
The Pro Electron standard is the European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association part numbering scheme, starting with two letters: the first gives the semiconductor type (germanium is A, silicon is B, and gallium arsenide is C). The second letter indicates the intended use (A is a diode, C is a general-purpose transistor, сорт.). Below is a 3-digit serial number (or a letter and then a 2-digit number for industrial types). использовать раннее оборудование, this indicates the type of case. Доступные буквы, such as "C" for high hFE, for example: BC549C or other codes may show gain (for example, BC327-25) or rated voltage (for example, BUK854-800A).

3. Joint Electronic Equipment Engineering Council (JEDEC)
JEDEC EIA370 transistor device numbers usually start with "2N", indicating three-terminal devices (double-gate field effect transistors are four-terminal devices, so start with 3N), Потом два., 3 or 4-digit serial number has no meaning for device properties ( Although early devices with low numbers tended to be germanium). например, 2N3055 is a silicon n-p-n power transistor, 2N1301 - транзистор с германиевым переключателем p - n - p. Letter suffixes (such as "A") are sometimes used to indicate newer variants, but groupings are rarely obtained. за годы, we are proud to maintain a 99% on-time delivery rate. Мы работаем в три смены, чтобы убедиться, что вы печатная плата can appear on your desk as planned and as early as possible. Вы можете выбрать DHL и другие службы доставки, чтобы сбалансировать скорость и бюджет. We only use services from reliable and reputable companies.